General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats current stomp meta for pubs ?

Whats current stomp meta for pubs ? in General Discussion

    Ive heard its lycan again now but didnt play in a long time and have no idea what has changed ? So what is it now ? Previous was ES.


      Lich + Aghanim's Scepter.


        ^ That actually contributed for more Lich losses...


          ursa wisp as always


            I don't see how...
            Lich wins lane and adds that element of panic in teamfights.

            Btw, Lich is a nice counter to Ursa+Wisp.

            P.S. Previously Lich was countered by heroes like Broodmother, Nature's Prophet, Phantom Lancer, now he counters them.

            P.P.S. Try Lich+Treant+KotL team...

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            King of Low Prio

              because lich players in pubs prioritize agh over things like mek and wards and lose the game


                Tranquil Boots => Magic Wand => Aghanim's Scepter
                It is one and only way to play Lich, imo.

                P.S. But you have to buy wards no matter what.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  snowballing heroes like always
                  TA, storm, QoP, slark bla bla

                  King of Low Prio

                    no there are matches where the lich needs to make the mek, agh works if you plan on going late game BUT there are times where u need to end the match early

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Lanaya / Ember / Invoker (Q/W no midas) / Mirana / Tree / Lycan / Shadow shaman / Slark

                      Heros that are stable with low risk seem to work well.


                        Lanaya Safelane solo midas ez farm get kills of the retarded offlane



                        slark solo safelane gwet level 8 farm on support for 3 mins. kill their carries after that. get bashed for picking slark.



                        Pick lycan mute everyone in tim go jungle because that moron wants to play carry kotol farm Vlad,boots,medallion get level 7-8. fuck rosh. get a few kills on supports. get tier 1 towers by rat. by necro rat more


                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          TA midas is the dumbest shit ever.

                          Why rush a midas when you can up deso by 12-14 minutes and get so much more done with it? Easy towers, easy kills, accelerated farm, easy Roshan. Midas is horrible.


                            TA midas.....

                            BURN THE HERETIC

                            Bone Chilling

                              I played 15 games in a row with lich and only made aghs a few times, It really isn't a must. I'd say it's a perfect counter push spell now, and a great bonus to combo-wombo if you have one in a team. Else you should just go other items like mek, veil etc.


                                Well with safelane farm you can get phase/deso/midas by 15-17 minutes if you get 1-2 kills


                                  I had a dota fail vs Lich. He had aghs and casted his ult on us. We all spilt up it came to me with no one around.. then playing as visage I pressed R... woops

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    There's at least 4 items I'd rather have before aghs on lich- shivas, mek, scythe, veil, sometimes even drums. I get flammed a lot for never building aghs but I'm like 5-1 with lich since the patch and have only seen 2 or maybe 3 team fights in all those games where ult would've bounced more than 10 times. Those same flammers are the ones who build midas every game on luna and faceless void so not sure about their item priorities.


                                      i think that centaur is pretty good if you can get your team to let you solo. it farms amazingly good too if you get tranquils and hood of defiance

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        For pub stompers though I like wraith king. People just can't handle his res, he has a good stun, he is pretty easy to farm with, he has a no brainer default build- treads, armlet, bkb, ac. Last item is your choice, I usually abyssal but you can also deso or even heart.

                                        Viper is a really good pick too if you enjoy mid. He has an advantage against most mids.


                                          STORM SPIRIT is pretty neat. If you don't get gankd a lot and get ur lvls and farm you'll be awesome and run down ppz.


                                            Sniper turtle strat = win


                                              io + %stomper%

                                              Quick maffs

                                                slark slark slark slark slark

                                                Kapitan Timba

                                                  shadow shaman

                                                  Von Darkmoor



                                                      In lower brackets, Visage. As long as you are semi-decent at that hero, it's pretty easy to stomp the game. Trench tier players have no idea how to play against him and what to expect from him.


                                                        Centaur works for me. He's really good about letting the team know when it's time to fight - people just sort of instinctively wait for you to blink and slam. The Stampede also helps with your allies' positioning, which is typically awful.

                                                        I've had a lot of fun with Axe - PRD makes his jungling a bit more reliable, so you can 2.5 lane without being stuck pulling and doing nothing because your pubbies don't understand trilanes exist to kill people. Can also offlane in a pinch - which means I actually like picking him blind more than Centaur, because of the laning flexibility. It's not worth it to argue with retards that you picked first and called the lane first.

                                                        Really, any tanky blink initiator that puts a lot of impact onto the teamfight.