General Discussion

General DiscussionSMITE new MOBA

SMITE new MOBA in General Discussion

    Everyone that plays Dota 2 should try this moba called SMITE. Its 3rd person but every hero skill is a skill shot and is less about creep farm and more about killing other players and pushing towers. If you guys are bored you should try it, all my dota friends say its refreshing and faster paced combat.

    Just dont feed

      Are smite paying u?


        Hi SMITE employee , I appreciate your efforts. Have tried the game, but its too lag for me to play from SEA.


          I dont work for Smite xD, but I think its fun if people are into 3rd perspective but still like to keep to the moba genre. I been playing it for a week and I think its underated and not many people know about it.


            It has low amount of players. Does it have someone like Invoker? I used to play dragon nest because it is similar to Invoker in a MMORPG type, but it just is not the same.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              fuckin worst fuckin game fuckin ever.
              first of all i had to reinstall that shitty game 3fuckin times.
              when it finnally worked i did the tutorial and then game couldnt open anymore.
              worst thing is u cant even fuckin uninnstall it without dling a program.

              srsly guys never even try that shit

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                So you actually never played the game.


                  yeah i saw the trailer a year ago, it looks good but my friends and I decided to play dota2 instead because we just got our beta key.
                  It remind me of a very old game that i used to play LAN with my friends called Command and Conquer : Renegade


                    the gameplay actually reminds me alot of DYNASTY WARRIORS


                      You so much badass detum hapnickep nikcuF


                        1. Recall system
                        2. 6 passive items and 2 active slots for active items
                        3. Autoattack creep wave with no consequences
                        4. Roles such as "tank" and "jungler"

                        idk but dis sounds like nother game guize


                          I been playing the game for only a week now so there is still things to learn, but basically when you win matches you get favours which you can use to unlock new skins and new gods. You start with 10 gods to play, 5 of them change every week for you to try. There is 5 roles in the game:Assassin, warrior, tank, mage, guardian. Each week the rotation changes and you get 1 new god to try from each role.

                          Also when you win, you get worship points for the god you played and they increase your mastery for that god. The max mastery for each god is 10. Once you get 10 mastery, you can unlock the legendary skin for that character. Mastery and skins dont give any advantage expect for scaring the crap out of the other players because it shows your experienced with that god.

                          All gods are separated into their culture, you got norse gods, greek gods, roman gods, egyptian gods, hindu and chinese gods too.
                          The gods you guys may know are : Thor, Odin, Zeus, Ares, Poseidon, Ra, Kali, Guan Yu, Loki, Hercules.

                          You can play 5 game modes: Conquest(the dota type with towers and 3 lanes) Arena: 5 v 5 gladiator deathmatch, Assault : 1 lane all random gods , Joust : 3v3 1 lane, and you also got silly match of the day which allows you to play gods you havent unlocked yet.

                          Aim of the game is to get to lvl 30 and start doing league matches to rank up from Bronze status to Diamond. Once you got diamond status in arena, joust, conquest. Your pretty much pro and should be playing in the internationals.

                          Hex Sigma

                            the game is basically lol with a diferent look and combat type. Big deal. Except the combat nothing is new. Oh wait until heroes of the storm hits the scene.