General Discussion

General DiscussionCursed Hero

Cursed Hero in General Discussion

    It seems I can't win with gyrocopter despite playing good or not, this hero looks like curse to me as everytime I have bad team mates or I simply lose no matter what. :
    In my last games I was playing solo offlane as veno asked to be mid, I was against silencer and Jugernaut. Managed to get two kills early on Jugernaut and decent farm as I was against two of them, also escaped a gank from zeus. Silencer even left his lane to go mid. So I had slark bot in my team and jungler lifestealer somehow they were three bots and managed to die often. We had early advantage in kills and towers, until they decide to push mid without me and all die to their t2. (could not join without bkb). Then they simply pushed us and we could not defend even when I scored a rampage.
    In this game I was mid and disruptor and sniper safe lane, they gave double kills to axe in 1 mn or less, then 3 more kills before the 3 mn mark, we were something like 13-2 at the 5 mn mark just because of this lane, they kept dying go back to lane and die again. I ganked axe once kill him, came back to mid and then they died again, then it was just some push from their teams and we could not defend. Disruptor was a girl that could not land any of his spells corectly and she muted me when I blame her. The only reason because the game length as much (56 mn) was because Elder Titan did a good job with good sleep and ultimate, followed by my ulti.

    So I have no idea how to win with this hero, usually I got some kills early then I can't fight without bkb because he's too squishy and I never manage to catch back late game when my team mates failed their lane.

    Do you have yourself cursed heroes ?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Dire Wolf

      Well your item choices are pretty bad. First aghs is really awful on gyro. Gyro is kind of like luna, you want to flash farm a lot and win team fights late. So you need items that boost your dmg to stack with flak cannon. Personally I like treads more than phase, but that's a preference. After that though drums is ok but I'd rather save a bit more and get a yasha. You should also get an early helm of dominator and stack ancients. With flak cannon you can clear them. What were you building with a reaver your first game? If you're super squishy consider going shadow blade and just running away from fights you can't win.

      I feel like gyro's core should be boots, aquila (he needs that regen, good item for agi heroes), manta and helm of dominator. After that bkb in there somewhere, maybe after yasha but before manta? And then either upgrade to a satanic, get an mkb or a butterfly depending on the situation.

      I would not want to off lane gyro, that seems awful. I'm not even a big fan of his mid. He has poor range, no good harass moves except rockets but your enemy will just run away early, and pretty low base dmg although a killer animation so last hitting can be problematic against certain heroes. I mostly prefer him safe lane with a babysitter.


        You have 2.03 KDA over 27 games. I think you die too much. Be more cautious and stop being greedy.

        King of Low Prio

          ^ playing greedy wins games, you just have to be smart about it


            The agh choice is true but in the only games I picked him it was because they were pushing hard and we were like two racks down and had only 4k5 to spend to prevent them for a last push.

            Almost like in the game with the reaver when I got a rampage in this game after defending a rax I was too squishy and even with bkb I almost died, so I though it would help to defend the next push and maybe later turn it into a satanic or heart.

            Just made a new game with it and played bad in this one because I was upset with the last, so I'll try a new one and see how it turns, maybe playing more greedy and safe.

            In the game I showed I was 6-0-3 before my KDA started to drop, if I cant defend any of their push what's the point to stay alive.

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            King of Low Prio

              the only score that matters is the win or loss, having a easy lane and having a good start means nothing if you cant turn it to a win


                Well usually with any hero if I'm 10-0 I will manage to get the win with gyro not, just redo a game and invoker tried to roshan with half life against bs, team push 4 v 5 when i just revive... You can't really win a game with ur safe lane feed the offlaner 8 times in 3 mn.

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                  Now I just checked stats and the average kda with gyro is 2.20 (for every players).


                    Yeah, listen to Sampson, this game is called "Defense of the Ancients", not "Win your lane" or "Score rampage". It is obvious but still many players can't understand that.


                      ^^ not sure if irony.


                      Well I just won a game with gyro after an aweful start all our t2 towers were down and no towers from them, score was terrible and I had brown boots and aquila at 10 mn. We won at the end I guess it's what's happens with cursed hero.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Uh that last game you gpm is 464 which is acceptable, and your item choices make a lot more sense. Dying 10 times, so what? You have a proper end game build. That's where gyro wins. Just shoot to get 500 gpm and don't worry about kda especially early. Just try not to die as it costs you gold.

                        I'm not a very good gryo either, really haven't played him much since my noob days when I was first learning.


                          stop getting treads, get phase. each point in damage you get, results in 6 x (number of units hit with flak cannon).

                          manta is meh, your illusions don't benefit from +damage, which is what gyrocopter commonly gets to boost his flak cannon damage, you can keep it as a plain yasha, or go drum instead. aquila isn't necessarily core, you can keep basilius as it is and get a faster phase boots if you're poor or can't last hit well.

                          no bkb against all their spells is pretty dumb. gyrocopter needs the immunity because he's going to be in the middle of the fight if he wants to flak everything.

                          get stats instead of homing missile. 1 point is enough, the stun at level 1 is 2.2 seconds, the extra damage and 0.2s more stun is not worth it over stats since it's easily destroyed and rarely gets used anyways.

                          you didn't play well in any of your games, you got carried in your last win and couldn't carry in your losses.


                            ^ LOL. You talk about 440 magic damage nuke and 2.8 sec stun here. Most other heroes can only dream about ability like this one.

                            Rule of DOTA2 #1 says: "Max your nukes first."


                              ^^ Agree also it's good with invoker sunstrike combo, I had two kills on bs early with this combo.

                              Dire Wolf

                                A lot of people don't max the missile, as androgynous said it gets destroyed often, it takes a long time to fly to someone anyway. It's best at forcing people to run behind towers and lvl 1 vs lvl 4 makes no difference there.


                                  i like bewbs

                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777



                                      Manta, Aghs, Reaver what's going on ehre?

                                      r w tlkin bout gyro or crystalmaidn

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        my storm spirit is cursed. help


                                          lol you guys are saying like missile was reliable
                                          yet its true it has great dmg and stuntime, it will be often destroyed, or you'll hit someone who is tower huging so theres nothing you can do


                                            gyro is an awful hero. if you're gonna play him, use him as support


                                              My sf is cursed. I suck with him, but lost 2 games in a row because some were chasing the enemy team in the fountain, while the others were attacking the throne. Of course we got wiped and lost the game 2 minutes later.

                                              At least were balanced games...

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                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!