General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo MMR vs Party MMR

Solo MMR vs Party MMR in General Discussion

    I've recently started playing solo ranked, I had exclusively played Ranked with friends before that I had ease communicating with.

    I run at around 3.8k in party mmr, still shit tier compared to most dotabuff users but my solo mmr is an abyssmal 2.4k and it only seems to be getting worst. I main support since I found out farming and survivability in a fight weren't my strong suit, this usually means I end up pretty much having to help 4 cores as the lone support buying wards, TP's to stop/help kill attempts, tangos, slaves and clarities for the first minutes of laning for my team. Which usually leaves me starving without boots for a good part of the game.

    It seems to me like I'm doomed in solo ranked while my party MMR remains decent, is this because I can't play carry. Is the only to get out of this bracket to carry your team? I need help, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong to have such a difference in MMR.

    Also, does anyone here think solo MMR is any bit important vs party MMR?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    King of Low Prio

      people tend to confuse the role. Carry does not mean you are carrying your team. The issue alot of people have when they que as supports in pubs is they have no idea how to play support in pubs.

      King of Low Prio

        Solo MM is much more important to see your own skill level since Party MM is really easy to boost even if you are not actually getting any better


          Not sure if it's useful to play hard support under 3k mmr. Most likely with or without wards your team will still be blind, eventually opponents will always be visible on one lane, they wont have wards either so you don't need to buy smokes, all you need to do from the "support duty" is not taking your carry's farm.

          Probably best way to get to 3k+ is to go mid warlock, or some jungler that can do damage (enchantress / lycan / naix).

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            The only way to get yourself out of a certain bracket is to carry YOURSELF out of it. Playing support means having YOUR ALLIES carry you out of it, which is obviously unreliable, cuz no one knows how bad they are

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            Dire Wolf

              You probably won a bunch of calibration games in party grouped with some higher level players that skewed your party rating high, then lost a bunch of calibrations solo that skewed it lower. Your solo is probably higher but almost everyone's party rating is a couple hundred points more than their solo anyway.

              If you play support in pubs you basically have to feed your carries kills. You have to setup kills for them, not just ward and harass and try to deny. You must shut down the opposing carries early while forcing yours to feed and setting up kills is the only way to do this for certain. Support is harder to play in pubs and win cus you can be a mediorce carry if you simply farm better than opposing team, which isn't very hard.


                I might be getting the hang of it. Games this low naturally tend to win based on the pace, the famous First Blood gg.

                I'll just play CM until I'm back to normal I guess, she seems like the ideal pub support :\


                  Spam dazzle, his win rate on you is pretty high, so if everyone picks a big pile of carry.

                  Yes play CM or CD despite what other people say, at least that will yield you a balanced team of not 5 carries, and a higher win rate chance.

                  King of Low Prio

                    CM in pubs is the worst experience of my life


                      Saw your thread, Sampson.
                      What did that poor Timber ever do to deserve that?

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                        @ Sampson

               <---- What ol' willis is talkin' about his butt is hurt.

                        @ Sigfried

                        Results may vary. Ability to not click captain first may happen as you may be slower than the other 4 people.

                        When becoming captain, people may lie about what they're good at and can do. Use to allow for best results when viewing strangers performance data.

                        If peoples win % with a unit and they do not share 3rd party results then results may end up like ol' sampson here.

                        IDC what he says in his close to 4k bracket. 2 to 3k bracket, everyone thinks they are tommy tuff nuts and pick mostly all carries man. People may have more sense in his bracket but where you're at siegfried, they absolutely do not.

                        Your dazzle win rate is good, just pick dazzle if ur doing all pick, otherwise do whatever in CM/CD that makes the most sense.

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                          use google and wiki, its not what you think it is. And if you can't even carry 2k mmr games then i don't know what skill you think you have,
                          but it's not even remotely close to that. Just play until you get better


                            I think that might be another mistake that I've been doing, I haven't been playing Capitans mode just regular all pick.

                            I'm guessing Capitains would definitely increase to level of people just insta picking Riki, SB and the like. Thanks Caveman.

                            King of Low Prio

                              why do you constantly keep pointing out the timbersaw? I only mentioned him once when u asked about him. The quality of CM games are complete trash and even worse when u are playing below 5k MM because you have people who lack dota 2 mechanics trying to draft based on their lack of dota 2 mechanics


                                CM sucks because she is slow and squishy.

                                I'd recommend some tanky supports, like jakiro / ogre / earthshaker / tide / nyx / zombie. They are all great in pretty much any lineup.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  No they are not. You almost never wanna have a melee hero solo supporting.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven


                                    We meant captains mode not crystal maiden.

                                    @ Sampson

                                    IDK I can only tell my results are better without all pick than all pick man. Again your results may vary compared to mine. I will say we are 1k away on spread for MMR points so IDK man I get trashier players and therefore I am a trashier player. All I can say my experience at my bracket with all pick is complete shit because I get the following consistently (THIS IS RESULTS FOR SOLO MMR NOT TEAM MMR ALL PICK):

                                    1. All carries
                                    2. All melee characters
                                    3. All mid heros
                                    4. More than 1 jungler
                                    5. All supports
                                    6. Guy randoms a dude, then doesn't know how to use it and feeds.
                                    7. 30% of the time, no one buys a courier before the buzzer rings.
                                    8. 75% of the time, no one buys observer wards before the buzzer rings.
                                    9. 99.99999% of the time no one buys a smoke before the buzzer rings. (nice to have to smoke gank.......)
                                    10. Supports buy attack/dmg items to benefit them, and not benefit the team.
                                    11. Courier upgrade is beyond 8 minutes 50% of the time.
                                    12. Tri lane is the biggest pile of trash ever, lane gets pushed, minimal xpm/gpm, don't know how to pull lanes or double pull/stack n pull.

