General Discussion

General DiscussionLow MMR. WHY?

Low MMR. WHY? in General Discussion

    I have about 600 games under my belt and an MMR of 2059. I am well above a %50 player in solo (that's all I play, no teams). How is it that I read all these posts from people below the %50 mark and their MMR is like 4K of 5K?





        didn't even know ratings could be that low


          Poor guy I'll give you the answer you're looking for.

          You did poorly when you were being ranked and then stuffed you in the 2k bracket. So I think it uses 5 games, so if you lost 4 out of 5 during matching you get stuck in that bracket.

          It's tough I know..... I'm almost past 3k so hopefully by the end of this week I'll be out of jail soon.

          Word of advice though..... to get out:

          Do not do all pick. That low bracket no one picks support and if they do they do not know the basics, stack/pulling easy creep camps, lane harass while your carry gets farm so you will be in games where no one is forced to be ward whore.

          Pick something you excel at, and keep picking it and you will get out of the dumpster.

          Dont get discouraged keep trying.

          GL! :)

          PS getting to 3k is going to take.... 40 wins. You are not going to all of a sudden get 40 wins in a row so don't expect to reach 3k anytime soon.

          Polkadot Piranha

            Your MMR is not based on your win percentage.

            EDIT: Nor is it based on the placement matches. The placement matches will at worst change your MMR by 4-500 MMR.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              ^ Then wtf is it based on


                ^ What he meant to say is your INITIAL MMR is not based on your win percentage. I'm no expert, but as far as I know, it's based on a hidden score you built up previously by your unranked games and your performance in the 10 calibration matches (which are supposed to place you with a bunch of other people in your hidden score range).

                AFTER that, yes, your MMR is based on wins.

                Tento komentář byl upraven


                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    It's based on what I said. It does the same thing as Starcraft 2 when they restart a season. You get put in 5 placement matches, and it ranks you against a bronze (1k poo bracket comparison here) You win that, then you move on to silver (2k poo bracket comparison here), then if you win that, vs. gold (3k semi-poo bracket here) then platinum match (4k weekend warrior) then vs a diamond league person (5k bracket comparison here.)

                    If you win all of those you get placed in the highest bracket, if you win your first two versus 1k,2k then you lose your next 3k match, it bumps you down to vs a 2k team, then if you win that, it places you against a 3k team again....

                    Go to if you want to know and not read it from some random captain caveman online.

                    Polkadot Piranha

                      To further elaborate:

                      Every match has an expected outcome. The expected outcome might be that either team has a 50/50 chance of winning. As far as I can tell, that means a win or a loss will result in a 25 MMR change. If it expects you to lose, your MMR-change will be >25 if you win or <25 if you lose. As mentioned above there's also the issue of your initial MMR. There's a reason why it takes approximately 150 matches before you get an MMR - it's all an attempt to calibrate your rating with the last calibration matches to further place you in the bracket, the system belives you to belong in.


                        Quick question
                        how the hell do you get out of 2k mmr if u play like 3.5k but everyone on your team plays like 1k
                        and the other team is Navi

                        Ples Mercy

                          dude, in 2k bracket you can literally faceroll everyone, doesnt matter how bad ur team is.


                            what blunt said


                              dude, in 2k bracket you have bloodseeker on your team who level 4 bloodrages enemy shadow fiend

                              Ples Mercy

                                139 cs @ 45 min

                                there. ur fault. Learn to farm, learn to draft, learn the game. Stop acting like ur better bcause ur not


                                  158 cs @ 43 min

                                  your not that much better

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    theres the issue. You cannot compare a ganker with a hardcarry. Its the same as if u would complain that a support doesnt have enough cs.

                                    Learn to play, thx.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Blunt i am pretty sure that your mmr not long ago was close to 3,7 k, and you know that a 6 k player would say the same about 4 k mmr right ?

                                      Stop acting like ur better because ur not, you act like you are way superior to this guys and flame then in every post.

                                      To OP and for everyone, every mmr braket its easy for the ones who are better than you, there is always a way to solo win a game even in 4,5 k mmr and etc.

                                      Well blunt that storm game you DID had terrible farm for a storm spirit, that its bullshit about low gpm in gank heroes.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven


                                        If you are better than 2k you would just roll your way up in a 30-40 winstreak to where you "Belong". Since you cannot do that, you belong into potatobracket.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          pick a mid hero, stomp the game, gg
                                          if you cant do it u deserve ur mmr


                                            cus when u have complete vision of someone, u tend to think that they're worse. when u see an enemy suddenly coming out of nowhere to kill u, u're like wtf why are they this good.
                                            If you're not winning most of your games comfortably, then you belong at your mmr. If u keep blaming your teammates and u cant find fault with your own plays, then enjoy staying there forever.


                                              i have like 15 games and already 6150 LOL


                                                Your tips are so useless..
                                                saying"get better" and "dont be so bad" dont help
                                                Like could u name some heroes that I could maybe play to stomp pubs? like Lycan or NP? pls

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  wow you so good wave ..............


