General Discussion

General Discussionhelp about lanaya

help about lanaya in General Discussion

    Recently i started playing lanaya ( be aware, i have never played this hero, like never, even in wc3 ).

    So i was wondering , how do you play her? How do you make items. Do you max q and e ( sometimes ? ) or q and w. I know i should try not to play lanaya vs pudge and veno ( due their dot damage ). Who else should i try to evade when laning.

    Any general tips are welcome :-)


      Go mid. Get small amount of regen (i get 1 set of tangos or get pooled 2 tangos) and some stats (either go for bracer or magic wand). Depending on the enemy mid, you either get Q or E first. E lets you control the lane by harassing while denying and last hitting, while Q will allow you to easily out-damage the enemy mid giving you pretty much freefarm since you wouldn't be taking damage and will be uncontestable for last hits. The first item you want to get is a bottle, this will allow you to spam your Q in lane keeping you unkillable and uncontestable for last hits.
      Always max Q first because the invincibility charges and damage are amazing, then max W for MOAR DAMAGEZ and then max E for the range.

      Items: Phase, Wand, Blink, Desolator, Daedalus

      Optional Items: Drums, Manta, Butterfly, AC, Mjolnir, S&Y

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        if you know how to use treads, get treads, they are a lot better than phase, bottle crow if u go mid and if you are winning the lane get a fast midas into blink. from there on usually deso and manta. as for starting items (if you can play mid properly) get 2 branches and ask for 2 tangoes, rush bottle, otherwise 3 branches 1 set of tangoes and rush bottle.

        as for skill build, most popular lanaya build is q e q w q r q w w w r e e e stats r . sometimes you want meld over refraction


          shameless self-plug

          Personally I have far more success with Phase, the laning boosts and killing potential it gives early outweights Treads alot in my opinion, and I daresay I have a fair bit of experience with Lanaya.

          Tento komentář byl upraven


            What do you think about phase/drums/yasha move speed build without blink?


              I prefer the movespeed build to Blink most of the time, although I don't usually go drums first unless I need the hp alot early game (e.g. laning FG ember). Recently I've been experimenting with SnY after Deso, which I find really effective for maintaining an advantage, while giving more movespeed than Drums and Yasha combined. Manta is quite lackluster anyway, the bulk of her damage comes from Refract and raw damage items, not stats.


                Nice guide, reading currently. Was wondering, should i ever skip bottle? Make Aquila? Medallion?

                Seems that getting items that gives you nice boost to your speed and maintain your hp is way to go.

                Also in late game, satanic? Mkb or Daedalus first?

                Edit : Do you also can hit targets with your 3 skill , if you deny creeps?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Medallion is like mini deso for ganking if you get it fast, not really reliable in pubs unless you have a roamin buddy

                  Put a trap at rune spots then Roshan. Upgrade your range at level 11 instead of ult. Once you're past level 1 ult place traps at places like secret shop or enemy ancient camp.

                  When you activate traps, NEVER use the hero skill. Click on the trap and press the hotkey (Q for me) so she does not go through the casting animation. When chasing I place a trap ahead of the enemy, wait for it to charge a bit, and then detonate (it slows more).

                  Don't meld too early when chasing someone. You'll walk out of it and look like an idiot.

                  Don't pick when the enemy team has shit that wastes refraction charges like venomancer or dark seer. Do pick if you wanna dodge assassinate and stuff. Meld works like phase shift except it doesn't dodge undodgable stuff like storm bolt and doesn't work when enemy has true sight. So use it to dodge magic missile and stuff, works in pubs at least. but I doubt that qop is gonna get true sight to land her shadowstrike.

                  Also don't pick against radiance users because it screws up BOTH refraction and blink. also mobile enemies are hard to get because of your abysmal attack range and lack of cc beyond your ult

                  My items, pretty stable (adapt for batrider etc):
                  tango branch branch branch
                  boots, treads

                  learn to tread switch – agility when using bottle and ganking, int when using skills, str when dying or in big teamfight

                  you can build yasha instead of blink, medallion instead of deso, etc. Armor reduction is good when compounded because of mechanics which is why I go AC.

                  sometimes bkb may be necessary, but blink + bkb may see you lacking in power

                  Falls off late game as people's armor does not go below 0 and refraction gives a stable 80 damage… forever. scales with deso, doesn't scale much further after that

                  always carry a tp because she is really really good at helping counterganking with slow and insane burst

                  do NOT towerdive when enemy has creeps because your refraction is gonna run out.

                  good with teammates that have reliable disables, either long silences or stuns.

                  when laning, use refraction and hit your OWN creeps and last hit with psi blades. refraction charges are not consumed and you mess up enemy last hitting in the process. TA is about winning your lane because TA is pretty much anti any common mid that's not OD or batrider. Some other people like veno and viper can mess you up as well. If TA doesn't win her lane you've wasted half of the hero.

                  idk what else


                    Nice guide zenoth. Making me want to pick up TA again since I have a good concept about how to play her now after reading it.

                    2 things I'll note about your guide that need corrected:

                    1. The part about bottling runes you included illusion rune besides just dd and haste when killing roshan. I don't think illusions work anymore against roshan

                    2. Pro build and pub build elaborate on the starting items for pub build because you throw in 3 branches, then don't mention to grab bottle or wand. So just either say sell your sticks, and don't get wand if that is preferred on pub build and don't get bottle. Mid/late game pro build items incomplete.

                    I do like the idea of going deso first in pub matches versus blink dagger. Nice guide otherwise.


                      It's been over seven years since I originally wrote that guide for Dota-Allstars forums, I'll get around to editing it one day lol.

                      About illusions - I meant moving illusions on Roshan to tank. By alternating Refract charges and illusion tanking you can finish Roshan without losing hp, although that does require quite abit of micro. Guess I forgot to specify that.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        shame on me, i play her solo offlane >.<

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          ^Done that, it's quite fun actually :) No shame!

                          @OP this vid is only touching the basic gameplay of TA, so hopefully it will help you some.


                            @ Zenoth

                            Thought illusions popped even when hit and not just right clicking for tank. Interesting.


                              if you put an illusion infront of roshan and you attack roshan from a range or aggro swap, he will target the illusions as long as they dont attack him.

                              Low Expectations

                                Can the Mjolner get proc under refraction?


                                  If you mean will Mjolnir go through refraction, then the answer is maybe. Lightning procs will take out a charge, so if you run out of charges from the autoattack and then get lightninged, it will hit you.


                                    My TA built
                                    (Traps just for catching rune, ancient camps, RS, and Secret shop)

                                    early - Tango(1 set)-Branch(3)-clarity(1)
                                    mid - Tread-bottle-Blink
                                    Late - Deso, Daedalus, MKB/Butterfly
                                    Anything wrong? better idea? Give me ur opinion w/ my built


                                      3 levels of Q by level 4?

                                      Deso is a better mid game item than Blink.

                                      You may want Psi Blades over your ult, but adding ult at 14/16 increases the number of traps you can have out there, which is big.


                                        ^Agreed with traps
                                        When I play TA, I have a trap over mid, both runes, in roshan, in enemy jungle camps and ancient camp, as well as over any places i may suspect a gank coming from

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