General Discussion

General Discussion100-game declaration.

100-game declaration. in General Discussion

    I will play like a true and proper tryhard for the next 100 solo queue games.

    This thread will be my blog of my journey.

    Starting MMR: 3880
    Current MMR: 4001

    Current WR: 57.69%
    Last 5: [Color=#008000]Win[/color] [Color=#008000]Win[/color] [Color=#008000]Win[/color] [Color=#008000]Win[/color] [Color=#008000]Win[/color]

    [color=#ffa500]Captain's Mode WR: 100% (4 games)
    Bristleback WR: 100% (3 games)
    Average Slark KDA: 4.8[/color]

    [color=#ee82ee]I honestly felt like I started these games during a slump. Teammates were absolute bads and some games really put me at a loss. Things are picking up and I've even been carried once or twice though theres been some idiots... but w/e I expect the winrate to start spiking up.[/color]

    1. Centaur 6-3-12 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    2. Bristleback 11-4-6 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / Crushed the 1v2 offlane 3-0!
    3. Luna 14-10-20 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color]
    4. Ta 5-5-4 (5-0 laning) / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / 5 carries and an afker at 10 mins :(
    5. Tinker 1-7-1 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / Got owned
    6. Tinker 9-5-13 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    7. Tinker 4-3-23 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    8. Tinker 10-8-8 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / Disgusting game, crushed all lanes and got 7 min BoT, team plays like 2k mmr.
    9. Tinker 17-10-12 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color]
    10. Slark 8-0-7 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    11. Slark 15-0-12 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    12. Slark 20-7-15 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / Absolutely horrible teammates.
    13. Jugger 6-10-14 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / 2k ping, got carried. YAY.
    14. Slark 9-4-16 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    15. Slark 20-3-5 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color]
    16. Terrorblade 3-5-4 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / Lion + Lina got zoned by solo Furion. What.
    17. Slark 15-9-11 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] At one point Sniper was 1-9 and Tinker got crushed bad against Pudge mid.
    18. Slark 28-7-7 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / Entire team fed but dun dun dun dun, SB op.
    19. Slark 5-0-2 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / Scumbag teammates wanted to fountain farm but I ended game fast.
    20. Bounty Hounter 2-6-3 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / I shouldn't have picked a low impact hero, all lanes fed.
    21. Legion Commander 4-7-5 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color] / 19-2 Pudge and 0-10 Storm. Yes, this was my fault for losing the game.
    22. Bristleback 7-2-10 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / I drafted easy heroes for team. Game was ezy.
    23. Visage 12-7-17/ [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / Core players were horrible but supporks managed to carry. SD was like 5-0 at start.
    24. Bristleback 3-4-11/ [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    25. Rubick 5-1-15 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
    26. Visage 10-4-18 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color] / Yay for outdraft!

    Toto téma bylo upraveno



        use colorcodes! eventually different coulours for different roles/lanes also :D


          nerf luna


            I'm sort of depressed regarding the Luna game, it was a close match and enemy ancient was down to 40%, but we got teamwiped and only 2 of us had bb. If I had made less mistakes this would have been a won game.

            TA game was retarded. Picked into TA, called mid, subsequently 4 carries/semis were picked.

            Midas LC

            Dagon Bounty

            Blink Alche

            If you watch the game I even crushed the lanes by ganking and got 5-0, everything went downhill from there.


              Had a Dagon Bounty myself in the team, totally worthless.
              I don't know what the people are thinking about it but I strongly believe it's not a good item for him, extremely situational not to mention almost worthless


                I'm motivated to do this but too lazy to record everything :(


                  ^ dude, imagine a situation where the enemy team is just throwing bodies at u and u keep tracking that, and ur gold keeps on bling bling bling. dagon bh legit

                  Also, blink alch isn't bad. Midas on LC is though. So retarded.


                    Its a build for the KDA starved. It gives them a nicer score even if they contributed close to nothing.


                      @noob, its bad when theres 5 carries.

                      A Mek would have the team waaaay more. Anyway the game was sort of stupid because the sidelanes lost big.


                        "When game is going full retard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you´re fucking done for."

                        Teachings by notail. I live by it every day.


                          Its just rage invoking.

                          People throwing left and right.

                          The Ice Truck Killer

                            I went full try hard and now on 2/11. -250MMR GL mate.


                              Starting to feel perplexed.

                              I'm definitely stomping my lane as well as helping the other lanes out. Still can't win...


                                whats wrong with blink alch? and even dagon bounty is viable, bulldog has built it in pro matches



                                  That was the game. Blink alch was bad cuz he got the blink AFTER he fed and lost the lane. Same as to BH, they were buying snowball items AGAINST snowballed enemies.