                                                    Haha @w' 6k LoL player
                                                    Im fairly certain you arent allowed to play ranked after 15 games

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Mike what they want to say is that you just need to get better at the game, i dont really know how but you could try to do the typical thing like watch streams etc ....

                                                      I am 100 % sure that if you are a 2k mmr player its because you deserve it, i have some friends that know a lot about the game but they have really slow reaction and they dont think quick enough.

                                                      Maybe that its your case i dont know....


                                                        @Dorkly do you recommend me just playing Meepo until like 3.5k mmr or wat


                                                          That is Wave's alt account. He used bots to get to level 13 quickly, and then played tinker for configuration (probably for high cs, lots of ports, lots of damage etc). He is just chiming in to troll and try to get attention.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Look, if you play meepo until 3,5k mmr, and you stop playing meepo when you get there, you will be back to 2k believe me.

                                                            I mean i could even believe that you are REALLY unlucky and somehow you are trapped in 2k, but your kda ( i know people really hate to speak about kda but cmon in some heroes its just too obvious what your kda should be ) its really low, that probably means that you die a lot and you dont kill enough, that its basically how to stomp when playing a snowball hero, kill dont get killed.

                                                            you probably die too much


                                                            you never should die this much with this kind of heroes

                                                            I am not trying to flame you, i am really not, i am just saying the true, you have a lot to improve and if you cant see this things then its a problem, because if you dont accept that you are bad you are never going to get better.

                                                            Edit: BTW dont think 3,5 k mmr is much better, retards are everywhere, you know the kind of guy that picks sniper when we have a spectre and a furion on the same team, sigh .....

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              @Dorkly thanks man
                                                              most helpful thing ive heard in a while

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Sometimes you really need to defend a tower, but your team just doesnt want to, dont try to defend it alone because you are going to die and your enemies are going to get the tower.

                                                                Sometimes you really need to gank some enemy heroes, if you cant solo kill him and your allies are not going to help you dont even try to do it, at least that how it works with some heroes like storm and viper.

                                                                Plus gold its a important part of dota, dying too much makes you poor like a bitch.

                                                                BUT if you can trust your team and you can win a fight sacrificing yourself do it.

                                                                If your team IS going to defend a tower or to fight with you then go ahead and help them.

                                                                Again i am not telling you to play like a pussy ( sampson would kil me ) but you need to know when to go and when to just farm a bit.

                                                                Another thing is to know the best build for every game in every hero, for example vanguard on viper is REALLY bad, dont just dont, and dont get shadow blade, just get tank items like mek aghs heart bfly etc ....

                                                                This kind of thing are basic stuff.

                                                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                  Try playing alchemist mid. Even at higher mmrs scrubs don't know how to deal with it.

                                                                  Skill build: q w q w w r w q q then max e and level ult when possible.

                                                                  Item: I start with 3 gg branches and normally get a team mate to give me a tango. The -armor on creeps from q makes last hitting easy from lvl1. Buy a bottle and if you hav none buy runes. Depending in how your farm goes buy phase/treads before blink but if you don't think you can get blink before 12-13 with boots then don't finish them get straight blink.

                                                                  Learn to time the stun, predict whether opponents are going to move forward or back up. Identify the target you need to kill ASAP for your team to win a fight overall and proceed to fuck him up. Try and get acid spray down before the stun lands- the stun is physical damage and the acid spray reduces armor meaning it does more damage. If your team is doing alright in lane and doesn't request ganks ten just keep a to scroll incase they dive.

                                                                  Due to Alchs huge regen with level 1 ult now it makes him quite a good early game tank vs physical dps so learn when you can and can't dive.

                                                                  After blink transition to either a heavens halberd (if they hae a high dps dealer that is shitting you down, or Ac of you are doing well, however I find HH before AC works a treat. (More HP and evasion to tank even more) keeps you momentarily safe in fights. Armlet also works well however I personally don't go for it as much. But blink is in my opinion a 100% must have item on alch now

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    не пизда Gaming


                                                                      The easiest way to get better is to optimise your skill and item build if you can't refine your mechanical skills or general game sense (e.g. last hitting, knowing when to run or when to turn, getting kills at low HP, etc). It's far easier to put points into a skill or buy an item than it is to get better at last hitting for example.

                                                                      When you see pros doing well despite their skill and/or item build it's because it's the other way around, their mechanical skills and game sense are so good that it makes up for their less than optimal skill or item build.

                                                                      If you don't know how to, learn them, do some theorycrafting and look up several guides. If several guides are saying the same thing, they might have some truth to it.

                                                                      e.g. If you suck at last hitting with Storm Spirit and you're not snowballing e.g. killing your lane opponent a few times, don't get Bloodstone. Go Orchid Malevolence, because Orchid will actually help you get kills on even footing, whereas Bloodstone requires that you have a lead because it doesn't "do" anything to make kills more successful besides 10 damage.

