General Discussion

General Discussionsituational builds on mirana and naix?

situational builds on mirana and naix? in General Discussion

    mirana and naix are both good carry and they have various item choice such as desolator, mjollnir, manta, SnY bla bla

    but can anyone please explain in which situation which build is good for naix and mirana, for example, when to build desolator, when to build mjollnir, when to build AC or abyssal bla bla

    tks a lot


      just read the description of each item, check and read what skills enemy hero have, check what your teammates are cabable of doing and decide what suits the best in each situation.

      casual gamer

        Abyssal mirana sounds funny as hell

        Dire Wolf

          Well current meta naix really needs movement speed so going phase boots and s&y is very common. Then a lot of people like to go deso on him, I personally prefer going ac, ac is amazing on strength heroes for the armor and the attack speed stacks really well with his feast ability. I don't think it's that situational, you could build phase boots, armlet, s&y, ac every game on naix and it will be good.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            It's really easy if you think about it. If you're up against really tanky heroes opt for items that give minus armor. Up against an enemy with evasion? Go for mkb. Up against squishy enemies but you always seem to get kited? Get an item or two that increases movement speed and maybe get bkb on mirana if your enemy has many CCs/Nukes. Also, in Mirana's case, it is a very versatile hero, you can play her as roaming support, hard carry or mid. If you think your team has too many carries and a mid, i suggest you go roam and help your team out.


              ^do not play Mirana as a hard carry, for the sake of goodness and ponies. Please. Just don't.


                personally, i enjoy a situational orchid on naix


                  mirana carry is good, just play her carry

                  Dire Wolf

                    She's a carry but not hard enough to carry your entire team, you need another one. That's all. She's a good 2 or 3 spot.

                    casual gamer

                      That's why she's usually picked with another carry like TA OD or SF.


                        Imo Mirana isn't a carry hero. She has 600 range and has a nice auto attack, but her skills don't help her become a great carry. Her leap is the only thing that scales late game and is a good catchup/getaway mechanic, but it isn't much. Starfall can be used to farm quicker, but mirana's manapool is pretty bad without mana items.

                        I see her more of a spell caster like qop or puck to make an impact, but not as a traditional right click hard carry.


                          you suck^

                          so pls stfu


                            Mirana is theshit


                              Every build is situational except for Dagon ethereal


                                mirana as a hard carry can hurt....

                                think of desolator as solo target damage (unless you're ember and you're getting it for the debuff...)

                                and mjolnir as multiple target (like battlefury, except arguably better) - to add, ive also seen mjolnir since the 6.81 update quite a few times... and the new fix on it's proc % is ridiculously good (or maybe god damn lucky)

                                so, do u need single target lockdown more so than being able to clear out waves of units that may be able to push you in?
                                or vice versa

                                SNY - solo target, durability/EHP, greater MS increase
                                Manta - better dmg, active dispel (works better post 6.81)

                                AC - when your team needs armor or the enemy team needs to have less armor i.e. enemy TA, dazzle, slardar, etc

                                meh... got lazy


                                  Rylai with those items "can hurt" as well.
                                  The only thing, that gives Mirata any carry potential is the fact, that she is a ranged agi hero. She has no steroids, low survivability and little teamfight potential.
                                  On the other hand, she has a great ganking skillset and a great escape. She can snowball out of control quite easily and then carry her team, but by no means you should pick Mirana as your main carry.
                                  Correction: can you reliably finish every game under 35 min mark? If you can - you can go with Mirana being main carry.

                                  I saw plenty of games, where snowballed Mirana with score like 20/0/15 has been on a lost side. No rat doto, just adequate carry in the enemy team.

                                  All this also applies to Storm Spirit - for all you guys, who lose games with him having 10+ kda - these loses are purely your fault and there's no need to blame your teammates.


                                    no, rylai cannot hurt nearly as much with those items, does not have the capability to acquire those items in a timely fashion, and last but not least, she doesn't have any built-in escape mechanism

                                    she doesn't top other late hard carries, but she is still a great carry hero
                                    hard/carry/w/e is somewhat subjective here

                                    if games are being lost where your KDA is that high, either you dicked around or they just had an optimal defensive lineup

                                    well yeah, kda is only one part of the picture, i would much rather the 1-7 dazzle who graved adequately and healed consistently over a 12-0-1 zeus who spams a couple ulties every 4-5 minutes waiting for some kills while he wanders the jungle

                                    nonetheless, some games, you just can't win. whether it's you, or you and your teammates combined.
                                    you'll know it's probably not you when you have highest hero dmg, tower dmg, healing, etc, and still lost

                                    knowing that you still went 22-5-17 despite the fact that there is someone 1-10-5 and 1-11-9
                                    (obviously assuming the people with lower KDAs didn't do anything useful anyways)
                                    any mistake contributed by you in scenarios like the one listed above, is (imo) dramatically more significant (obviously?)

