General Discussion

General Discussionany good naga player here

any good naga player here in General Discussion

    can some1 watch it and tell me what made me lose this game? pretty sure i could've won even with teammates feeding

    ps; i suck with naga prolly my 3rd game or sth with here

    Woof Woof

      you went 2 tanky son

      i left her

        Um i like the support naga meta but meracle does rat dota naga.

        Woof Woof

          and manta against kunka+that fagot spirit probably didnt do much


            I do not play naga but I think you made the right dmg item choices since your team lineup was not designed to have a better late game than the opposite team and lasted past 50 min. That life stealer had way less items than you and was your ace in the hole for late game but didn't produce.

            I'd say you would of had to shut them down 30 min in the game and at least rax to put the pressure on them. You had you as the heavy heavy carry, then ogre/vs and zeus as nuker/supports with support gear then your gimped out naix that should of had at least an AC by 50 minutes holy crap.

            IDK I wouldn't of done anything differently except maybe "maybe" grabbed a necro lvl 3 book if you were pushing earlier to acheive the rat rax. You did the right thing I think.


              Atum - this guy

              Also watch very informative guide.

              Defo a +1 naga player, I would offer advice but I play a hard support naga which is not always peoples favorite.


                @god among peasants
                ya he got too fed i should have ended early, quite difficult to say that to my team when im muted D:

                i dont understand either how naix had so little farm even though he hindered my early game by jungling

                ty ill check it out

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