                                    well hope to see more "green" from u :)


                                      good luck bruh!



                                        LETS GET SOME GREEN GOING.


                                          didnt you miss 2 slark games?


                                            I'm only recording solo-queue.

                                            Mainly because my party queues are full of casuals where I just wanna enjoy it with them too.


                                              play morphling.


                                                Why morphling?


                                                  nukes like a bastard, hits like a truck and has a pretty bad-ass voice.


                                                    But has to farm a lot and in lower brackets people will flame and tell you "gg ez mid no gank" because they can't keep up with their own lanes. I don't know if that happens in op's bracket.


                                                      Honestly all my Slark games should have been wins.

                                                      Anyway as it stands, playing as Slark will 100% increase my MMR in the long run. I'm stomping too hard even without teammates.

                                                      10. Slark 8-0-7 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
                                                      11. Slark 15-0-12 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
                                                      12. Slark 20-7-15 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color]
                                                      14. Slark 9-4-16 / [Color=#008000]Win[/color]
                                                      15. Slark 20-3-5 / [Color=#ff0000]Loss[/color]

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        >Capable of solo killing enemy carry in a trilane in the tiny fraction of time 1 of the supports goes to stack+pull
                                                        >Capable of running 1v5, getting at least 1 kill, and then escaping with full hp
                                                        >Capable of outcarrying all 2 star carries and most 3 star carries
                                                        >Capable of 2 shotting supports at level 9
                                                        >Balanced hero

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          No slark doesn't outcarry shit unless he is massively overfarmed.


                                                            I agree with Sam. Slark is great for picking off, creating space and hurting their carries farm but honestly he can't really 1v5.

                                                            Anyway my KDA with him after picking him up after watching a replay of Vaikiss' is 8.78, I'll be maining him for the rest of my solo queue games.


                                                              blog of my journey,
                                                              more like copypasterino from dotabuff profile to dotabuff forum lol


                                                                Well I'm not gonna post length explanations of each game am I? And its not like theres enough of a trend to suggesting something worth elaborating on.

                                                                Other than me deciding Slark is the MMR train.

                                                                Bone Chilling

                                                                  God, that last slark game... I feel your pain bro.


                                                                    "I'll be maining him for the rest of my solo queue games."
                                                                    you and everyone else trying to get a few extra MMR points. people were picking slark to win pubs long before you found out. he's not as bs as ember or TB, but still strong.

                                                                    btw you might want to rely less on the shadow blade. eventually when your enemies stop blaming each other and stop spamming well played after each one of them dies to a shadow blade'd slark, they're gonna get detection for you.

                                                                    also your skill build - if you max pounce first then you're not limited to a pounce-pact combo once every 20 seconds, and lower levels of DP do less self damage too. with 1-4-1-1 pounce and pact are on similar cooldowns (8 and 9 seconds respectively, compared to 20 and 6). if you snowballed harder then you might have won.

                                                                    comparing 1-4-1-1 to 4-1-1-1, you'll miss out on 45 magic damage by going 1-4-1-1 every time you pounce + pact, but you'll lose 112 less HP every dark pact, and in the early game, 112 HP is a lot for Slark, shadow dance doesn't heal as fast as you think when it's only rank 1 and Slark has below 1k HP.

                                                                    the 45 magic damage can be made up by extra right clicks that you would've got by dark pacting later. if you pounce and pact immediately after, the enemy can stun you right when pact ends. if you pounce first, then you can bait out the stun, and wait to pact, and that time between pouncing first and getting extra right clicks you wouldn't have gotten due to being stunned.

                                                                    your ability to escape is also way better, since pounce has a much lower cooldown (from 20 to 8), and every time you purge off a stun you'll deal less self damage.


                                                                      They were laning against a BB, people at my MMR aren't inbuilt to play conservatively in bad matchups.

                                                                      >bad laning
                                                                      >bad mood
                                                                      >play bad

                                                                      I was trying to raise morale by quelling arguments and giving compliments but lol everyone was hatin' on NS who hated them back.


                                                                        maybe you will feel my pain.




                                                                          I understand how flawed SB is and I once was on the theory team and explained how it sucked. Countered easily and such but eh it works out well. Good for moving around rivers and sneaking up for solo kills.

                                                                          I max Death Pact for that early jungle farm, if you watch my replays, I jungle quite a bit early to get that 15min SB, on all 5 games I managed to get it at that mark regardless of how hard the lanes were. E.g. 2 melee top vs Axe.

