General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy every fucking rating game i have a pudge in my team? @pudgepickers

Why every fucking rating game i have a pudge in my team? @pudgepickers in General Discussion

    I really hate this kind of players who ask for mid, and spam mid mid mid mid mid mid mid... and pick pudge.
    My last game i had a ''Dendi'' in my team who say in the sec -120 me mid, and put the miniature on mid, and.... a player randomed qop and i randomed outworld, but whatever this player pick pudge.
    I see pudge and sniper the worst heroes on dota, they are pretty useless, but the ppl think they are dendi and they think the other players also think that they are dondo.
    I love dota, but i hate a lot of players: all the peruvians who think they are pros and suck like shit, but i really hate pudgepickers that only play pudge and pudge and pudge

    Ok 2 game with pudge every week, its ok, but every fucking game picking pudge... i hate u pudgepickers

    @pudgepickers kill yourself



      i love pudge

      i love sniper

      fk u

      btw u can check my stats (:

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        4.4 KDA with pudge
        I still hating u


          it has been said and it must be said again. Sniper OP hero plz nerf


            why every game i get intentional loser? just take a look at my latest PA game, i try hard and help early game but nope invoker has to get trashed mid by a nyx(Way hard) even though he mains mid, natures stole aegis i mean cmon so fucking annoying

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              ya thats so bad right



                the only bs thing about sniper is the fucking bash proc. it lies its more like 99% of the time lol :3


                  Before Valve came out with ranked I see Riki players every game. Now I see them infinitely less and they are replaced by Invoker, Storm Spirit, and Mirana. And Witch Doctor. Fuck you, Witch Doctor pickers. Like, seriously, go die.
                  Its like they feel like they have something to prove. Yet the only thing that 78% of them are proving is that they can't win the first battle; 'Reasonable Team Composition.'


                    im getting a string of bad invokers .___.

                    but yeah i love sniper, headshot loves me i love headshot


                      every game there's an invoker mid! makes playing so boring since its a hassle to deal with him

                      so not fuckign fun


                        Imo pudge should not be in mid.... I play pudge but only in lane (Btw i mostly play supp) and i gone mid 10 games max, of my total games cause of not having a good mid pick.... Though i feel u.... Everytime i see someone YELLING for mid and pick pudge im 80% sure we gonna lose :)


                          ^My cousin is noob pudge report pls


                            ^Report ma cousin instaINVOpicker who cost us the games :)


                              Actually whenever there's a mid Pudge on my team we (my team and I) tend to win. I'd give it eh....75%-25% win-loss.

                              EDIT: But I do understand where you're coming from. Pudge can easily be shut down with the proper work. There have been many times where I was a Riki and going against Pudge mid. I got a lot of farm and followed Pudge around until he got up next to a tree. I would then proceed to trap him by Blinking and then Smoke Bomb'ing him :D

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                Pudge is early/mid game killer and tank in late (if he is decent player at least) in whatever lane it picks.... I prefer givin mid to picks that are more good at mid/late game in case something goes wrong.... And if Pudge goes lane he can get the same amount of kills he need beside the easier farm (Always talkin to comparison with a mid pudge) and when reach 7lvl he can ez roam to help other lanes too.... But i dont imply that a mid pudge cant be as good as any other mid pick! :)


                                  most of the time when i play pudge i get some good "wow holy shit good job" (no sarcasm)

                                  feels great (:



                                    Wat u cant handle the unlimited amount of swag that WD has?
                                    Best carry/mid in the game


                                      people wish they could be dendi level pudge, but most of them are just braindead


                                        "75%-25% win-loss"

                                        We understand that 75% win translates to 25% loss..


                                          ^I'm unsure of why you felt the need to make that post. I just typed it out that way because I felt like it, not because I think anyone around here is dumb.

                                          On Topic: OP, if you're having a bad game because of a Pudge, try sticking with the Pudge during his ganks. Be like a back-up man, you'd be there to help kill the enemy just in case something goes wrong. Works especially well with heroes who can slow and/or stun the target.


                                            why the fuck do you even play ranked if you feel like randoming