General Discussion

General Discussionwhat gives you the most satisfaction in dota

what gives you the most satisfaction in dota in General Discussion


    last hitting
    super blind hooking w/ pudge
    triple kill sun striking

    i love those rampages where you're all over the map in every lane rather than a big teamfight at once
    just feels so sexy


      Echo slam rampage.


        5 man blackhole


          I had a rampage (that's the 5-kill right?) with NP

          Thread the needle pudge hooks, and fog of war pudge hooks.

          Turning a fight with 1% health (think enigma blink ult)




              Comeback win.
              Winning while playing a generally hard hero that I struggle with or am not good with.
              Winning in general.
              Wombo combo.


                I love Creep Skipping with Axe, especially against a lane with 2 melee heroes. I love seeing them come in for a last hit and then running after getting helixed.


                  having chen as enemy when i playing clinkz, oh god so gud.


                    When i try pause early in the game because someone D/c's and then the enemy team keep unpausing and then there guys d/c and they try pause :P and u like no bro (whilsts ur stomping them)


                      countering with rubick

                      lets say you've got a 4 man black hole (im close but out) --> spell steal --> 5 man black hole counter

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Comebacks mostly and just clutch plays on my part.
                        Probably the most recent major comeback I had was with Naix against gyro where he went divine rapier (he was a noob or something cuz he went butterfly first with free farm and didn't build bkb) and we just took the game easy after I took him down with some help from my team to lock him down.
                        The plays part is a bit more situational. In some cases it might be a simple fast blink initiation or whatever and in other cases it can be a series of small plays and the first thing that comes to my mind right now is when I played Puck against Magnus. We were losing a teamfight and I had very low health so I had to run dodging/juking shockwaves and we both have blink and orb/skewer so that lasted like 20 seconds or something which seemed like a lifetime.


                          When enemy talk shit, big talks, feel they already won. But in the end you are the one who win, and u say this magic word



                            Win for luck and say "Ez."

                            waku waku

                              learning new stuff like that you can't get into melee range of an enigma channeling his black hole from behind without getting drawn into it, that focus fire can't be used on phoenix supernova, that chaos meteor actually deals a fuckton of damage if landed properly and high level deafening blast is pretty fucking lengthy, it's always fun, and the result is always the same:

                              Vanity  ツ

                                Winning is the only thing that makes me happy. I do not really care about how close or congenial the game was. A lost game is a shit game.




                                    Games like this: after games like this:

                                    Story: first game I laned with Medusa, Medusa had free farm, lost the game badly, got reported & shit. Next game that Medusa was on the opposite team and laned AGAINST me. What a rape that was! At minute 5 silencer was still level 2, furion tried to help him, both got raped, left the lane.

                                    Void did a great job at holding the creep wave in our tower.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      when i get no russians in my team

                                      Manny Mammoth

                                        Getting combos with people
                                        e.g. RP into meteor, deafening blast


                                          empower ember


                                            The occasional game where I find someone who voice chats or types just genuinely hilarious things. Like one time I met this guy randomed earth shaker and I swear EVERYTHING he said was a related pun related to earth shaker. It was fucking brilliant.


                                              Winning a lane as Medusa.


                                                Playing a hero that whines about how bad you are ect. ect. you play another game and just happen to have them on the other team and proceed to crush them. Feels so good.


                                                  win streaks


                                                    Taking over a game as a support. Typically happens when you get the first blood (and oh god, boots before 10 minutes, shit son we're farmed) and just run around the map winning all the lanes.

                                                    Winning the solo offlane against a defensive trilane. I mean, they have to play badly for it to happen,'s just so rewarding.

                                                    Surviving a gank and turning it around. Juking through the trees, buying time for the team to TP in...

                                                    Having teammates that make space when I'm playing a carry. I mean, I'm not Meracle, I can't just tell the team to "go die on the other side of the map," but just getting ten minutes of free farm while they make even trades is great.

                                                    So...I guess I really like having clutch interactions and fights unless I'm the carry, in which case I want to PvE :P


                                                      Knowing that I made a significant contribution towards the win.


                                                        BIG ECHO SLAMS

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven



                                                            when someones instalocks pudge then you own him and all enemy is lik report pudge gg mid

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              talking smatch to people who think they won the game, trolling whiny people in game. Throwing the game when there's a thrower in game. Creating QQ threads. Talk about how big my MMR is in Dotabuff. Put all noobs down on DB and shots at elite people on DB forum.


                                                                i just rmembered

                                                                i fucking LOVE stealing ancient stacks

                                                                just adds more glory to your glory


                                                                  When I'm doing my own thing and not helping anyone. They ping me and insult me and report me but i end up being the saving grace of the team.


                                                                    playing as batrider in pub, and somehow rotating to jungle and saw my support already stacked it. God bless them


                                                                      Actually yea, Flops is good but the other way around. When people notice that I stack and watch runes for them. The little things.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        sometimes the little things in support eyes is a huge thing on another role ^


                                                                          guys youre getting real deep, im gonna cry


                                                                            Yes, but it takes a certain person of a certain role to realize. A lot of people yell for stuns when they have no mana or not in range. Ive had people yell at me cause i attacked with rubick instead of lifting him. They quoted that if I could attack I could lift, but it was only level two and people seem to fail to realize that the lift cast range is only the same as rubicks attack range at lvl3.



                                                                              yes, it's annoying when people don't recognize their range/radius

                                                                              i.e. captain deciding to put luna, rhasta and SK in the radiant offlane vs defensive tri that has all range heroes at 600 atk range = not fun

                                                                              Festive Reach

                                                                                Ending a losing streak. The struggles



                                                                                  Free farm, free kills, free towers :|


                                                                                    what gives you the most satisfaction in dota?
                                                                                    Being me!



                                                                                      the thing is i have no idea how to play chen

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Doom ganks when you phase boots + hellfire run in, doom your target, shivas so they can't run. Really awesome when said target is one with a killer escape like faceless void or storm spirit or qop and then they bitch in chat about how op the skill doom is.

                                                                                        Also love ganking wraith king on spectre with diffusal + manta. Oh so wraith king is free farming a pushed in lane all by himself, thinks he is safe eh? Ult in, manta, dead wraith king with no res.


                                                                                          Playing well.





                                                                                              getting multiple last hits at the exact same time due to cleave/radiance/or some aoe nuke


                                                                                                juking :3


                                                                                                  As SF, using shadow blade, and ulting right in the face of a hero and instantly killing him. Also, when you raze twice and kill the entire wave.


                                                                                                    Tossing that asshole teammate to enemy fountain when we have won.

                                                                                                    Entering enemy fountain with Ghost Scepter as Venge and swapping with said asshole.

                                                                                                    Force staffing asshole into fountain or simply buy a sneaky Ghost Scepter, motivate my team to follow me into the enemy fountain by diving first, activating Ghost and retreating.


                                                                                                      ^ you do enjoy killing assholes huh

                                                                                                      Sugar Show

                                                                                                        Rat Doto best doto.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!