General Discussion

General DiscussionNight Stalker in 6.80

Night Stalker in 6.80 in General Discussion

    Is it time to defy the conventional build with shorter day/night cycles now? Normally it's 2/1/1 before first night.

    Would it be better to do 1/1/2 and gank during the first night with extra attack/move speed? After all, the Void effects don't change as you level it up, just the damage.

    I would rush Phase Boots after a Bottle.

    Or could you even go 2/0/2?


      Have a target in mind when you select your build.


        hunter in the night has awful scaling


          I agree it has awful scaling, but wouldn't you rather have an extra 20 MS (after phasing) instead of an extra 70 magical damage, which is like one right click?

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            nope. and its 0.05x 345 = 17. phasing does nothing whatsoever to how much bonus hunter of the night gives you. and obviously you want more instant magical burst damage than greater (though negligible) physical damage over time.

            also void have extremely good scaling.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              You don't go 2-1-1 anyway. You should almost always go 2-0-2 and get silence at 6. Also void is absolutely one of the best nukes in the game, just max it asap.


                I always max Void first, I'm just proposing alternatives.

                You never take one point in Crippling Fear? You must play with some seriously coordinated teammates who can set up stuns as you approach your target.


                  @sam why not? isnt the 1 point of fear situationally useful and hunter of the night doesnt really skill well so theres no rush to pour skill points into it.

                  or is it because you dont have enough mana to support it

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    I said "almost always". Of course sometimes you get it, but generally the mana isn't even worth it. You could better off save for another void. Also in the level I play, most people just TP to help someone, so even with a silence you don't get many kills.


                      When do you take Darkness typically? 9 and 10?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        If you suddenly need it in a fight and have a skill point, just get it. But generally at 9 and 11.


                          I just watched your NS game. I'm surprised you didn't take Crippling Fear when Dazzle was in your lane.

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            I'd go 2/0/2 but I haven't been sucessful since they changed into early night.

                            Primordial Soup

                              Take tips from Batman.


                                4-1-1 is still the best... Why would ever say no to a 330+ damage nuke WITH AN 8 SECOND COOLDOWN


                                  You mean 4-1-2?


                                    If you are playing against a jungler then 1-1-2 would work well to shut them down
                                    Otherwise max that nuke