General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking has been compromised

Matchmaking has been compromised in General Discussion

    It's dead
    It's watered down
    It's burning
    It's degrading
    It's pruning
    It's rotting
    It's the equivalent of Korean f2p matchmaking
    It's riddled with account buyers and trolls
    It has reached its peak
    It has plateaued and is avalanching
    It's over-saturated
    It's Valueless

    Dota can't continue on with good quality control if these things are never privatized.
    Depraved public community has ruined something that was decent

    "This is why we can't have nice things"

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      dotabuff rule #1: never start a thread if <50% winrate.


        Dotabuff rules are meaningless when what they take pride in is a silly trivial thing. Winrate doesn't mean anything anymore.

        Its like saying you can't post in a cooking forum because you don't have a certain color apron.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        King of Low Prio

          Banning account buyers from dota buff is the first step to a better MM system


            Yes, I agree with you. I just had a game a couple days ago with two naive girl players that bought 5k accounts. This is what i mean by "It's compromised". Its full of terrible people, feeders, account buyers and trolls just for that number. Though posting on dotabuff doesn't make much sense cause you guys also care about numbers way too much and probably fuel the manipulation of Internet points.


              Tento komentář byl upraven

                I don't get this post except for its very low taste in humor. How can someone so belligerent in a 3k pool (See how I'm using numbers like you guys do to insult people) be part of a community like ESP. Did you join because you thought you were better than people? How will you get good players instead of more players with your attitude. *ESP Quantity over Quality*


                  I think it's sad how everyone on DotaBuff thinks they are the shit, but can't even do basic math. Does everyone really think winrate% means anything at all? Take a math class people.


                    They seem to also misunderstand that ranked and Normal matchmaking is two different things with a shared winrate. My winrate is only cause I have 7 more loss games with were mostly from playing out of low priority. My sample rate isn't high enough.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    King of Low Prio

                      ur winrate has to do with u buying a account a ruining games for ppl


                        omg sampson coach me pls


                          Thank you all knowing sampson. Every thread I have made, you have made sure to deliver with the greatest insight known to man. The buying my account (which didn't happen) comment. Have you even seen me play btw?


                            All they need to do is make DotA 2 not free to play. Everyone can afford paying €10 or something.

                            smelly cunt

                              omg plz stop qq-ing about mm


                                Usually I don't, and mm was fine before ranked. It was even fine for the first few months after it came out. But now people are trying way too hard to exploit the system. It has nothing to do with ELO hell or bad players. Its about the community and the lack of quality assurance that ranked matchmaking has made.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  why not start with yourself and stop buying accounts


                                    Who cares if people buy accounts. If they suck, then they will eventually lose their MMR. People who buy accounts higher than they can play is just another shitty player until they fall out of your bracket.

                                    Also these people aren't just losing you games. They're winning you games when they're on the other team. Deal with it.


                                      >Insults my attitude
                                      >Makes QQ threads about MM on a community forum


                                        "If they suck, then they will eventually lose their MMR" thats the point, hael is falling down the mmr ladder because he is shit and bought an account, but he has the balls to complain about mm

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Winning a match because the other team has a account buyer who feeds like crazy is not fun for me either, it kills fun competitive matches.

                                          Sup m8

                                            Stfu Sampson, I'm tried of reading your shit and accusing people when you have no evidence


                                              lmao freedom dive used to sell 4.9k~ accs on epicnpc and he's in your alias

                                              why are you denying this you autistic piece of shit

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Im too lazy to bring up the thread where he admitted to getting a account to have a high MM.(after people went detective on his ass after his constant lying about it) His story changed constantly about where he got the account. Whether he sucked off his friend for it, bought it, traded it etc I really dont care that is between him and wave BUT the fact remains is that he got his paws on a high MM account because he thought he was a pro in which the MM system was holding him back. Then tanked the account so badly (in effect ruining games for tons of people).


                                                  "Matchmaking has been compromised"
                                                  adds up

                                                  This guy is the cause.

                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                    any more snide comments about me?

                                                    Sup m8

                                                      Nope, I was in a really bad mood when I wrote that. Sorry


                                                        I have said it once and i will say it again - people do not want to improve to get higher rating, they want to exploit the system in every possible way to be seen on leaderbaords and to brag about it.


                                                          Yeah, just generalize, I mean like nobody who spends like thousands of hours on this game want to get better or something.


                                                            For every person that wants to improve there are four people that will do anything to win the game at any cost.

                                                            Just because people spent thousands of hours on this game does not mean they want to become better. It means that they wasted thousands of hours of their lives.


                                                              So now wanting to win the game at any cost is inconsistent with improving? Or is there a problem with winning?

                                                              Yeah no shit they wasted it, we are all wasting our fucking lives but at least we're doing something we like.


                                                                hael reminds me of republicans who complain about "government handouts" and takes government subsidies on the side whenever it suits him

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  @няш мяш ебаш

                                                                  I kind of agree with you, for some people its more important to have a high number than to actually get better.


                                                                    getting better means you will have a higher number, but having a higher number doesn't necessarily mean you're better

                                                                    still, aside from cheaters/exploiters/people who pick op heroes (the last of which isn't cheating - just the quickest way to gain MMR) there's no reason to suspect your MMR doesn't reflect your pub skill level


                                                                      lol. do you even feel good about yourself if you abused your way up to the leaderboards ranking. I mean, personally if im not good enough to be there, I am so ashamed to be even be put aside pros in the rankings.

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!