General Discussion

General DiscussionWith which kind of players you are losing the most?

With which kind of players you are losing the most? in General Discussion

    I feel like most of my losing games I had rubick or wr pickers. in 95% of times windrangers can`t shakle and Rubicks 95% of time total useless just doing nothing. I really in 95% scenario when I have Rubick or Windranger in team feel like I m playing 4v5. What`s your opinions?With which kind of players and heroes you are losing the most?


      Rubiks,invokers that play with no brain,and pudge


        am in my games is 100% lost game, rubick too cause they suck with it

        Hex Sigma

          am or actually any other hard carry(ganking and suiciding hard carry new meta)
          and russian pudge players


            Pudge, sniper, rubik, wr, centaur, lesh, earthshaker, EARTH SPIRIT.
            Void, antimage, alchemist, puck, meepo, duza... this last heros are because im on 3k mmr and the ppl dont know how to play.


              I suck with rubik too.


                Sniper, Shadow Fiend, Q/E Invoker.


                  I can't remember the last time I won with a Pudge in my team, AM as well.


                    Pudge + any person who last picks a hero that makes no sense in the team comp (happens way to often).


                      Pudge, AM, IO, Visage, (solo queue invoker).

                      Seems if I get a CM on my team the loss is always there..... if it's on the opposite team then I get my ass handed to me. I like CM but I haven't seen anyone play it well on my team in a VERY long time.


                        I agree about WR pickers. In 90%+ of games they have zero impact. On lane they do nothing except leeching xp, then later farm damage items and do nothing with them because they get nuked and need to run.

                        About rubicks it's kinda' rare in my games because usually I block one "support slot" with my pick.


                          I usually lose with jungle axe, that shit never leaves the woods in time... One of my friends plays jungle axe sometimes and he rapes with it, but he starts ganking on lvl2 so thats not rly jungle.


                            Instapick invokers, morphling, rubick(most of the time hes just a feeder with no impact on the game), WR(specially mid), SF. Tusk in my team is like a free loss and -25 mmr.


                              AM and Timber. When I play against them they wreck me, but when they play on my team they suck.


                                morplhing 90% of time complete useless shit


                                  Kidades from?



                                    Anthem Blue Cross

                                      I can't win if I have a Broodmother on my team


                                        People who can speak english but suck at doing so

                                        I like non-english players to replace them


                                          I always lose when I get matched with pinoys

                                          Win when I'm with Singaporeans/Chinese

                                          SEA server


                                            peruvians russians filipinos french brazillian

                                            pretty much guaranteed loss


                                              tb pickers, sniper pickers, axe junglers

                                              dont know how everyone sucks with tb, hes easy as shit
                                              same with sniper, my grandma has better map awareness than 90% of the sniper players i play with. its like they dont have a minimap

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                i always win with pudges and invokers on my team >.< there like my most successful partners


                                                  TB easy to shutdown just sufficate him :D


                                                    Sniper, Rubick, Meepo.


                                                      slark, am, pudge, morphling, BROODMOTHER (pls delete this hero...i got 5games low prio cus i insta ragequit when my teammate picks this shit)

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        people who random and people who have <49% winrate

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          I lose when i vs pro players and theres like some vietnamese who are 5k but cant play for nuts.


                                                            if ur insta quitting because of heroes or giving up automatically due to picks then that says a lot about ur character and knowledge base


                                                              Pudgaaaa, Invokeruuuu, AM, Morphlinguuu, Voideruuu, Kkaaaa, Shadow Feederuuu, Slarkeruuu, Medusa and 100 more heroes, tbh

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Bad middles, usually invoker or pudge, also those who pick terrible heroes last llike nature's prophet to jungle when we have no viable off lane and 3 other carries or they pick like anti mage to offlane with meepo cus we already have a hard carry safe lane or some weird shit that never works.


                                                                  WR, Sniper and AM are WAY above any other hero in terms of sure loss in my games. Played few games with Bogi today, the only games we lost it was either due to noob AM who didnt know how to farm and needed babysit for half game or completely useless sniper and WR, who fed their lanes like crazy and had almost no impact on the game.

                                                                  Dont know why people are so stupid and pick these kind of heroes when it's more then clear, they cant play them at all or team cant sustain them.


                                                                    Mmm, though when everyone is quick to flame the person for choosing a hero deemed "risky/bad/pudge", it doesn't do well for the person. Can't stress how many times I've made people completely silent after trash talking about those picks, it's a beautiful sight.


                                                                      Junglers and hard carries. Very rarely do I see people that play these come out successful on my team :\


                                                                        Actually, most of the time the WR is one of the few competent players on my team.
                                                                        As for heroes I tend to lose with a lot, well, not actually that many, because most of the time people pick different heroes. I guess I'm lucky, I've only gotten a last-pick pudge two times I think, and we won because stacking is good :P

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Random picks are usually bad too. Someone can random an amazing support like shadow demon and not know how to play him. If you random CM it's gg, anyone can play her, but anything a little more complex spells trouble.

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!