General Discussion

General DiscussionEvaluate this game please

Evaluate this game please in General Discussion

    Would like someone to help me point out flaws, I think my main one was not keeping prophet down, as he wrecked us lategame


      Problm is you can't keep down a good prophet :(((


        Holla holla get dolla is the name of the game son.

        Shut np down early and push t3s before he can really get good items.
        A farmed np with no counter push owns every time.

        Riki should of just been ganking np from the minute he hits level 6.
        Save the silence for when he tries to tele and save the blink for when he sprouts.

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          ok you did fine, but your friend disruptor didn't harass at all, he left lane when u went to jungle gank so he got 0 exp. Sven had as much farm as you guys did once he left. It was 1 minute IN-GAME, til you guys even spam 1 spell on sven. Disruptor didn't spam thunder strike on every cd. Looking at that replay he got greedy and went Q & W skill build. Which you must thought he went e for 'anti-silencer build'. Disruptor getting some of your last hits too. You shoulda warn him to leave it to you. He shoulda zone sven out of EXP range, or you should tell him to hrass every time your last word is off cooldown so he will use it in combination with your last word.

          Nothing going on afterwards. Not sure why diruptor went top, basically everbody on your team sucks except Mirana. I mean just watching them play I can tell they are low 2k MMR players, saying they are near 3k is really instult to 3K MMR players with things such as green boots riki and carry wd with dagon on a bursty enemy team. At 20 mintues u push without a team. Mirana never ults for allies and only himself. WD is watching you guys die and solo hunting. Disruptor missing like 80% of his static fields.

          Game is pretty much over at 30 mintues. Only cons is they made you support silencer. In low tier always prod with either last word or Q to see if they actually gone anti-silencer build. If he does stun or use e, you can use q or e later, proc'ing a stun or long disarm from sven. I would go for either force staff or sceptor as silencer never orchild. Having orchid on silencer is like that 30 mintue orchid on clinkz when game is almost over he get's 2 kills of jungle then game ends. Or that 30 mintue mid invoker with force staff & euls with 0 ganks and loses towers first to enemy mid.

          Cuz you have PLENTY of silence already sure the added bonus damage is nice but having an escape mechanism like force staff in losing game. And that sceptor adds a curse of silent to every ult which is nice and must have for winning game. IT's a MUST HAVE item like for shadow shaman and warlock, you just need it that BAD. You did will but u really had no chance with those alllies.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            no mobility e.g. force staff vs prophet sprout, ds surge, or puck blink. so that means you can't initiate or escape from them if someone is out of position.

            opted for orchid instead of hex with 2 bkbs on gyro and sven who would just remove it, and it doesn't stop prophet right clicking you either.

            if you had force + hex you'd be able to initiate somewhat effectively, and force gives you much more mobility compared to just having the bog standard 300 ms speed with the standard 50 ms from boots.

            you have no disable for the prophet, so there's nothing stopping him just running away if you dust + silence him.