General Discussion

General Discussiondota 2 and willpower

dota 2 and willpower in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    I remember when i was younger my dad told me:" if you are bad at something keep practicing it again and again and again, and eventually you will be better". So i was wondering does the same principle apply to dota? Meaning that if i just practice(by playing ofc) again and again and again using only my willpower to keep myself playing, i should eventually get better?


      By practising the same thing over and over again your body starts mastering it.
      Ofc then it depends on the single individual person on how well you've mastered it.
      Some people are born players, some learn it slower.

      But no matter what, I can confirm to you that a thing mastered quite good and quite faster when you like it.
      At least this is my experience in 30 years


        You will get routine, which definitely helps, but that only gets you to a certain point.
        Becoming a better player involves a lot of analysis - heroes, matchups, abilities, recent own & pro matches, winning strategies, (de-)ward/jungle/harass/gank tactics etc.pp.
        It's also important to learn how to accept advice of others and to question your own decision-making... people who only blame their team members rarely become better.

        Hex Sigma

          i was asking because while in theory i know many things, i usually fail when it comes to execution and hence that's why i asked about practicing over and over again. Also a friend told me that if you just keep playing eventually you will get better(at pubs ofc, i am not talking about the competitive level)


            for ur notice

            scietificly proven fact that to master something it takes aprox 10000 hours give or take on the persons talent

            so it might take quite some time to get to level where some players are

            just saiyan

            Lorne Malvo

              Look into Gladwell's Outliers. Interesting stuff, looks like.


                Your brain is capable or processing a certain amount of actions in a second. This cannot be improved much by practising.
                The best players can process more, that's plays a large part to their success. You can get better but if you have played 1000 games or more your pretty much as good as your are going to get.

                King of Low Prio

                  Just going through the motions is not enough to improve. The head instructor at my Kendo club was lecturing the junior members a while back that alot of them where just doing the drills and not actively thinking about what was going on.

                  For example someone was striking his opponent slightly off target and he just continued to make the same mistake over and over again and even though he came to every practice he was not improving much. What he should be doing is after each hit that is off target in his mind he should be processing
                  -was my distance correct?
                  -was my timing correct?
                  -was my footwork correct?

                  Alot of people fall into the trap of only being able to evaluate themselves based on external criticism (X player says you should be doing Y) which limits your personal growth because what works for some people might not always work for you(an example of this is the whole vanguard debate) Being able to look at your own mistakes objectively is the FIRST step to improving and it is a step most people neglect. Keep in mind anyone who says they always are objective with themselves is lying the trick is to try and force yourself to be objective.(even at the detriment of your own ego)

                  TLDR: watch your own replays and question EVERY choice you made.


                    Wow Sampson not being a dick and giving good advice.

                    Why arn't you like that to me

                    Sugar Show

                      Play same heroe over and over brings a better gameplay.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I am only a dick to people who deserve it. He asked for help and he got help.


                          There is a major difference between just wasting time by playing and a conscious and focused effort to get better at something. I don't think that most people get this.

                          The first is called "fun" or a "timesink" and the second one is "work".

                          Hex Sigma

                            well thnx for the advice guys. I will definetly start watching my replays more frequently as i also observed that when i am calm(well not in a game) i can see what i am doing wrong.


                              u should only watch the replays of the lost game becouse u barely notice any mistakes when losing

                              whenever i used to get raped in mid with matchups that was unfarmiliar for me i just studied what i did wrong and then tryed exact same matchup but played in different ways 99% of the time i changed the outcome of the matchup to my favour one way or another

                              sometimes mistakes are made due other ppls underperforming and those arent worth looking at because thats random factor thing unless u play with same ppls over and over

                              King of Low Prio

                                ^that is a good point, I noticed alot of people refuse to even look at matches they feed on lol

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  Might get road to 2k MMR before you hit 4k MMR.


                                    to OP, YES


                                      to OP.
                                      ask yourself. are you better at dota2 than 1 year ago ? and 2 years ago ?

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        ^welp I only have 1 year of dota but I know I am much better than last year(last year when I started dota I didn't even know how the heroes work). The problem is that I don't have that much time to play dota, because I have a pretty busy schedule(going to school, studying etc.) and in the end I am left with 1 hour sometimes 2 to play dota. At least the summer vacation is near and then I'll have plenty of time.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          there are some people who play this game all the time and are just too stupid to get better

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!