                                    i guess this is really what separates the better from the best


                                      OK, I'll say it another way.
                                      Carry Nyx (No EB+Dagon) will destroy carry Mirana. Carry BH will obliterate carry Mirana. Carry Abaddon will devastate carry Mirana. Carry Nightstalker will rape carry Mirana. Carry Magnus will stomp carry Mirana. Carry Lina will incinerate carry Mirana.
                                      These are all heroes with some carry potential, but still have carry build considered sub-optimal (unlike Mirana's for some reason). Even Nyx, despite also having no right-click steroids, has much more late-game carry potential over Mirana.
                                      You should not mix up carry potential and snowball ability. Mirana only has second. The moment you'll face enemies who make no idiotic mistakes and play safely, thus not allowing you to snowball and prolonging game at the same time - your carry Mirana will become completely useless.

                                      Knowing that you still went 22/5/17, when you could go 10/5/29, leaving these 10 ks to your useless Faceless Void, who in his turn could actually get into lategame and faceroll everything despite having shitty skill and actually win you a game, just makes your contribution negative, no matter how high your score is.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        "Every build is situational except for Dagon ethereal"

                                        Agree, dagon ethereal works 100 % of the time, no situational


                                          epsik you're wrong!
                                          carry mirana rapes carry naix and etc!
                                          + she can splitpush much better making her a carry to deal with every fucking time! she's a carry that control the game much in the same way pl does but in different ways

                                          you all suck stfu, mirana is carry and ofc also support and all the other shit roles, shes everything, stop saying shes not carry motherfucking noobs

                                          waku waku

                                            let naix get inside mirana and eh items aren't necessary then


                                              Mirana is best as semicarry or support
                                              Manta and mjolnir is quite core on mirana if you are playing semicarry mirana
                                              Deso if there are no desolator carrier on your team

                                              Phase, SnY, AC and drums is core on naix.

                                              Flat is Justice!

                                                carry mirana is the best!
                                                why: she rides a mount and mounts rock

                                                On a side note, kotl is too old although his mount rocks too

                                                harvard graduate

                                                  "Her leap is the only thing that scales late game" Holy fuck, have you never seen a 6slotted void get hit be a 4-5 seconds arrow in the lategame? Arrow scales way better than leap if you can hit it.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I wanna get inside mirana...

                                                    I think you mixed up carry naix with him saying carry nyx. Cus carry naix will absolutely beat carry mirana, mirana will have to run away.


                                                      lol epsik, i was describing an actual situation

                                                      way to leave out part of the picture

                                                      sorry... in your twisted version of my example, i highly doubt you're going to manage to GIVE 10 of those kills
                                                      well let's see, if you're losing
                                                      if you're at a tower disadvantage
                                                      if you have the most tower damage
                                                      if you have the most hero damage (most kills least deaths most assists, or something have that sort)

                                                      what you're saying is: "Well if you just LET YOUR CARRY HAVE SOME GOLD OR EXP".
                                                      here's the problem

                                                      well let's see... a noob is dying consistently... (imagine yourself or me if you prefer), has no gold, under leveled, I guess the BEST possible move here is to make sure that when you do get an opportunity to kill, make sure that the carry gets it.

                                                      if not, just uhh, i guess let them walk away.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        Actual situation is Mirana isn't a farming carry (not even saying "hard"), and should not be played as one. Every single win of such Mirana isn't Mirana's player achievement, but his enemies fault.

                                                        I'm not saying Mirana is bad hero - she's awesome, but I saw too much Mirana farmers ruining games (not even mine, lol). Gank and snowball - the only way Mirana should be played, all other ways are sub-optimal.

                                                        I did not said "every". But among those 20 kills sure were ones you could gave to your carry safely. There always are. And with all this "you are behind", you don't mean "you've got all these 20 kills 10 sec before your Ancient has been destroed", do you?

