General Discussion

General DiscussionIs DUO Mid Lane viable?

Is DUO Mid Lane viable? in General Discussion

    I'm curious.
    if not why not?
    have anyone tried it and found out it was ineffective?
    or people are just so smart they know it won't work before they try?

    I hope some team from TI4 does duo mid lane and pwn pwn pwn
    and everyone follow the same shit.

    I mean if team duo lane, it's guaranteed to take the rune every time
    and what if we duo mid lane and like gank both lane at the same time.

    If someone from duo mid lane gets rune and goes for gank, another duo mid laner gets solo exp while he is gone
    and I don't think exp gap is going to be that different? Also if they can even manage to kill opponent's mid laner....
    they even have solo side laner on top of that... SO OVERPOWERED :D

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      its so op


        Lich is usually the go to guy for dual mids cause he can't really fuck anything up and can stay out of exp range getting equal levels just from using sacrifice and killing the mid if he comes on too strong.


          Io + (insert io combo)
          Shadow Demon + (insert shadow demon combo (mirana, leshrac, kunkka))


            Best dual mid is pudge / sf. When Russian sf ( as last pick, ofc ) goes mid after pudge, nothing can stop them.

            Back to topic. Also pl/eza is sick dual mid ( i remember doing that strat with my team, back in 2007 in dota )

            It is so hard to stop pl from farming in that lane, especial with good ward , they will be unable to even come near you.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              support invoker + carry ember dual mid

              casual gamer

                wisp tony = destruction


                  I've seen dual mid Tiny+IO in pro scene about month ago.

                  I think this strat is viable only if support buys bottle, collects all runes and uses bottle on main mid player so he can focus on farm.
                  If not Io then other viable mid supports are Lich, Venomancer or Venge.


                    mid is more easily ganked so not suitable for those not that good in lane really. which is why storm spirit wrecks in pubs but not so much in comp because he is easily ganked before 6 whereas puck is a lot more common pick due to its escaping capability.

                    and in pro games I have seen wisp-tiny quite a few times. also some ancient apparition using chilling touch hanging around while going to stack jungle camps.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Wisp + hero
                      Lich + hero / situational

                      Supports zone and deny the other mid while trying to cover runes. It's okay to trade regen for theirs in the support role, because they can't match you back. Try to force them from lane exp, walk highground if you can on one of the corners and just sit there/ deny creeps until the next wave comes in. Back, harass with spells and repeat.


                        Right before I left hon for dota 2, dual mid was the meta for the pro scene. Haven't followed it since I left, but what teams would do is have a farming inciatator type such as magmus[sand king], pebbles [tiny], fayde, or moraxes with a ranged support. Usually both would have stuns, a common combo was engineer and magmus. The mids would try to ensure a quick portal key and try to get kills on the opposite mid hero with a combination of stun/disables.

                        The lanes were often 1-2-2 with solo suicide and dual safe and mid lanes. Another variation would be 1-2-1 with a jungler.

                        Of course everything from hon was just a previous dota 1 strategy.


                          Pudge Invoker viable dual lane middle.


                            well its viable in certain line ups, LGD has been running it recently as Rabbit on Tiny mid (Io + tiny dual lane)
                            but its very situational cuz usually you put a hero mid cause he needs fast levels, and dual laning would ruin it



                              Krazy Kat


                                North American Rejects beat Liquid last night using a Morph+Wisp dual mid.


                                  That's probably where the idea of this topic came from.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I would not suggest dual mid in pubs because it requires your whole team to be on board.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      What sampson said. It works but you need an off laner and when you announce dual mid people go huh? And then don't pick appropriately. I have done it as lich + mirana a couple times and we crushed mid but the other lanes got raped cus they weren't prepared to solo one.


                                        in four words yes.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Aluna-Devo vs Pebbles-Nypmhora. The ancient matchup.