General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the fucking point of ranked?

What's the fucking point of ranked? in General Discussion

    Legit question.

    Whats the point in a number noone else can check? People lie their real rating all the bloody time. The quality of games have not improved because your rank is pretty much HIDDEN. Not many people bother about a number ONLY THEY CAN SEE. You can't even flaunt it because 99% of the time people don't believe you.

    Volvo just pretty much shut everyone up who was going on about ranked by giving them 'Ranked Games' that were just normal games except you're entitled to a number only you can see.

    Like, what?


      You can show off your rating at And you'll be able to see other's rating at the end of the match soon.


        are you not up to date or what? even when the number is kept private I think it is still very useful as a guage of how well you perform. the purpose of mmr was never for flaunting.


          @Pi, thanks.

          @Chinese, What? The point of Ranked is to make people give a damn about winning. Who the fuck plays to gauge how well they perform? Any DECENT player knows where he stands.

          King of Low Prio

            If you are in their match they are similar MM, if you are too stupid to realize this I dont know what else to say. Now if you are in a party add up all your MM and then divide it by the number of players and you will get the MM range of the match. Am I the only one who passed grade 3 math?

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Thing is, I matched up against a friend before. In solo queue. I asked him if he was solo queue as well. He was.

              My MMR: 4.1k

              His MMR: 5.3k

              Thank you Sampson, I think I failed grade 3 math.

              Anyway back to real discussion, I wish Dota had a similar ranking system to LoL. I am dota player down to the bone but the rank system there is a lot better. The presence of divisions and the fact you can flaunt them to EVERYONE, not just those you matched with, causes people to actually try to win.


                "Not many people bother about a number ONLY THEY CAN SEE. "

                no? just check topics on this forum :D


                  Not to mention you completely MISSED THE FUCKING POINT OF THE THREAD.

                  If you don't realize how, then you need to somehow learn common sense. I don't think theres a school for that.

                  King of Low Prio

                    give me his profile and tell him to add me to check and give me your profile and add me to check.

                    Do not try and lie and bullshit your way to prove a point I want to see this or else this thread is now about puppies


                    King of Low Prio

                      for someone who wants a public ladder privacy should not be a issue RIGHT? :)


                        So basically you want me to go out of my way and add you along with my friend, to serve as evidence as my point which I used against your evidenceless point?

                        I also how you ignored my post after. Ranked Games are generally to create competitive games by providing a ladder system so a player has motivation to play better. In exchange, he's given his 'Rank' which is for him or her to show.

                        "Volvo just pretty much shut everyone up who was going on about ranked by giving them 'Ranked Games' that were just normal games except you're entitled to a number only you can see."

                        Volvo didn't make Ranked. Volvo just gave you a number that goes up or down by an average of 25 whenever you win or lose.

                        King of Low Prio


                          caught in a lie trying to deflect hahaha soooo adorable (the puppies not you :D )


                            Like I said, why do I have to prove what I said to you?

                            And lol plz ignore my posts cuz u kant answer

                            much awesome

                            such stupid

                            King of Low Prio

                              I played a match with you and you went 0-42 playing ES prenerf #fact

                              evidence is overrated



                                I guess the permanent whining on dev made them take a decision to please the crowd and give them "a number to work on and (suposedly) track progress". However anything implemented has pros and cons. I feel like they kinda knew how hard it is to give a number to each player (maybe thats why they took so long to implement a rating)

                                There will be always unsatisfied clients and ready to post about it. They probably just chek overall dota 2 revenue, if income is steady (they dont give a shit= buisness is rolling). If income is dropping, they jump into dev/reddit and whatnot cheking wtf is making the players leave. Then, with an excellent team of "buisness men" they create new ways to "enjoy" the game(=creating value over nothing aka virtual goods and other "bonuses").

                                Personally to me, any rating outside the 5 man party implies too much variables to detect a real individual skill.


                                  "Who the fuck plays to gauge how well they perform? Any DECENT player knows where he stands."

                                  If this needs explaining you are dumb as fuck. people who stomp a game would think that they are as good as dendi, when it is really their opponents who are weak, simple as that.

                                  Besides, don't you know that they are now revealing the mmrs at the end of the game?

                                  Lastly you can simply copy and paste my name. calling me chinese is downright rude.



                                    So that you can see an aggregate approximation of your teammate's skill level in relation to yours. So that you know roughly where you stand with regards to known players.

