General Discussion

General Discussion1v9 games are always hard

1v9 games are always hard in General Discussion

    Ok, u were playing well as I see from the scores, but where the hell are your items?


      This Bogi should really get few days ban from forums.

      Stop qq-ing bro. Everybody has that kind of games, but i don't see everyone complaining


        how is he not banned yet...

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            Dat Clock item build...

            Vanity  ツ

              Always the teams fault isn't it?

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                ^ for Bogi it is.


                  Bogi 9001 mmr.


                    Ok but seriously that item build is so bad. Aghs is basically just an expensive ultimate orb if you have to go back to fountain after 2 or 3 combos. If you had a CM or like 3 arcane boots on your team it'd be alright. BKB would have been like 1000x better than aghs in that game. Silencer really messes up your combo if he's paying attention and you don't have bkb. Also no Force Staff against 3 BKBs. :\

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                    Quick maffs

                      Aghs is really good with clock if you are snowballing

                      i fucking hate maelstrom ember spirit so much

                      King of Low Prio

                        you become thor therefore it is a great item


                          Dacheat Agha is good , maybe expensive but I like when I can hook every few seconds I make big plays in teamfights. Maybe bkb was opinion but I decide to get hot cus anyway every single fight I was getting Doomed and needed to run away and with hot I could even tank and fight with bkb they will just kill me faster anyway. They had Sf and tiny very high dps. But our ember needed BKB yes instead of stupid maelstorm and maybe to not throw the game.

                          King of Low Prio

                            bkb is for pussies


                              my last 2 games were worse, first one i get this retard pudge and mirana who are useless all game and the enemy team are MLG pros, then next game i get the pudge again but now he plays PL and the enemy team are all MLG pros again

                              fucking PL afk farm 40 min and he has vlad/radi in the end

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                I don't get the clock build at all, if you could afford heart surely you could afford much more cost effective and better equipping items.


                                  Aghs isn't bad (one of the best Aghs upgrades IMO), but it is bad if you don't do anything else to increase your mana pool or regen. You really need Urn and 2 out of 3 of Dums/Force/Blademail to get the most out of it. Rushing Aghs on him is almost always a bad idea unless you have a CM on your team. Against the lineup you were against a Force staff would have been great.


                                    wow you are fast bro^



                                      bulll, even rushing naked aghs on clock gives him enough mana to pull off his combo twice in one fight, not considering the utility of hook alone - use it to escape, use it to a casual cog and backing - it's literally the best item you can get for him.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        terrorblade op they said.

                                        Bogi terrorblade so op with 48% win rate they said.

                              , ez mmr ez life


                                          Look don't get me wrong, it's a great item on him. Overall probably the best. I just feel that if you rush it you won't get all that much out of it until you have a larger mana pool. The longer you're able to stay on the map and create kills for your team the better. If you get Aghs super early you're going to be backing to fountain for regen after every teamfight.


                                            It expands your mana pool far more than any other first item you can get on Clock. If you're using multiple hooks in a fight such that you have to back for regen you're obviously contributing more early, so I don't see how it's a drawback. Furthermore the cooldown on it early without Aghs is so long (70/55) that you wouldn't be contributing a whole lot in between.

                                            I still think it's one of the best item to rush on him if you get a good start.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Well you're a much better player than I am so I'll defer to your judgement. Next time I'll try rushing Aghs.

                                              EDIT: I will admit that I really hate going back to fountain. Probably more than I should. So that probably has something to do with it.

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                                                  just joking, ure the best bogi ^_^

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