                                    I mean I could go on and on of what kind of garbage cans I encounter in all pick, and I do not experience the same garbage AS OFTEN in CM or CD. Yes it does happen, I'm not saying its the magic bullet for all your problems, I just regard all pick only people as lower quality, selfish asswipes that doesn't care about a team win, doesn't care about the MMR or doesn't care if they win for the most part.

                                    And if you do get the guy in all pick that does actually care about all this shit, hes king of shit hill telling people what to do, micro managing them, insulting them, calling them names, etc. I get more pleasant people to play with that doesn't need associates degree in "touch a pussy every now and then"

                                    I mean to shorten my view in my bracket of this is:

                                    ALL PICK=motherfucking trailer trash numb nuts that doesn't know the earth is round, and typically are inbred, and live off of food stamps.
                                    Captains mode= low/Middle wage hard working people that have passed high school and can be self sufficient in life.
                                    Captains draft= they have a degree in touch a pussy, can string a conversation together over what needs to be done and actually participate when I'm drafting 90% of the time.

                                    Yes there I said it all pick people are lower forms of life. END OF RANT.

                                    King of Low Prio


                                      u get things like this, 0 synergy and awareness to what the other team is even picking. even 5 carries would be better than both of these drafts....


                                        Yeah i didn't draft that smart ass. But point taken. I typically get the captain in the draft.

                                        Here how about this since it's like arguing to my wife today about picking up the mother fucking taxes to pay for car tags since its 5 minutes from her work, yet its 50 minutes from mine I'll just roll over and take it up the ass.

                                        Sampson baby,

                                        You're right, I'm wrong. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life telling me what I do wrong all the time and I'd be half the person without you there.

                                        I understand you're busy picking drow ranger and shit in all pick and that is completely cool. All pick is better, captains mode and draft are worse.

                                        I hope you realize that I am just less of a person picking the other modes and getting angry with my 9 loss all pick frenzy this week when I put it back in my search queue. You're better, I'm worse. I'm gay, you're straight. You have a big penis, I have an inverted penis.

                                        Thanks and we'll hold hands someday. I am more than willing to pay TI4 if you'll just accept my apology for being a retarded introvert gaywad.

                                        Much love,


                                        King of Low Prio

                                          <3 glad you accepted the truff

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                                          King of Low Prio

                                            and I never said u drafted it, BUT if your whole idea of playing captains mode hinders on if you can mash the captains button before someone else Id rather play AP :P

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              No problem sir. I'll have dinner cooked before you get home, and strippers will be on the pole in the basement just the way you like.

                                              Blow will be ready to sniff off of the stripper cinnamons ass, just the way you like and your pimp smokers jacket will be put on my candy the other stripper.

                                              Much love, your bitch at the house <3,



                                                No No No Sampson I get it........ I know you didn't but I'll say this...... I get to draft 95% of the captains mode games because I click like an animal in the box where "become captain"

                                                I'm not even saying my drafting is like 100% because that is full of shit. Melody should know, we got out drafted the other day on an armor reduction build the other team was doing and got hosed, let alone my wife came home and I had to run upstairs to get everyone a bath that needed one and other stupid real life shit that my wife should be able to do if she wants the girls to IDK go and do dance/tap/ballet, baseball and soccer. I mean..................... that is a completely another block of bullshit unrelated to captains mode....... but whatever, it hindered my game play since........ no one can pause a game for 20 minutes, and I got out drafted.

                                                Yeah I would rather play AP too if I get drafted some ridiculous hero like the axe I got and had to jungle... wtf btw... Typically I don't get the ass hat captain that drafts me something I rarely play or am not good with, or has awful bans. I just tend to have better luck in it versus all pick.


                                                I just didn't want to argue over shit on the net since I don't win on that usually, If I can't win a discussion with my wife over "why its a smart idea for her to pick up a check thats 5 fucking minutes from her work, and how its a fucking dumb fucking idea for me to drive 30 minutes out of my way to go do the same thing just so she can save 5 minutes" Then I'm not going to win anything online or in real life if I can't sell that idea.


                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  so If I go to your match history I wont find any more dirty laundry like that match?



                                                    Sampson you will find plenty of dirty laundry in my match history. I'm not perfect dude and I never claimed to be. All I said was I think all pick is not as cool as captains draft/mode in my MMR rating.

                                                    I mean I get you are so smooth with your mids lately that you can carry a tard team of dumb cavemen single handedly, I just am inadequate in that regards. I can't just blow up and do 20 kills with 1 or 2 deaths or anything crazy man on the regular.

                                                    Find all the filthy laundry you want in my match history there is PLENTY from my 9 loss streak this week dude believe me and I know I'm at fault on some of them. Not ALL but some.

                                                    Sigfried you just do what you want man.


                                                      Anyways, I'm going home. I'll be on late if you want to show me the ways of all pick sampson I would enjoy FINALLY playing a game with you :P

                                                      C ya

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        you have yet to msg me to play


                                                          I'd say you get better games in ranked AP because most people will pick heroes they can play (except the ones who random, of course).

                                                          If you want to increase your rank, play your best heroes and do your job, don't try to force picks that might have synergy with yours, because people who play them might underperform.

                                                          Also, here's my ranked games:
                                                          Don't give a fuck about team / opponents picks. This is the hero that wins me the lane, so I'll play it until I start losing more then half of games. Probably I'll get a lose streak when changing the hero :)

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                                                          Miku Plays


                                                            Thank you very much.. i will keep playing my best hero

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!