                                                                      Your Storm Spirit skillbuild is pretty much terrible. If you're telling us that you're bad at the game, then the most reliable way to play Storm should be the best for you, and that's 1-3-1-1 by level 6 (1 point in Q, 3 in W, 1 in E, and 1 in R) because a level 3 Vortex will guarantee that the opponent is pulled into Remnant. A level 4 remnant is as useless as a level 1 remnant if it doesn't explode.

                                                                      Afterwards, you want to put points into Overload, not Remnant because Overload increases your damage for free, while Remnant costs extra mana. For 1-3-4-1.

                                                                      Don't build Vanguard on ranged heroes, Mekansm is superior and in some cases, superior even if you don't use the heal, the armour alone can be more effective than Vanguard's HP and damage block. Plus the obvious bonus that it heals your team.

                                                                      These simple tips will improve your gameplay with no skill involved.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        You're 22-17 in your last 2 pages of ranked games. That's going to rank you up pretty slowly, like 100 pts a week, so 6 months from now you'll be in the mid 3s if you deserve it. My suggestion would be keep playing DP, pudge and sniper. All heroes who can roll mid in that bracket and you have ok win rates with them.


                                                                          A 3.5k player should be able to dominate 2k mmr players with ease. If you deserve your rating, you will slowly but surely climb up. But if you're only good motorically and you dont understand game on higher lvl, then you'll stay where you are. Its not just enough to win your lane - if you have advantage, keep fighting and snowball. If you keep playing passive its a good chance you will lose in the end, although you did good early.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            system doesnt make any sense, i had 62% winrate on one account and still got 4800 mmr only.

                                                                            then u see other guys with 50% winrate having 6k mmr like monkeys

                                                                            Miku Plays


                                                                              too short


                                                                                depends on the level of ur team i am assuming...


                                                                                  The starting/default MMR is 3000 for unranked mode. This is what it always has been, back when Dota 2 beta just came out and you could get your (unranked) MMR from the console.

                                                                                  Unranked MMR made no distinction between solo and party MMR. This is why some "professional" streamers who had 70%+ winrates in unranked MM are now on big losing streaks in solo ranked MM -- their unranked MM was mostly skewed by 5-stack wins. Unranked MM now has a separate hidden solo/party rating, but only with the (recent) introduction of ranked MM.

                                                                                  The change from the starting unranked MMR to calibrated MMR can be as high as +/- 700. Your win/loss ratio during calibration is also not as relevant to your percentile performance with a hero in KDA/GPM, stun/slow duration, hero damage dealt and damage taken.

                                                                                  Calibration takes your unranked MMR as a starting point in most cases. Some people don't have an unranked MMR at level >13, because they only play bot games or TMM -- the starting point is 3000 for them -- and why there is a calibration system in the first place.

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    My starting point was 3000 (
                                                                                    In the end I got 5950, which is 300-400 (I don't remember) higher than what I have on my main account.

                                                                                    MMR is accurate, calibration and rating doesn't care about x amount of games or winrate.
                                                                                    Stay mad, suck at this game and cry.


                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      Yeah but why did you achieve over 6k MMR after 10 Tinker games with 50% winrate and 4.15 KDA? I can do this and I'm not even a 5k player.


                                                                                        no idea, i'm not a tinker player and i was just doing it for lulz

                                                                                        why don't you try by getting lvl 13 in tmm or co-op and see what you get? remember to play in us east or europe west where all the 5k+ players are at.
                                                                                        if you want to try it, i can get you one, you could do w/e you want with the account after you're done with it, i'm actually interested in what experienced tinker players can get.

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          it's not really KDA sano i read somewhere they take into accounts Hero Damage, stuns used, this kind of shit...and tinker prolly has highest avg hero dmg


                                                                                            KDA is important, but TD/HD and CS is more important

                                                                                            i was drunk as fuck and i fed like amotherfucker in these two matches

                                                                                            i think the rating in those matches were 4000-4500 and my last 4 matches were 5.5k+ rated


                                                                                              maybe I can try it out sometime, just to check the MMR mechanics.


                                                                                                wins/losses doesn't actually matter during calibration, some of my good friends got 6200, 5800, 6100 and they also have 5.5k rating on their main accounts.

                                                                                                if you give a lvl 13 account to some 4k player, he'll most likely get 4k after calibration on it. (in sano's case, it's different since he's stuck in SA etc)
                                                                                                anyway 6k is a terrible experience or maybe its me searching at wrong timezones (europe morning), i had a PL in my team who had less farm than me as TA at 60 minutes, i think valve puts me with 4k players while opposite team is around 5.5k or something, there is a huge gap between both teams when a 6k player is in the match for sure

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  wave already stated in another thread on dev forums or reddit that he used tinker for specific reasons. Most likely for potential to have very high last hits, tower damage, and hero damage.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!