General Discussion

General DiscussionTO 5k mmr people

TO 5k mmr people in General Discussion

    When in game right, do you guys focus all of the fucking time?


      No. I chill and have fun :D


        Well I'm taking a break until summer starts, a 6 month one to be exact and i really want to start improving on this game in all aspects, does this mean i have to start going full fag mode, focus all game which is probably going to drain you out


          something doesnt make sense. summer don't start in sea. it's always summer in sea


            Hahha well I go to an international school, summer holidays* my bad :P


              No. Practice, click faster, more accurately. Ingrain it till it become second nature. You don't need to focus for that.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Rage at your teammates, be selfish and never trust anyone. - 5k motto


                  Not 5K even but look at the following.

                  Lost the game with a group of friends...3 of them are sub 3k so like 27-2800 but they are amigos so I agreed to game. Me and Guiri are sitting both at 42-4300 and you can tell the difference.

                  Last hits, Denies, Deaths, Positioning, Kills, Game Presence, and item choices. The difference in skill brackets and between 1500MMR difference is the attention to detail which can make a huge difference in a game. What is second nature to higher brackets is "wow" to people in lower brackets.

                  This is the same reason smurf accounts struggle due to inflated MMR while still playing at sub 5K level.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    bump, thanks for the tips guys really appreciate it :D


                      dont play if you dont want to lose.


                        @flop I think you're on the wrong thread


                          you can't win without focusing unless your enemies are even more retarded


                            Focus like how? O.o , there's no way you gonna play a game without paying attention to what you're doing. But if you mean by inputting extra APM and checking minimap extensively then no, it most likely would not help your gameplay by focusing unnecessarily.


                              It's all about adjusting music for your mood, improves your game awareness.

                              Be careful, titans are gonna get you!


                                "The way to improve is to really try hard" - EE


                                  Thats the tip, dont play mmr if you dont want to lose. Many people tend to give up after stomped in his lane, outplayed etc, yet they forget that the throne is still standing.


                                    They don't necessarily "focus" all the time, but what they have to do and when they have to do it has become memorized and ingrained, and thus they don't have to think hard about what to do.

                                    3k players will hesitate or pause all the time. "where can i find farm, should i farm neutrals, should i run or should i engage"

                                    5k players just do it immediately, with or without thought.


                                      my question is why you arent focused all game in the first place...


                                        Focused all the time? Hah, as fucking if.
                                        I still have brain farts every second game. Like im mid last hitting creeps and then for no reason 'zoom in' one dot on the screen while everything else becomes blur and think about something else. And play like that for few seconds until i recall im in the game and zoom back.

                                        Like today im running away red from enemy heroes, and im taking a detour going to aba to heal/shield me, then i realize its enemy abaddon. So yeah, focus my ass.


                                          sounds like a serious medical issue....


                                            I'm not even 5k MMR and my skill fluctuates heavily. Some games I play perfectly, some games… well, basically, don't play when you lack sleep. On weekdays my MMR drops and on weekends I win it back up.

                                            But since I'm not 3.4k I guess it doesn't really matter. Does Chinese region matter though? Heheh


                                              i have my hand on my dick when im playing idk why


                                                there is 4 kind of 5k+ mmr players
                                                1. those who tryhard as fuck to win
                                                2. those who dont give a fuck (me)
                                                3. infilated mmr fags who can't play for shit or ruiners who ruin on purpose
                                                4. those who just play along and get their game ruined by (3.) players


                                                  consult xan for how to play storm vs dk mid while missing 6 out of 8 free/uncontested last hits in lane for first 2 waves, then tell me that 5k players "focus on the gameplay"


                                                    I have 4k mmr and When I focused I went on a 10 Winstreak
                                                    When I didn't I lost allooot more

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