General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your BRAGS about recent games or whatever

Post your BRAGS about recent games or whatever in General Discussion

    I lost but I kept arrowing this timber every single time... well close to it, which is why it made it so funny.
    Especially when the arrow hits him in mid chain, it's beautiful.


        lifestealer offlane as last pick.
        slardar says"noob pick".I say"we will see"
        slardar made the mistake of going so tanky that his money was wasted :D.

        Quick maffs

          I feel bad doing this because i usually play against bad players but .... fuck it

          and this one because game was hard as fuck and we still won

          Edit: yo |Fever| Carry Your World i know that you won and shit but your items are kind of bad :P, just dont get those items as first and second items in your next lifestealer game.

          Tento komentář byl upraven


            my first game of phoenix against actual people, with only one offline botgame before it


                @carry your world

                why did you buy a vlads? :O

                i quit

                  ^if nobody else is buying it its still worth buying on any hero given how autoattack reliant his team was


                    thats true, i would have thought that the ET might have bought it seeing as he'd benefit from it more, ah well



                      look at this match. >.>Divine party

                      EDIT:i brought vlads because i was the only one considerate enough and the only one who had the money to buy it.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        what i want to know is how on earth did you even manage to win that?



                          this is why you never, ever let morphling get 6 slotted

                          probably my fattest match ever
                          (wasnt as easy as it may look, the puck on our team was actually the first one to abandon, followed by distruptor. shadow shaman dc'd soon after, but we fought 3vs4 for a good 30mins, at which point puck reconnected, making it 4v4. we then started winning even more, then timber DC'd and we won :D)


                            @knight of end.

                            pure skills. :D
                            pushed top tower mowed down ancient.


                              It is a bit back in the days though


                                kinda owned my offlane like rly owned and i was without boots and ton of gold so i thought... why not relic and go for divine later :D! then got boots and shit started to roll my way :D then i was like... geez i dont even need att speed nor much mov with so much damage so early on so i got another divine and then... well next one xD leap was all i needed haha


                                  "who needs attack speed when i hit for ~1k anyway :D"


                                      eh... I don't like bragging. A great mentality for a dota player to have is "i'm not good enough yet".

                                      Complacency in dota leads to weakness, and the community has no patience or sympathy for a player that blames anyone but themselves.


                                        ^ while it's true we should never let ourselves get cocky, what's wrong with appreciating the few games we get when we absolutely wreck :P

                                        Gotta have some time to enjoy your successes, although what you say still holds true

                                        Miku Fan

                                          My favorite game so far in Dota 2.
                                          I think I carried my team. What do you think?

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            gotta agree with Concede.

                                            however, nothing to brag about, but I really liked playing this game:

                                            our throne had 500 hp left, theirs 1k
                                            too bad our dazzle was bad and missed some crucial graves (I farmed up a divine and we had a final teambattle, Naga and AM were dying, just one fist away, but dazzle missed the grave and we lost)


                                              Yes but those games where you're like, "wow I wouldn't be able to do this consistently/this never happens".

                                              Last game me and meepo wrecking... oddly the only two people who weren't in a stack lol


                                              AA: "do you miss... mirana?"

                                              Of course I ended up missing eventually but still a great game nonetheless.


                                                  involved in 52/53 kills

                                                  shadow shaman op


                                                    <----Fucking pro player here.
                                                    55 minute game,Cancer Lancer has heart,fucking illusions push strat.
                                                    Buy manta as Tinker to counter push= GGWP.


                                                      recent matches: sub 50% winrate on 4.3k mmr
                                                      Captains that pick shitty lineups
                                                      retards who build midas on od on 11 min and losing the lane to easiest stuff ever (in this case potm)
                                                      faggots who are high/drunk and are playing dota
                                                      people picking up heroes they cant play
                                                      vipers who build shadowblade/vanguard
                                                      retards who think auras are op
                                                      vanguard builders after 15 min

                                                      and 8 decent players

                                                      lord gaben, why do i deserve this?

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        @For Muted Russia
                                                        See your winrate I guess those who queue with you are so unlucky.
                                                        Midas is good at OD in some circumstances,
                                                        PotM is one of the best hero(See SingSing play if you don't know why
                                                        Vipers shadowblade/vanguard is good in case you don know.
                                                        Aura is definitely good too.
                                                        Thanks lord you Winrate so low that i probably wont meet you in game.


                                                          "Vipers shadowblade/vanguard is good in case you don know."
                                                          "Midas is good at OD in some circumstances ----> 11 min"

                                                          ok go back to trench bb hf 57% failsmurf
                                                          + I could get a 60% winrate if I tryhard 5 stacked at anypoint but instead i play with friends that have your trash gamesense averaging at 2k mmr

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            50.35% winrate. How to drop so low.. LMAO. I think you need some1 to tell you how to play dota.

                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                i farmed AC and deso still got wreck .. never farm too much from now on


                                                                  Probably personal record for farming and playing AM in general:


                                                                  21 minute Battlefury and Manta.



                                                                    My personal best GPM and XPM in one game


                                                                        These games are what happens when I don't play solo.





                                                                          One of my best game with Mirana, nothing special, but vs 5 stack, so i felt proud when we made it


                                                                            Solo games played with teamwork and I didn't have to support! (FINALLY)

                                                                            Sniper game 22-9-15 with MoM build suggested in another thread:

                                                                            Axe game with 12-2-15 with new blink dagger buff finally got to try it:

                                                                            Semi support alchemist game 6-9-27 Called Support mid first, then a spanish speaking individual decides to go mek anyways...:

                                                                            Pulled that one out of my ass when I had to farm like mad to turn from a support with a mek/pipe to a carry all of a sudden.

                                                                            Miku Fan

                                                                              This game was great
                                                                              The team was feeding early, so I told them "nicely" that they need to stop dying. I think they took it to heart, we came back and won.