General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does one make Dazzle survive teamfights?

How does one make Dazzle survive teamfights? in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I just started playing Dazzle and I really enjoy playing him. However, it looks like he can't survive teamfights. I understand that I need a good position. Since most of his spells can be done at a good distance away, one can stay away far away and help the team. But if an opponent ignores everyone and tries to kill you first in a team fight, as a Dazzle I dont want to waste a grave on me. It happened now two games in a row that when I die, the entire team dies. So I want to survive teamfights, so I can help my team.

    I have tried using Euls Scepter, Shadow Blade to juke these guys. Euls is not helpful. Of course, I have tried kiting and using ghost scepters too.

    Is there any technicality that I am missing? Or is it just good map awareness and good kiting abilities that I suck at and there is no other way?



      u should go mekk, or force staff is good

      Also yes games vs Sniper are hard as Dazzle

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      Low Expectations

        As a support you must learn to use fog of war. If you can use it correctly enemies will die while looking for you


          Deadshot is right you can weave through trees using heal over the trees as you juke which damages them over time. Dazzles spells do have a decent range so don't get all ballsie in fights and run into the fray. Keep in mind the best situation for the enemy is to catch you out cause you're too far in front and force you to use the shallow grave on yourself.


            @WiT.HiN_T: Yeah sniper is really sneaky. He is too far usually. When I grave people who are to be assassinated, I can feel the revenge... LOL :)

            @Deadshot: Thanks. I forget that often. Fog of War is really good. I should remember the range and practice it.

            @Havoc Badger
            Yeah, that is exactly what happens. The enemy BS, PA search for me in the whole team fight and break through over front line and silence/kill me. BS silence is like an eternity too :(

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              if you don't want to waste graves on yourself, stay far back enough that the enemies will jump on your teammates instead, who you can then grave.

              if there's no one on your team who is remotely close to dying, then maybe you could grave yourself, depends on the level of the grave.

              adjust your skillbuild. checked a few games in your profile and every time you've maxed poison first. dazzle is a very level dependent support and in pubs you're probably not going to get as many as you want. in that case, you should be maxing grave and wave because you're too squishy to offer a poison touch to a fight, or else you're going to die, since it has the lowest cast range (600) of all of dazzles spells bar level 1 grave.

              with the change to poison no longer mini stunning upon contact it may not even be worth getting 1 value point into it. sometimes depending on your team composition and whether you're in the lead or not, you can play more aggressive and throw out poison touches, other times you just have to sit back and just heal or grave people.

              imo weave doesn't have to be always gotten at 6. if you find yourself using heal/grave way too often / theres not much physical damage / HP pools are still very low, armour won't have as big as an impact as it will later. which means another point into grave or wave instead.

              wave doesn't just increase the healing by 20 per level, it increases the number of units healed, and also importantly, it's cooldown reduces by 2 seconds. in the early game, that lower cooldown is a huge game changer, enough of one so that you shouldn't just get 2 points into it like you do, then max touch and grave.

              shadow blade is terrible on supports since it is easily countered, is harder to build than other support items, and also does not benefit the team as much as other support items such as force or euls. dont just pick up euls because you don't know what to get, its not as useful against instant initiation or if you have shit reaction times. force staff is very rarely a bad item to pick up on a support, so you should've gotten that in your SB + euls game.

              force staff + max grave = 1600 cast range grave. if you're positioned correctly there's almost no chance of you being initiated upon. why would the enemies go out of their way just to get a dazzle who's sitting so far behind his teammates?

              if you're dying often it's probably a positioning error due to being too far forward. let your teammates be initiated on because you can counter initiate with grave.


                Thanks Androgynous. I will keep all that in mind. The skill build comment makes a lot of sense. I generally use poison touch to hide behind trees and initiate in the early laning stages. It has not paid off always, but sometimes it works. You are right though. There were many occasions where I hoped I had a grave instead of a poison touch.


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                  Señor Mango

                    I agree with everything adrogynous said
                    Poison should only b used to zone ppl out when ur carry is farming but dont max it out just 1 point is good and if u get a urn, i throw an urn charge with the poison dmg too.
                    Also when u r healing, and ur mate seems to b far too deep for u to go in u can also heal the creep closet to ur mate.
                    Keep in mind that the wave links to other units too. The more waves u throw u get used towhere they will bounce
                    Sometimes the wave has a higher range than ur grave, if ur mate is close to death but the grave wont reach in time throw a heal 1st then the grave.


                      Tho positioning is important, it happens to get caught out and get focused, when that happens, dont be afraid to use grave on yourself. The reasoning behind that is that if you die without using grave, its a waste. If you die but graved a full hp hero, basically its a waste. If you grave yourself, one of them will have to keep focusing you and if he dont you'll be able to position yourself again. Also, in my opinion, there's no point to max grave early, its a total waste since its rare that the teamfights last longer than 15 seconds and when they do, you'll have been focused and died.


                        Skillbuild I usually go is Q at lvl 1 for zoning out offlaner or firstblood.
                        Grave can also be skilled for firstblood by letting u dive a tower with no escape mechasiim very easily.
                        Same with Shadow wave if you have setup to get close to get max dmg output of it, it's actually pretty ridiculous dmg on it.

                        I usually max Shallow Wave first, then grave, but keep a point in 1st skill in the early game.

                        Grave for position purposes. The range at 1 is bad, which is the main reason. Also keep in mind that 1 single fight, 1 single pickoff changes how the game goes, and if you just a grave can win a game.

                        Just think about it, 1 single action can win you the game. Just getting a pickoff changes the game. Probably a tower you wouldn't gotten without the pickoff, and if you didnt get the pickoff you might have been somewhere else feeding a kill or something which would change what happened later in the game.

                        Im just saying,

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