General Discussion

General DiscussionPro Players Connection

Pro Players Connection in General Discussion

    I was wondering, is there something that pro players do to improve their connection to servers that are far away?

    Like, a VPN connection, something like WTFast that helps out a little? Because the route that my provider takes to US/EU servers are complete trash. For example, i live 100 km away from a friend that has a different provider, and he has 150 ping while i have 270.
    What's up with that?

    TLDR: i was just wondering if there is something that pro players do to improve their connection to far away servers.

    bum farto

      No, a lot of them change servers due to connection issues or player skill. If you have reasonably good connection you should be able to connect to more than one server with good ping, latency, and with reduced rubber banding.


        Yeah but the thing is, when i try to connect with my friend that has decent ping on US east, i have 220 ping with him. Even though we're 100 Km away. No one in my country has that issue. People as far away as 500 km connect to him with less than 80 ping.

        King of Low Prio

          are u really acting like 200ping is that bad?


            200 ping is bareable, but 300 isn't.

            Jay Ashborne

              Should come play with me on Iccup sometime. Fish servers in korea are garbo.


                Thats why there is a western and Eastern competitive scene