General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I stop getting muted lol

How can I stop getting muted lol in General Discussion

    Raging is so natural lol... this is like my 6th 168 hour mute, Pls give me tips on angermanagment lol
    Any advice? like what have some of u done to stop getting muted

    and do mutes fucking like downgrade can I go from a 168 hour mute and then not rage for like 2 months, would i go back down to 24 next time i get muted


      Jack off before the game.


        mute everyone who's pissing you off

        Oh Shit Waddup

          Use push to talk and act like you are abusing them and then go absolute hardcore without pressing the button. And then calmly talk to them after ragejaculating all over their shitness without actually losing your shit at them


            Force yourself to only use the chat wheel.


              @Ave thats usually after the game after i need to relieve some stress lol


                turn off your mic and tape over the Enter key

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  LOL wink


                    report everyone regardless what they have been doing. Maybe we manage to mute everyone to finally get rid of the whole system...


                      still rage, but in less of a rage way. Instead of going "OMFG STFU GTFO N00B SUCK MY COCK WHORE" say something like "YOU MADE A STUPID PLAY AND ARE COSTING US THIS GAME, PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER TYRONE!"


                        use exotic abuses.
                        i'm indian.I can help ya.

                        bhosada band rakh - keep your mouth closed asshole
                        jhatu-piece of pubic hair

                        aaand stuff


                          sell all items and buy sentries and write "u suk" with them


                            I never get muted. When a teammate plays badly I just tell them to "come to teamfights" or "stop going so far across the river" or "supports aren't buying wards?" (the last of which I usually buy the wards and put them)

                            If they continue to ignore me I start complaining: "why aren't you listening to me?" "you don't have to listen to me if you want to lose" and that generally gets the team on my side against one person.

                            I also profusely apologise every time I miss something or die stupidly so I don't get people shouting at me.

                            That's all?


                              Stop raging at your bad teammates when you're equally as bad. if you focused on improving yourself (because that's the common factor in all your games, not some randomer on the internet who you're never going to play with again), you'd get out of the trench much quicker.

                              Also to avoid responding to flame, mute the opponents in case they're the type of people to trash talk after every kill or death. For teammates, mute them if they flame you, but if they don't, keep them unmuted so that you can still see their missing calls and stuff.

                              I've only been muted once for one day and once for two days when the mute system was new, and it was supposedly easier to get someone muted because it required less reports, and I don't even flame that often, just be passive-aggressive about peoples questionable item or skill builds. So if you're getting 1 week mutes consistently under the new system where it's harder to get muted, you must have stopped taking your ADD meds or something.


                                Same, I've had some terrible games, but I've never been muted. Focus on winning and on how you can help your team win. Anything else is worthless and is contributing to you losing games, and to being muted (which imo makes games far harder)

                                If you aren't mature, no advice is going to make you mature. But I can say this, playing with a shitty muted player suuuuucks.


                                  i don't even rage i only point out retards their mistakes and yet i still get muted


                                    I just mute them. Ancient apparition was on meth or something of the sort and would not STFU. He was tweaking his balls off or something.

                                    I have not been muted for 168 hours. If you're a grown man solve it by hitting the mute button. Just focus on your gameplay if no one is listening and try to pull the game out on your own.

                                    Also... That AA for as much micro managing he did he should of IDK had more than brown boots and an ogre axe and wand for 50 minutes of gameplay let alone idk.... bought some wards some year? Playing late night and rounding up this guy that gives handjobs for crack on the street is not cool.


                                      raging is natural in this game, just go fuckin wild during the few games u arent muted and hf. dam i miss early sc2 days of flaming ppl on ladder, fun times


                                        Personally, Id just appologise if someone dies next to me, like in a fail gank, or in a counter gank.. Even when its obvious that they're at fault, Id say something like, "Sorry bruh.. Couldn't save you :c"
                                        If someone does something abnormally stupid and ends up feeding, Id just ask them to try and play a bit more safer. Usually Im polite enough for people to actually listen to me ^^
                                        If someone just feeds several times in lane, Id try telling them to play a bit more safer as the opponents have a better lane.. (Even when we should have gone 20-0 vs their lane.. >.>)

                                        However, if someone is a complete jerk, then yes, I maaaaaaay have, well, hypothetically, shifted to my Alt ID, added them, saying I watched a game of theirs and was impressed, blah blah.. and then play a game with them where i play wisp, and just relocate his ass into trees and watch him cry as he gets abandon for afk ^^
                                        (Plus reporting him from 2 IDs in 2 diff games would make it more likely that he gets muted/lpq :D)

                                        ^Totally ignore that last paragraph >.>


                                          rage to yourself but dont flame your teammates when they mess up. you get to rage, and people commend you for being forgiving. win-fucking-win


                                            I usually spend a week muted, 2-3 days unmuted, repeat. I'm not gonna stop trashing people.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              "i don't even rage i only point out retards their mistakes and yet i still get muted"

                                              Some games i bitch a lot and i never got muted


                                                I sure am glad no matter the MMR on this guy I don't have the extreme displeasure with playing with him.


                                                  @dorkly i don't bitch i just tell them what are they doing wrong and what they should do to get make this game winning (including going to

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