General Discussion

General DiscussionChen

Chen in General Discussion

    Since I'm already spamming the forum (BECAUSE I HAVE INTERNET AND NO DOTA) I might as well continue this roll. So here I am today to talk about Chen. He is the least played hero (earth spirit doesn't count) with a pretty bad winrate but he doesn't even require that much practice to pick up. He's still a very high impact hero if you have a designated offlane solo because he is THE best jungler and even without supreme micro skills he boosts the overall farm of your team by a lot (providing your solo does well).

    To do well with Chen in pubs, you only need basic knowledge of creeps, which is easy to obtain from a few games of Enchantress/Doom (heroes which aren't so daunting) or reading the wiki.

    In this game, I didn't do much. Okay, I lied, I did, but I just help my team get a good early game and then I just afk jungled the rest of the game away while using my ult every 30 seconds. Guess how I got the advantage? Basically, at level 5, I got a wildwing and sent it to the woods aside from the side shop at bot. And I just started a tornado and right clicked the enemy Sand King. A minute later when I'm jungling, Axe gets a double kill. Meanwhile, I send a Hill Troll Priest and get the mid tower by making some zombies. No control groups, literally clicking on the unit and then pressing w.

    In this game, I did do much. Okay, I lied, I didn't. I brought a Ursa to bot because they looked like they were getting owned but I just stole the kill with Test of Faith. Pudge was getting doubleganked by TA and Lich but he juked into the woods and suicided leaving me the gold and exp for a double kill. So I got a super-early mek which didn't do much. I did do a single sendback which probably saved Troll's life (he was urned by the enemy) but we pretty much won at that point. I landed no Centaur stomps and wasted nets on nothing. I wasted Test of Faith on TA's refraction at least 2 times. But hey, at least I got the announcer to shout holy shit 3 times.

    So is anyone going to try Chen now? No? Aw.


      I'll learn one day. Had 5 straight Chen wins throughout my time playing Dota, before my first lost. I have a good record with Chen even though I barely knew how to play him or have much games. I think its the macroing and the positioning of your creeps that can make you a good Chen player/ganker. Or at least one of the few kicks of him. I generally commend a good Chen player if he/she does well in the game. Like this guy.

      Dude carried his team lol. and then some I guess idk, crazy game, crazy comeback. I believe he did have core items before those items came along. Also my first good game as Io that I could remember.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Simply Chen is not in current meta because of AA.

        Miku Plays

          Chen too hard for me.

          harvard graduate

            I feel like Enigma and Enchantress are actually a better junglers than Chen. Enchantress ganks a lot earlier and has about the same time in the jungle with the potential to do a very early Rosh for the team with 2 points into untouchable. She also scales better into the lategame if you get an AGHs. Sure Chen sendback is nice but he just goes down in a matter of seconds and is countered by AA really hard. Plus, she has a heal that doesnt have like 2 minutes CD in the early game. Sure its now global but you get the point...
            Enigma on the other hand is hands down, the best AFK jungler in the game. Sure Chen would compete if he stacked a camp and then Wildwing'ed it but I still feel that Enigma would beat him. He also delivers very nice pushing as well as the ulti that is basically the best teamfight spell in the game.
            Sure Chen is strong and stuff but there are other heroes that can shine a lot more in the jungle IMO.


              I feel like Enchantress has a lot less creep presence overall, simply because of the 80 sec time limit. Impetus is good but I've had too many bkbs build against me after I get really farmed so I'm very wary of her as a reliable carry (kinda like OD and Storm). Enigma probably jungles faster instantaneously, given you get the exp and gold of the big creep you convert – except look at that mana cost and cry.

              harvard graduate

                ^I dont know how you build Enigma but I go
                -sages mask + 2 clarities
                -Soul Ring
                -Blink blabla

                There are no real mana problems with soul ring and I think that Soul Ring Enigma is as creative as Blink Dagger Tidehunter :O

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