General Discussion

General DiscussionGood Communities?

Good Communities? in General Discussion

    I'm a 3k-3.2k player, I've been stuck here quite a while and I want to improve more. Senpai Wink has advised me to join a big gaming community where players better than me can point out my mistakes so I can improve.

    Basically, what community could I play inhouses with (or just 5 stacks, I've played one 5 stack in my life) to improve? Also with no age restrictions because I'm 14 :/


      u wont learn shit from sub 5k players

      watch replays/streams


        I do that as well, but I usually only watch the top 5 streams. I want to watch decent players from their perspective though, do you have any suggestions?

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        ICE SKULL

          if ur korean i know some koreans in usa who's sitting at 6k+ if that would help

          ICE SKULL

            my only tip is to take flame as criticism and improve from there


              I would highly suggest NOT watching the best players streams if you're trying to better yourself as a player. For example, try watching 4k players. Situations and reasoning will be a lot more relate-able to a player slightly better than you as opposed to a player who's one of the best in the world. Sure you can pick up tips here and there, but the only thing you really watch in pro streams is how to dominate mid and carry bad teammates or how to rek games with fellow pro friends. Both situations will not happen.

              Find an enjoyable stream to watch and pick up things on how to better yourself for the bracket your in. If you eventually catch up, you can repeat for a slightly better stream. If the jump is too big, you aren't going to learn anything, or it is not going to be helpful at all.


                I never really watch the pro's stomping in pubs, I watch the streams from channels like Beyond the Summit , JoinDota Red, GDStudio (or whatever it's called), and starladder1 to learn about drafting mainly. Thank you for the rest of that info though, I will try that


                  Oh yeah. And when I mean 4k streams, it's 4k player perspective streams, not amateur tournament streams. You want to get better at the PUB game to improve your mmr. The pub game and "competitive" game are completely different, but the raw skills are what bring both of them together.


                    I recommend watching Merlini, EG's PPD, Monkeys_forever on Twitch. (majority of those guys are mid players!!) You'll see why mid is so important. They're all brilliantly skilled players. Merlini tells u why he picks certain items, why he does this or that. When you watch these streams keep in mind that they usually use certain tactics u won't find in low 3k (where' I'm climbing out of atm). Normally u don't find tri lane safelanes and such. Nobody wards..or even play a support hero.

                    Perhaps, find someone in 4k mmr then watch how he/she plays? I know that most streamers on twitch are like 5k +, and their play style is VASTLY different from the 3k bracket. Then again, you're 14. Just watch and learn.

                    Thanks for add me man! I've watched a lot of your games to learn how to support properly. your versatile potm plays and such!


                      Watch me movin in tha dancefloorrrrrrrrrrrrr



                        Glad you can pick up stuff from watching. I'll admit, the Mirana I play is pretty gimmicky, but the warding/counterwarding I do with her is pretty standard. If you watch perspective mode it's probably the most helpful.

                        I forgot I was going to watch one of your replays and see if I saw anything, though I watched one of your clinkz games a while back and for the most part everything looked decent.