General Discussion

General Discussion[Proposal] Competition for SEA-based players

[Proposal] Competition for SEA-based players in General Discussion

    I'm thinking of hosting an online tournament, mainly for those in SEA. There will be no entry fee, and prizes will be in terms of random rares from my inventory. Would you people be interested?

    Just wanna get some feedback from you guys, if there's enough demand I'll try make this happen.


      i think u will find it hard to get a bunch of people organised to play for random rares =/ they can get random rares by just playing solo pub games and on avergae 6-10 rares = 1 key and 1 key = 2.50 sooooooo ur really not offering much interms of desire


        Dizzy said it, wise words.


          Sorry :( im just honest


            Keys maybe, but rares nopeee.


              Eh, I would be willing to play even if there wasn't a prize pool haha. It'd be fun! Good opportunity to test new teams, lineups. Depends on the level of play you're hoping to attract I guess? No way a semi-pro or pro team will join, but it would be quite popular with others, I think


                @Dizzy It's just something I'm hoping to throw together, I don't really have extra moolah to dish out.

                @banana No, definitely an amateur tournament. Just thought it'd be a fun change from regular pubbing.


                  yep banana said it. I remember there was an experiment where kindergarten kids who were rewarded with stars for drawing stopped drawing for fun. They associated drawing with work because they were rewarded for doing it, which made them recognise drawing as something they shouldnt enjoy. So imho, it might be better if you just go ahead and organise the tournament without the actual prizes.

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                    @我是不哭鱼 Interesting, I'll look that one up.

                    Looking for a bit more feedback before I decide on what to do.


                      this reminds me of the fail that was the playdota league.


                        @#Yolo Right? Ouch, but okay.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!