General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Assassin vs Troll Warlord DPS

Phantom Assassin vs Troll Warlord DPS in General Discussion

    Assume both are level 25 and have all their passives, and each has one luxury item below

    Troll: Daedalus

    PA: MKB

    Who would approximately deal more dps with all skills used?


      Swap the items and troll would win. What idiot carry goes head to head late game against a PA with no MKB.


        ^Assuming its not against someone with evasion, its very even, its literally whoever bashes and crits more wins.


          In a 1v1, Michael Jordan would destroy Lebron James in dribbles per second.

          Oh you mean Dota, uhh PA after two buttons.


            Money would go on a properly scaled and built troll but a PA doing it right as well it is very even and only RNGesus could decide.

   troll seems to win more and TBH I prefer him to PA as you can help your team push towers by ulting even if you aren't anywhere near there.

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