                                    Of course, dumb fucks who misunderstand what it represents will go on about their e-peen and how others are at fault for losing the game for them. Skill is merely one component of MMR. Many other things are factored in.

                                    "What? The point of Ranked is to make people give a damn about winning. Who the fuck plays to gauge how well they perform? Any DECENT player knows where he stands."

                                    So tell me about how people didn't give a damn about winning before. Those who didn't play to win still won't play to win. Those who played to win will continue to play to win. MOST people are blessed with the lack of ability to gauge where they stand. They tend to overestimate themselves severely, and the rating serves to give them a harsh reality check.


                                    The variables cancel out on average over a large amount of games, leaving a decent approximation of skill after a significant number of games played. Ultimately players who improve will see their rating increase over time and those who don't will be unable to.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      How the hell do you expect to have a ladder at the start of ranking system??? Valve let us know the %es of players in brackets, like 4200+ is top 1%, ye its true to NORMAL. Now they have to see how it changes if ranked games are in, they can LATER make a ladder BASED ON ranked numbers now. They have to know how many players are even interested in playing ranked, and if they take their games more seriously, what will be the %es, so they can implement a ladder. It would have been extremely biased if they start with a ladder. Maybe with next bit patch. If not, then you can start whining about it.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        also there are ALOT of exploiters they are trying to deal with. They have to deal with vrok, van art etc. and all the other virgins who constantly exploit for attention. They also have to deal with steam software who lets people make 50 accounts.




                                            More puppies please

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            King of Low Prio


                                              me with one of my special ladies

                                              Manny Mammoth

                                                tfw 300 mmr


                                                  My mmr is 5k, and sometimes when i play in cafe net many people staring to my computer watching my game. Idk why, but sometimes i proud of it lool


                                                    after certain point games aren't really that close in mmr anymore, had a 4,2k cm in my game today for example

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      if you start picking alternative modes that will happen



                                                        i'm talking about all pick how is that alternative mode

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I thought CM = captains mode :P my mistake


                                                            TLDR I just saw puppies

                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                              Melody doesn't like puppies. I post nekos.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                you are one fucked up person.....

                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ



                                                                    fucked, fucked up person

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Dendi got matched with a 3,8 k guy in solo queue ( both were solo queueing ).

                                                                      RTZ pub game:

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        the problem is when they que AND their very high MM. The only fix they can do will have them wait 1hour+ to get enought 5.5k+ players. This would cripple all of the top streamers completely AND make all of the low end players 1.5k~ quit(and once the bottom drops out a new bottom is created only for that bottom to drop out)

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          It must be really fun to play with people 2k less than you, and even more to play against a team with a guy with 1k more than you.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            so make it so that people with high / low MM are not allowed to play dota?

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              I dont care how, there is always a way of improving this shit, give people the option to wait more or some shit.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                it has nothing to do with wait times it has to do with NOBODY in the que. You realize there are not many high end players who are solo queing. Get your head out of your own ass and realize the game is not purely for the shitty players in the 3k bracket


                                                                                  stop with doges and catgirls pls


                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    I did post Luna u dumb fuck

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      "NOBODY in the que."


                                                                                      NO ONE ? do you really think there is so little players with 5k 6k ?

                                                                                      Plus at least say something like " this game will be EXTREMELY unbalanced " before the game starts, if people doesnt like how it is (and just ask dendi rtz singsing, they all hate this ranked MM ) they need to change it, SIMPLE. How they will improve it ? i dont know, i dont care, they just need to make it better.

                                                                                      "Get your head out of your own ass and realize the game is not purely for the shitty players in the 3k bracket"

                                                                                      Sigh sampson sometimes is really hard to speak with you, i dont have this kind of problems, people at 6k mmr have this kind of problems.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        the majority of the 5k+ players who post on this site are known exploiters I can count on my hand how many of them ACTUALLY play dota


                                                                                          yes there arent many 5.5k or even 5k + rated players but i'm pretty sure at every time in the day there are at least a coupe hundred players with 4.5k MMR searching for an all pick match, dont think they need to match 3k players with 6k ones!

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            then you lose the balance of the teams if you stick to a set range every team who has RTZ has a advantage because it is highly unlikely u will find 2 6k people queing at the exact same time

                                                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                              But I.... I like nekos.... :(


                                                                                                stop With ANIME BULLSHIT FAGGOTS

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  ^ that


                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven



                                                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                                        Lol @ Atum.

                                                                                                        People are more likely to comply when you ask when a nicer tone for future reference.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!