General Discussion

General DiscussionI Really Cant Carry anymore

I Really Cant Carry anymore in General Discussion

    Since i've focused Playing invoker , i cant carry my team most of the time.. thats a huge problem cause i used to be a trusted carry back on the dota 1 days. i want a Comeback..
    Lost again full slot.... and i Lost it. im Mad about me rly. Any tips? ( Dont tell me to stop playing Invoker, i will play him but not instalock from now on )

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      XPM, GPM for both teams mostly the same. Looks like your teammates performed quite well too.

      Seems like it was a matter of decision making late-game. Difficult to go high against your opponents, easy to get split-pushed. Your team would need to smoke gank a few and push up, a level of coordination which doesn't come by easily in pubs. Don't sweat it.



        Man im sure its my fault.. i mean it cant be...! i lose every game i try to carry! same thing happened a few days ago... Look..


          They had Zeus and 3 heroes great at pickoffs and extending a lead, stats-wise you seem to have did as much as you can, I wouldn't blame myself so much if I were you...


            it seems that there's nothing ultimately wrong with your ability to carry, it just seems that your team as a whole dont seem to be applying enough pressure to the other team, therefore you lose towers, therefore you end up in downward spiral towards losing game


              I Just do many mistakes at start as a carry ( i dont usually farm all game and let my team suffer) but i really cant explain this situation..
              thanks for reply btw


                @Mr. Knightside
                My team dont trust me Playing carry anymore ^^

                Quick maffs

                  Uff i dont know man, i think you did quite well, in some situations it doesnt really matter how much farm you have.

                  Maybe you needed a bkb ? I mean tinker with vyse is a bitch ...

                  Maybe refresher ? I do believe its legit on void in some situations, i dont really like battlefury but i guess you needed to clean illusions.

                  Whateverrrr man its just a game, if it helps you


                    @GOT COMPLEX, it seems to me like you are doing fine, but in the two games you have showed us, you have had atleast one person who under-preformed, and that is all it takes to lose.



                      yeah bf was for the illus.. bkb was a must but i thought i will grab both disables in chrono and kill them..
                      i will check the game u posted me and thanks for reply



                        the thing is enemy team was worse than us... at least on Void game....


                          K I downloaded replay and I've mainly been focusing on watching you and your lane. Please don't be upset if anything I say is wrong because I'm not a very good player myself.

                          - Your CS was not very good in the beginning but I think that's completely reasonable since you were against Timber (and sometimes Tinker)
                          - Tiny doesn't really know how to support IMO, he never pulled big camp, which could have stopped your creeps from going to enemy tower as often. I understand Tiny might not have wanted to leave you alone against a Timber but he's not doing anything remotely useful anyways, so might as well find something else to do, and you have a running away skill anyways.
                          - Still no chick upgrade at 9 mins =P (Probably not the biggest problem for you but could have helped mid)
                          - I feel like you could have traded a few hits to get CS as long as you position yourself away from being in between Timber and trees (which Tiny did and died) (Since Tinker was shown mid)
                          - Your reaction was slow at 9:40, you saw Tiny toss Timber back and you still Timewalk forward instead of landing an instant ult.
                          - I THINK you and Tiny were trying to push top when Timber went home and you were probably trying to kill creeps ASAP to walk in range of tower... That said, you can still time your last hits to push fast/CS at once.
                          - Damn your chronos (can't completely fault you) really aren't the best LOL
                          - Personally I might have gotten Mask of Madness over Bfury due to the early game poor farm. Would have allowed to get solo kills on some of them assuming you catch them with chrono. Plus it lets you regen HP back from farming after fights etc. Bfury makes farming better but it seems to me you're unable to kill a few times because you hit so slow and since you like to join teamfights, it might be considered a downside.
                          - I know it's VERY minor, but with Bfury, I like to spread the hits on neutrals so they all fall around the same time (Golem, ogre spawns etc).
                          - K at 25:50, you had a choice of the small neuts or the lane creeps, which was at the same position on the map pretty much and you went for the neutrals.
                          - Damn can't blame you completely but the chrono at 35:00 pretty much killed your teammate Weaver since you trapped him and Timber ult LOL and quite possibly Pudge would have died too if Timber yolo'ed to other direction when he was freed.
                          - I feel like you put way too much emphasis on killing Timber (justified since he was pretty farmed) but that mentality seemed to have made you chrono your teammates more often than not in bad positions. Not game-wrecking since opponents didn't take advantage but could have been more positive.
                          - Not done watching the game, but you got a one-man chrono on Mirana in a T2 push, and got hexed for the duration of your ult lol.
                          - Not getting a BKB/Linkens really hurt since your chronos always left the stunner out LOL (game-changing imo)
                          - At around 45:00, you were jungling at your own side when your team pushed with 4 (and got two kills?). Should have been there or been Roshing. Instead you were there a little too late and just stood there for a bit until they respawned lol.
                          - Hate to say it, but you lost because you had no BKB.
                          - Yeh, two fights in a row, you died because you had no BKB.

                          Then again, I wouldn't say the game was EVER yours and your team threw because you guys never had a clear advantage, maybe some missed opportunities.
                          I think you're a pretty good player overall, you farmed fairly okay(good tps etc), but I would attribute your loss to three problems (from what I see). Seemingly unwilling to take any hits in exchange for CS even at an early level when you have a 2 v 1 situation. (Timber's not going to kill a str hero until a later level I believe). Could work on better chronos. NO BKB bro


                            Carry is about game sense and maximizing farm
                            As an invoker you should have good game sense
                            as for the farm always carry a tp to swap lanes, jungle when unsafe, stack ancients/ask for stacks and if you get first blood get a midas


                              for some reason my invoker is suckin in dota 2 pretty hard compared to dota 1... then again i havent played him at all since i joined dota 2 :C


                                really thanks for ur time spent:)
                                yeah its my 4th carry game in 1 year now ( i practice invo )... im stressed a lot when play carry now and i do mistakes and yeah i admited bkb was a must...
                                really thanks for that Review of my game!



                                  indeed i got full map awareness and tp positioning
                                  but i need to find my old dota 1 self :D


                                    @Craven Moorhead

                                    Practice man! Practice! im sure u will be fine in dota 2 too!

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!