General Discussion

General Discussionimproving as carrier

improving as carrier in General Discussion

    sup guys
    i consider myself a quite decent carrier player (for my bracket). though i know there is always room for improvement, i can't figure where i can get better.

    I can farm well, usually I don't play stacks so I don't have that space for farming, and I have to deal with supports stealing my last hits and stuff like that. But I know that i can farm pretty well, depending on circunstances (not too much pressure on me). I can last hit decently even under tower, so I think there is not much I can do atm to get better at LH (yet I probably have things to learn on how to find farm, etc).

    As I mostly play hard carriers, I think I don't have that presence early-mid game, but I think its okay due to the heroes I pick.

    getting to the point, what do you guys think are the most important things to be a good carry? i farm lane and from a certain level i start farming jungle while the creepwaves are spawning.

    so, what are the things that make a good carry? map awareness (i think it is a must for every dota player but ok).. thats one thing i got to improve on, cause I make a lot of mistakes when I try to farm and look across the map at the same time, any tips here?

    On fights I think I can do quite well, but sometimes when the fight is huge i get a little lost, I can't figure out what is exactly happening, but most of the times i am overfarmed and I can manage to still win the fight

    i don't know of any carriers that do streams, so feel free to let me know if there is one
    any tips?


      Don't think that just because you are a hard carry that you cannot help your team given the chance.


        Discodude, thats not the case, but there are times that I know that im just going to die or change with a support, which i don't think is a good idea, so i just keep farming in order to stand a chance to carry even if we are losing fights.

        But i try to fight, mainly when playing AM that I can go agressive due to the blink


          Looking at lots of your top played heroes they seem like good gankers. Even if you don't get the kill, the assist gold helps you vastly when carrying. Take Sven for an example, you don't need the kill, but your stormhammer would help the team get the kill, and it would help you get the gold.



            try to make yourself bigger and fit in more planes. durability is also good


              ^fucking beat me to it


                suck a dick


                  ^why so mad? o.O


                    #burn up in your atmosphere
                    You aren't a good carry. Your XPM and GPM are always low. You are never on the first place on "hero damage done" (HD).


                      ^ ^ my name is fuck, what do u expect from a person like that

                      Quick maffs

                        improving as CARRIER


                        Fuck Darkness was faster :/


                          be safer with your gameplay with respect to knowing when its a good idea to help your team and when its a good idea to sit back and farm
                          better item choice
                          in pubs its a good idea to go more mid-game impactful carries not hard carries
                          map awareness comes with time/watching your own or others replays and comparing to see how they got faster gpm's (recommend watching old tournament games, carry players)
                          watch EE's stream if you want to know how to play a better carry, great mechanics

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                            ^youre one knowledgeable guy with only 3 wins, its almost as if youre a smurf o.O