General Discussion

General DiscussionDamn just went against a decent Slark.

Damn just went against a decent Slark. in General Discussion

    Teammates were bads.

    Barely hit 170 CS on the 16th minute mark on TB despite having little space to farm (every lane was dominated), couldn't out carry a fed Slark. He punishes bads so hard.


      when I saw sentence I thought we just played vs. each other.

      I'm throwing more games than I lose currently. DotA too frustrating. I was more alt-tabbed than actually playing or paying attention to those scumbagfs.


        i would like to point out that in 16 mins, you can hit at most, 128 creeps. just sayin' though...


          and you got only 37 cs in the next 15 minutes? Smells fishy...

          HotD is a terrible item on TB.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            That Tide didn't have mana to double ravage.


              Be the good man, take the hit, play the bloodcyka instead


                @Sir Rat, err I jungled and multi laned.

                @Zenoth, watch replay, cuz next 15 mins we were getting pummelled. You're on my friend list, it wouldn't even take you 3 minutes to confirm it.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  i have to say, its almost impossible to multi lane and jungle without radiance


                    I think he meant multi laned as in he tped to other lanes to farm whenever necessary.

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