General Discussion

General Discussionwarding pudge mid

warding pudge mid in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    What do you do when vs pudge mid on a hero with no escapes, no wards so you can see him but you know he's on one side of the river waiting for you, only wards are also sold out cus your support is hording them for god knows why? Do you hug tower and not farm? Try to stand in the middle of the creeps? I find pudge very easy with vision, very difficult without, I was on razor and this cm literally had 3 wards in her inventory unplaced for 5+ minutes.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      And is there a natural mid hero like that? Almost none unless you are going mid with something like Wisp.


        Hide in creeps as best you can, if that doesn't work just stay in XP range as close to the tower as possible

        King of Low Prio

          creep block til creep wave is on your side of hill, eventually he will show himself again to either reset the creep equilibrium or you will just get safe farm


            1. Ask politely to get a ward on you so you can place it where you want.
            2. Time to gank maybe.
            3. Movement is everything, you stop moving, you get hooked, you die.

            Positioning is key around the creeps....

            Arrow 1. can't hook cause it is too far, Arrow 2. hook is easy to see and be dodged because of where you're standing. It's not always easy as he can smoke and hook from anywhere so best thing you can do is move around and maybe take small jungle camps if he has been missing for awhile.

            King of Low Prio


              depends on your hero, some heroes like QoP/Puck can get away with just getting levels while others like drow/morph you are there to farm and it is better to take risks for money than to play overly safe and be behind on farm


                ^ true, most likely if you're playing a hero with no escape in mid then creep hiding is enough. Only in absolute worst case should you not try to farm

                Dire Wolf

                  I was playing razor so yeah I needed farm, but this pudge would literally hide out there forever. I prob shouldn't razor mid, I'm awful at it but I picked razor to stack with faceless void's ult and ended up mid by default cus we had no one else. Also sad cus I was very willing to buy a ward and place it myself but they were constantly sold out, supports had them stuck in their inventory.

                  King of Low Prio

                    u can also buy a sentry to take away his high ground wards


                      Learn to hook dodge. I can dodge as any hero now, even squishy ones like Rhasta. It would take a hook through trees or forcestaff+hook to catch me now adays.

                      Also, be careful. The higher the level of game, the more likely it is that you'll see an experienced Pudge.

                      Here are some of my hook tactics when I play Pudge:

                      1) Through dying creep. I time it so that as soon as the creep that was supposed to be keeping you safe dies, the hook tip passes over it and hits the hero.

                      2) Night hook. As soon as it turns night and visual distance drops, I step forward, to the side, and throw a hook.

                      3) Forcestaff hook.

                      4) Hook from cliffs or through trees so that you have no time to react.

                      Play Pudge so that you can understand some of the strategy of fishing.

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                        Low level hooks are very short! Early zone him out, but don't get in range of rot.


                          There's a simple exercise to practice Pudge play. I call it "the creep juggle." Make a practice lobby. Enable WTF mode. Then take hook up to the level you intend to practice at. As soon as a creep wave spawns, your goal is to make sure that a full creep wave does not make it to the lane. Keep hooking and juggling every creep. After a while, you'll start to understand leading the target.

                          Next, load a bot game on very easy, and practice "blind hooks." You don't get a point unless you nail a hook on a hero that you can't see. Soon you'll learn how to predict movements based on previous information.

                          Once you master Pudge hook physics and strategy, you won't get hooked by obvious hooks ever again, cuz you'll be able to see it.

                          King of Low Prio

                            OR just play the game and practice like a normal person

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              If you didn't dominate Pudge hard enough in lane that you are scared of getting hooked, then sorry but there is nothing to do for you.


                                Well if it is like you said a hero with no escape, they are going to die/get pushed behind anyway even though you have full vision.

                                Not counting if pudge got haste.


                                  "hook dodging" doesn't work unless the pudge is stupid and only uses one angle to hook from. if you sit on top of the creeps (which is the only way to realistically be unhookable) he'll walk up to dismember you, every other place there is an easy angle to get you from.

                                  if you can't get a ward, go jungle and make sure to tell your team pudge is missing

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                                    it depends on the person against and the person playing pudge

                                    you constantly have to adjust how you're going to hook certain targets depending on how they play, and then if they figure out how YOU (pudge) play within that game, you have to adjust again.

                                    without faster MS, if pudge is doin decently then it's a lot more difficult to escape
                                    he can just walk up at an angle while you're trying to run back, but as he comes closer ur radius of escape gets smaller

                                    i dont hook the same way as dendi but i see how it can be useful, he just places his mouse cursor just outside of the enemy hero and waits for him/her to make a turn animation

                                    but honestly... sometimes it's the shittiest people that trick me when i play pudge, and it's not cause they're trying it's just cause they're not paying attention...

                                    ill walk up where they can see me while theyre hittin some creeps and hook just behind them as i think they should be walking back... but no, they'll just keep farming away.


                                      Playing agressively against pudge is a viable way to shut him down. Not going for a kill, but take hits on him when you can. His main damage source is rot after all.


                                        if its day and you can see across the river and you are playing a ranged hero you can just make sure the creeps are between u and him/you are not in range, and then just last hit normally, making sure to adjust your position when you need to.

                                        if it is night or you are playing a short ranged last hitter, then you will need to stand in the creep wave to be safe from hooks. this can be a problem if you are standing in the river for a long time you will be super easy to gank, or pudge might just walk up to you and start to rot. the trick here is to pull the creeps up onto your high ground or the ramp just before your high ground and then keep the there while you last hit. you can pull the creeps back by issuing an attack command on any enemy player while you are with in 500 range of the creeps you want to move, then cancel the attack instantly and walk towards your high ground. if you cant see pudge to order the attack command just look at another lane and right click any enemy hero. you can also get the creep waves to meet on your high ground by creep blocking. once you have them on your high ground make sure not to push the wave, kill/attack your own creeps just as much as the enemy ones, and the waves should continue to meet on your high ground (and you will make him earn less xp) . make sure to stay behind the creeps and he will never get a good shot, you might need to give up a few last hits to avoid sitting in lane with no creeps to protect you.

                                        sorry for the wall of text didn't think this would take so many words to say

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                                        give up

                                          tbh problem is solved if you're a ranged hero just instabuy the wards at the beginning of the game, 150 gold totally pays off if you can completely crush mid (makes high ground hitting easier too)

                                          Just dont feed

                                            peru should disappear form the map