General Discussion

General Discussionfor last time: forced 50% confirmed

for last time: forced 50% confirmed in General Discussion

    check my last 9 games. (one of them fed on purpose)

    And final msg to wink and bogidoto: i wish you cancer.

    gg no re


      There's a guy that argues our school system overly focuses on algebra and the like in HS math. He makes the case that a far more valuable type of math is statistics and probability since people argue using that math so often, yet it's the most commonly misunderstood math out there.

      I'm going to prescribe to you to look into some probability books.


        You won 5 out of 9 of your last 9 games. That's 55% winrate. Quit whining that you have the occasional bad game or two


          First game was in normal MM. He won and then lost 4 ranked games. :D

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            i totally agree with OP.
            5/9 =~ 55% winrate confirmed.

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              @ Vandal so true! As Americans most people don't eve use basic algebra or trigonometry. They should just stick to probability & statistics since it has more real world uses.

              You're at 51% so I would be happy you aren't the 60% of players who are below 50% winrate.


                looks like last ranked game didn't finish yet (it's 4/9 won = 44%)
                once again this proves how shitty dota2 system is.
                thanks god i deleted it in time.



                  Retard Security Detail

                    "the 60% of players who are below 50% winrate"

                    I guess hes right, maybe we should focus more on statistics than algebra.


                      BraToS I would appreciate it if you delete Dota and take your stupidity to another game. The current community has no lack of ragers and dumb fucks as it is. Pity you are too ignorant to understand basic math.

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                        Here is a crazy thought


                        Only 3 people on that list are outside of +/- 2% from 50%

                        No the game doesn't try and balance at all (Sarcasm if you can't read it)

                        I guess technically all those players could be just avg and somehow magically they all ended up around the same win/loss ratio


                          try this


                            Assuming balanced game, there is 50% chance to win
                            mm system working confirmed ?


                              gladly, it looks like this game if full of dumb people anyway (like u apparently)


                                Well he does have a nice red green red green pattern on his first matches page. There may very well be some kind of system as I get 1 or 2 super ultra mega scrubs per game after a winning run but dota isn't meant to be played solo so unless you stack theirs not much to complain about.



