General Discussion

General DiscussionAWWWWW YIS

AWWWWW YIS in General Discussion
Mikkei Combine

    Before this becomes another regurgitation reply train without an actual thought out response. (since I know you prob didn't read all of it anyways).

    I hope you do know that that race is not just the color of someones skin right? Cause you are pointing out that one part like its something bad. I hope to fuck that you don't actually think that is funny. Even though in teamspeak wink and sam were speaking of feminism. Which is something that can go with #3.

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      NaR wins! that 200+ damage drow with MoM makes towers go bb fast!

      Krazy Kat

        No replay? Arg I wanted to see that.
        BTW Dotabuff gives win to Liquid. Valve gives win to NAR.
        See comments for details.

        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!