General Discussion

General DiscussionDark souls 2 steam pc

Dark souls 2 steam pc in General Discussion

    Want to take a break from dota 2,

    anyone where tried the pc version of dark souls 2 yet? Is it good compared to the console version or is it a shietty port? worth it for $72.
    I heard rumours where it doesn't launch and controls are messed up, theres no review of the pc version yet so im asking.

    Thanks guys.


      I've heard that the graphics options and controls are far superior to the DS1 PC port. Not sure about the other issues.

      The PC version will be the definitive version though. I'm gonna pick it up on PC when it goes on sale. I already beat it a few times on Xbox.


        WTF you guys so slow, i've watched people play in youtube weeks ago from start until the end hahahaha


          Fk who knows when steam sale will be on, must play before watching lol, at least dont watch it all lol. I have 1200p graphics.

          Sugar Show

            Someone scammed the gift 1month ago, steam support haven't give back my keys yet!

            Dire Wolf

              You actually buy brand new games? Just wait for summer sale and get some ~6 month old shit for 75% off.


                ^So you would wait 6 months for a game you're hyped for because it costs a bit more money? Dno, but most of the people I know buys games, clothes or anything because they want it, not waiting 3 years for it to be on sale, hippie

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Dire Wolf

                  A bit more money and 3 years? Hardly. I got mass effect 3 one year after release for $10. I was totally fine waiting a year for it. Didn't make the game any worse, actually made it better cus of the dlc that had been released by then. Sleeping Dogs last Christmas for $5. I have tons more examples, but with the countless number of games available cheaply I don't understand why anyone would pay $60 for any pc game in this day and age. Plus you run the huge risk of the game being terrible or buggy at launch like if you shelled out for Sim City 5 or Heroes of Might and Magic 6. I spend maybe $100 a year on games and get more than I can ever finish in that time period vs getting 1 or 2 brand new ones you're done with in 30 hours. To me it's just dumb to spend $60 for something that will be $40 in 3-6 months and $5-20 in 6-12 months for the exact same product, especially if it's not multiplayer cus your experience will be 100% the same regardless of when you bought it.

                  But then again I'm not that hyped about Dark Souls 2, interested but not hyped.


                    The only games worth paying the full price for are the expansions to mmorpgs. And that's only because the whole community will move on making doing the content of the expansion/vanilla next to impossible as people don't like doing old content. Everything else can wait for a price drop + sale. Hell, even then I probably will still not pay it, will probably buy it through keys which will lower the price by another 30% or so.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Already bought it today on steam, graphics seem alot better than console, of course at 1200p it is. I only wait for a steam sale if it's not a game I am looking forward to. waiting 6 months for a 20$ is a bit too long, no big deal.

                      You need an xbox360 controller if you want to play it though, keyboard+mouse is still same old shit unplayable.


                        Well I probably looked at it wrong. These are probably not games you're superhyped for and thus don't really care to get them asap.


                          I stopped getting hyped about games quite a few years ago. You're always let down.


                            DS2 wasn't a letdown.


                              Only games I've got hyped for is new releases of Counter-Strike. CSGO was a letdown though.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I agree with dipshit on mmo expansions which is why I said anything with multiplayer as a big component cus everyone's going to be on it and the game is going to play drastically different 6 months from the release like starting areas in an mmo won't be populated for example.

                                The only game I've paid release price for in the past 15 years have been wow and expansions and civ5. Civ5 was a huuuuuge letdown. That's a big reason I stopped buying new games. It got immensely better 2 years and many patches and an expansion later.

                                Another reason is I'm a big "retro" gamer and indie gamer anyway. I love good old games .com, I still play civ4 and master of orion regularly. I love humble bundle and steam sales on indie games like FTL, bionic dues, bastion. Cheap games you can get 30+ hours out of easily. So that also makes a $60 triple-a title less worth it to me.


                                  In dark souls you cant create hot chicks so i stay with skyrim

                                  *looks at avatar*

                                  Plz ES6 bethesda plz

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