General Discussion

General Discussionstupid captains aka. Out-drafted. Feel free to post ur "OUT-DRAFTED" ...

stupid captains aka. Out-drafted. Feel free to post ur "OUT-DRAFTED" games. in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    You know ranked AP is just full of tryhards. But what's worst, well those brown/orange captains. Nowadays you can't tell who has the lowest mmr. But man, seriously just played a game. This captain had no idea what to draft or ban. After 5 heroes he still couldn't pick any heroes to counter the first two heroes. Needless to say the other captain just drafted solidly all the counters to our moron captain.

    For those too lazy to click the link it's...

    FP CM vs. DP & AA.. then
    Clockwerk & tinker vs. Mirana & vs then,
    Naix & THD vs. Ursa and finally.

    6-16... Tinker quits after 0-2 mid.


      Outdrafted. Naga siren I haven't seen it played in a LONG time. I thought it was going to do a support. Team kept telling me "shes free farming lanes!!" I'm like "oh ya big deal whats she going to do a stupid mekanism?" woops Didn't know she could get so tanky I am in shame after that game.

      I mean a radiance? and a heart and diffusal? Jesus.

      I like our outpick setup if someone allows us to do this armor debuff aura build:

      Armor please go away! You should watch this.....they melt in moments.


        We pick Veno and Invoker
        enemy team counters with Templar Assassin

        enemy TA likes to meld as an escape, so we all built radiance

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Low Expectations

          @-hg- Cpt. Caveman Naga was the main carry back in TI2, the most boring hero to watch and from personal expirience the most difficult one to play. I have no idea how to micro thses annoying illusions (you cant set hotkeys) thus losing lots of time microing them to the camps and losing lots of gold.


            @ deadshot.

            Hmm yeah i'll have to check it out. She seemed like a Chaos knight but better.

            I "think" if you CTRL+dbl left click on illusions then bind to a key like CTRL+2 or ctrl+3 etc, you bind your illusions to a key. IDK since i'm at work but I think thats it.

            @ Salza

            You guys totally trolled the other team idk why you didn't finish it sooner than that :P

            RUINER ( RUIN)

              ur not aware about the pub meta in the first game remove tinker and add tide and u have perfect team

              RUINER ( RUIN)

                easy to control heroes with solid disables and retard proof tanky heroes are toppicks