General Discussion

General DiscussionSuch BS

Such BS in General Discussion
The Cat Named Money

    After a several day absence from playing, i decided to get back into the DOTA 2 stuff. But unfortunately I got THIS BS game. All and all it wasn't a bad game. Neither team felt cheap or anything. but after such a good start and middle to this match, my team just doing so good... several of my teammates decided to suddenly just stop. they became incompetent monkeys who just stood around doing nothing, not even in a safe place, but where the enemy can just pick them off, feed, and completely comeback dominate. Didn't even have the decency to disconnect so we can get their money and move them the hell out of the way. just idled where they get can some occasional exp so they don't get abandon, and fk'd the rest of the team. After having a fairly good match myself, this crap happened and just put me in such a foul mood.

    Low Expectations

      At that point you say gg go next


        spectre vanguard

        gyro manta

        gyro treads

        drow basher

        bloodseeker energy booster

        this thread

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            1. get out of 2k bracket
            2. realize the trench goes til 7k
            3. cry


              Email vavle and tell them to fix the mess they call MMR

                casual gamer

                  dat treads manta gyro

                  seriously if u went phase bkb/mkb you'd have won ez pz

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                  Hex Sigma

                    well yesterday i lost of match(from my fault too not only my teammates) with gondar against a fed venge, SF, and, phoenix. Retards are everywhere even in 5k i believe. You just got to move on, and try to be better. I remember that once a teacher from my school said that in life if you're not climbing you're falling. When you think you stagnate you already fell. So just go up up up... Never stop climbing :D