                                                                          All in all, my Slark is played greedily. And honestly, greed is the way to go when I can outplay players at my MMR.

                                                                          @Sir Rat

                                                                          We all share this pain.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            ignore them and just do your own thing. then hopefully they'll realise "hey we should stop arguing and help the slark win the fucking game"


                                                                              getting a 15 minute shadow blade doesn't guarantee anything though. you get one and then what? you can't guarantee kills with it, although it does make it easier. you can't guarantee that the enemy doesn't already have a sizeable lead that makes ganking a bad idea, and it's not a farming item, and so on.

                                                                              if you want shadow blade to be effective, you gotta snowball first, go with your team with an early drum, go get kills, then because you have as much strength as a sange with drum + str treads, you're self sufficient and you can go ganking alone with much less chance of dying from a counter initiation due to having 300 HP more than you usually do.

                                                                              a 15 minute shadow blade is pretty slow despite the fact that you're telling me you've maxed pact to farm faster. the jungle should be a secondary alternative to laning. you don't jungle just because you can. you jungle because you've already killed the lane creeps, then you kill a jungle camp, and then you go back to the next creep wave.

                                                                              if you can outplay people at your MMR, why is your slark winrate only 50%. I think you're grossly overestimating your skill on slark (or just your skill in general). if you were really greedy then you'd spend more time farming while also split pushing. rather than trying to look for enemies, make them come to you if you want to accelerate your farm.


                                                                                Because if you've seen my Slark match history, I only started building him this way/playing this way recently...

                                                                                15 minute is basically the latest mark for SB plus everything else, i.e. treads, orb, magic wand and etc. If I rushed it raw I could get it around at the 10-11 minute mark but thats not the point. 15 minute is roughly when I'm legitimately levelled and geared to solo kill.

                                                                                And no, I am not overestimating myself. I'm usually captain and core player of a group averaging 4.3k-4.4k MMR, which whilst not exactly amazing, it is still above the MMR I play in.

                                                                                One of my regular duo party mates ranked at 4.6k solo pretty much agrees that we play on par and no, it wasn't empty flattery.


                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  recent slark matches: 8
                                                                                  recent slark matches won: 4
                                                                                  4/8 is still 50% even disregarding your older games.

                                                                                  you captain some friends, so what? if you were on par with your friends, your MMR would be too.

                                                                                  "One of my regular duo party mates ranked at 4.6k solo pretty much agrees that we play on par and no, it wasn't empty flattery."
                                                                                  -opinion - it's not a fact that you play supposedly on par with him
                                                                                  obviously is a valid argument.


                                                                                    An early shadow blade punishes all the common mistakes you see in lower bracket pubs: Bad positioning, bad map awareness, bad supports, uncoordinated teams, etc. It's easier to snowball, because most of the time they don't even know how to place defensive sentries and if they do, they do it 30 mins in when you're already fat.
                                                                                    I think we all agree that shadow blade is a shitty item (srsly, 3k g for an item that's countered by a 200g one?), but that doesn't change the fact that it works on uncoordinated pubs.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      i cant believe thats tryhard.... i wouldve reported you if you were in my team


                                                                                        Ty at above explaining why I use SB, my current build is based on a replay of Vaikiss who plays Slark like this at 5-6k MMR.

                                                                                        Eh we can go back on forth regarding my skill so I'll leave it for the end of this 100 games. If I can't raise despite trying then clearly I should remain as a 3900 player.

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          for slark, i generally go treads/orb/point/yasha and then SB

                                                                                          yasha is one of those items i dont mind leaving left "incomplete", as it's still cost efficient and works well with slarky poo

                                                                                          also orb/point for the ez slow and actual sustainable mana pool so that you can use that shadow blade.

                                                                                          anyone else agree/disagree?


                                                                                            Yasha works incredibly well with Slark, simply because the one flaw of it (paper) is negated with Slark's ulti. I think its a matter of preference on which you build first. They both (shadowblade/yasha) add kill potential and survivability.

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              doom dem slarkz

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl smazán


                                                                                                  first of all sb on slark is used to bypass wards , and regen in middle of the combat after backing up

                                                                                                  second of all dark pact is skilled for farming purposes until u get ur sb and then u have double heal with both sb and shadow dance with maxed pact u have no farming potential especialy if u got zoned out or raped in lane


                                                                                                    sub 4k mmr




                                                                                                    My dawg

                                                                                                      PUSSY SO GOOD HAD TO SAVE THAT SHIT FOR LATER


                                                                                                        i'm usually 7-3 / 8-2 out of 10 games when it comes to playing in the under 5k bracket. that's like elo heaven, what are you guys even saying ;d