General Discussion

General Discussionplease rate "stuff" by volvo

please rate "stuff" by volvo in General Discussion

    why the fuck do they have to, and i mean, HAVE TO, fucking shove it in your face every god damn time after the game.
    enjoyment coop behavior and i dont know fucking what else. does it serves a purpose? any, what so ever?

    except, you know, pissing you off more than vermilion chests.


      if it pisses u off, piss them off by marking the complete oppositte of the truth


        is it really that big of a deal ?? just one click to get it off


          its like asking, does it annoys you when you get adds pop up, you just need to click x to close it.


            Not's just one second of my life that I would have spent wasting it playing more Dota anyway.


              if ur rating is 4.5k-5k and you give it one star, you'll get to play with 6k big boys like me


                ^which are as bad or even worst ?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  can you shut the fuck up with your rating, you're a smurf who lost half of their games.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    i guess u talk to the guy above me.
                    i invite you to add a ^ under the first ^.
                    so it does a

                    also its pretty cute

                    also u can call him wave/kami/god-sama

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      ^yeah edited


                        Wait, thats wave? I thought wave died


                          you see a smurf abusing bots+playing vs himself 6k+ bragging about it everytime he can even if there is no legit context and u dont make the connections ? /D

                          +if u zoom on the eye of his avatar u will see ponys doing uncatholic things to each other. which is an obvious clue

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            I don't pay much attention to abusers, it's all they really want from us.


                              yes what an abuse getting level 13 in TMM, totally gives rating in TMM LOL can you stop adding me please

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                "can you stop adding me please "

                                u like to turn situations upsidedown dont you :)


                                  whos adding you...


                                    yggdrails adding me, i bet you wasted 10 hours of your life getting to level 13 and you got the same shitty 4k rating as your main account you pitiful scrub.

                                    wow... literally A++ player material


                                      idk he used to beg me to accept his friend requests so i guess he trying to tell the world that i am the one who's trying to add him or something


                                        xDD yea so what i said up above was a shot in the dark but its actually true, im so swag ;3

                                        yy i will stop adding you now sorry for disrupting, but u have to understand im ur biggest fan so its hard for me to not at least try to add you ;( i hope one day u'll accept me tho <3

                                        not sure its wave anymore tho, this one looks rly damaged :< ill have to ask around

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          yeah ok just stop adding me now and stop spamming my profile with 500+ messages LOL


                                            maybe one day we can be together but ur a brony, i dont want to be affiliated with the lowest scums of this world sry


                                              did this kid really just call me a smurf with 6k rating and more than half of my games are lost? i mean education is a taboo in USA but cmon let's not be fucking stupid now LOL


                                                ;DD i mean u gotta stop those things, cuz at some point we will start to think that u actually believe what ur saying ;)

                                                i rly hope its just cuz u wanna have an image on that forum that ur doing this, else ur rly fucked ;<
                                                mythomanie is a real disease bro


                                                  no i dont want to take your spotlight LOL


                                                    how comes ur 6k and yet u play vs random scrubs in ur ranked games? i dont see anyone with 5+ in ur games? how comes ? :))
                                                    i mean if u want me to go all sherlock holmes i will, i have nuthing to do atm, but it'll ruin ur reputation on db ://
                                                    and i know this forum is ur only purpose in life so dont act like u wont care and just apologize to me .

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      i added a few players during calibration and they were like 5.5k and stuff.

                                                      probably peruvians who got to 5k+ in south america and they play in us east or something, no idea tbh but they spoke fluent english and shit so they are probably just average pubstars


                                                        wut? thats not apologizes

                                                        tell the world the truth which is ur a loser that will do w/e necessary to get attention
                                                        and i wont reveal what ur doing and crush ur entire 'world'

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          "can you shut the fuck up with your rating, you're a smurf who lost half of their games."
                                                          I honestly dont see where the word "more" is in here, but i dont think theres a point in arguing with some 12 year old who bought his account or abused his way to 1k rating... ygg we should just let the thread die

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                            Bots is love, bots is life.


                                                              wow i bought this account and abused my way to 1k rating

                                                              literally wow


                                                                guys pls stay out of this


                                                                  dude are u wave or not :( cuz i dont wanna waste my time for a rdm

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    i mean literally wow im completely speechless at how people can lie and be envious this badly

                                                                    SHOCKED IRL


                                                                      nova remember when you got banned for that pony spam you did and you were crying LOL

                                                                      oh my god plz


                                                                        what are you talking about? and to who ?


                                                                          ahhaaha i cried so hard rite :)


                                                                            well i wont lie i had some tears fallin but it was mostly cuz of the laughs




                                                                                ur so boring dude, i wasted 10min of my life


                                                                                  nvm dont wanna show 6.2k u guys are not worthy to see it

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    your turn

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      "nvm dont wanna show 6.2k u guys are not worthy to see it"

                                                                                      can a mod plz ban this 12 year old


                                                                                        wow 3.9k u are not worth my time



                                                                                          i just saw pudge as your most successful hero too

                                                                                          definitely not worth my time LOL

                                                                                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                                            That's a cute 12 year old.


                                                                                              i guess ur thing is to play in those korean/chinese/x languages with ur mates/bots

                                                                                              that would explain why there is only scrubs in ur 6k games) but if it makes u feel good inside let it be, idc at all.
                                                                                              all i want is you to stop posting bullshit here, u wont find worship or w/e u seek here since most of the ppl on that forum knows u ~


                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                the sad part is ur actually serious when you said i play with bots/mates when i play with random people in all of my games



                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    so you ppl hijack my thread with your pirate butt sex. gtfo


                                                                                                      On OP, we've learned a tremendous amount with those surveys no one would have imagined. For example: People who win tend to enjoy more their matches. People with bad team coordination tend to lose. Who would have guessed!?


                                                                                                        hail wave