                                                        I say, in recent pro matches best Mirana play had a score ~1/2/25. This is a GREAT Mirana. This is Mirana who leads her team to victory. This is freaking MVP (not a team) of a game. Mirana in a lost 50 min game with a score 20/0/10 is a trash.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          If you expect mirana to 1 vs 1 any carry with the same farm late game you are fucking dumb

                                                          She has 0 passives that scale late game, 0



                                                            that isnt what im saying
                                                            nor is it what i've said

                                                            just because you're a carry, it doesn't mean you are limited to sitting in lane like a duck.
                                                            just because you're a carry, it doesn't mean you are not capable of any other role.
                                                            the same applies to any other role, whether it's a tank or support or whatever.

                                                            obviously you don't purposely DELAY the game past 35minutes when you have a mirana in a carry role vs a team that has better late carries.

                                                            i'm just going to go out on a limb here and say you're full of bullshit
                                                            you wouldn't think twice about giving kills to someone who is undeniably behind and WILL stay behind
                                                            you're really going to chance letting the enemy escape at the cost of having your 1-10-9 carry attempt to get kills?

                                                            to clarify, EVEN IF I WAS 1-10-9 as a carry and was failing, I WOULD NOT WANT THE KILLS if it meant they had a possibility of escaping.
                                                            and since in this situation, i'm obviously already far behind, that isn't an optimal choice. (assuming that I want to win the game still)
                                                            the only rare exceptions to this is if there's a team clash of some sort that turns in our favour = gives gold to our team, and a possibility of it going to the carry, and more levels (since they're probably outleveling you). these shifts in the game are the only time i would intentionally try and gather everyone up and pull out the final straws.

                                                            you seriously think i'm going to beg my ally who's already ticked off to come "get this kill"
                                                            when there's only a limited time pool of actually ganking and escaping before the opposing team tries to counter?
                                                            my ass.

                                                            1/2/25 is not 1/10/9. nowhere fucking close.
                                                            especially if someone was 22/5/17
                                                            delusional .__.


                                                              ^ thank you to Dorkly.

                                                              "Her leap is the only thing that scales late game" Holy fuck, have you never seen a 6slotted void get hit be a 4-5 seconds arrow in the lategame? Arrow scales way better than leap if you can hit it.

                                                              I thought this topic was about how to build mirana and I was explaining how she is not a carry. Saying arrow stun scales late is the same as saying any stun scales late. How does it matter if mirana is farmed or not? What's the difference between what you said and "Holy fuck, have you ever seen a 6slotted void get chain stunned in the late game?"

                                                              All of her skills except leap are temporary, and she really has no way of flash farming at a reasonable pace. Mirana has nice range on our auto attacks, a nice attack animation, and leap gives a nice temporary attack speed bonus, but how else is she a carry?

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                She's not. She's a semi. Like a ton of other dota heroes.

                                                                But it doesn't matter cus there is practically no team where your team will pick all supports plus mirana. As long as you have 1 other hard carry or 1 or 2 more semis it's fine.

                                                                Anyway, I think diffusal should get mentioned as well. Pretty decent mirana item if you need to drain some mana off someone.



                                                                  i guess since semi-carry isn't carry
                                                                  then slark

                                                                  isn't a carry because "no team will pick all supports plus slark"
                                                                  this is the gist of all your arguments .__.

                                                                  it fails.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    No that's not my argument at all, she is a semi carry but you don't need to worry about it because the chances of having 4 supports where you last pick mirana are slim to none. It doesn't matter how we classify her cus most likely you're looking at adding her to a team that has other carries, in which case she will be fine.

                                                                    Slark is completely different from mirana. He has one of the best scaling abilities in the game in essence shift- the more he gets IAS the more stats he can steal and become a best, the more survivability he gets the more stats he can steal. Slark is a very legit hard carry. Mirana isn't, nothing she has scales.

                                                                    But again, it doesn't really matter, it's not going to affect when you choose to play her.



                                                                      It was a rhetorical question.


                                                                        miranan works well with dagon. the idea is u leap in and dagon them

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          No it wasn't, he was trying to apply my argument to slark when he completely misinterpreted my point.


                                                                            fucking FAGGOT NOOB SHIT MOTHERFUCKING PLAYERS!

                                                                            MIRANA IS A CARRY AND SHE DOES FLASHFARM AND SHE DOESNT LACK MANA AND SHE CAN SOLO BOTH NAIX AND NYX FUCKTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            watch me play her and learn...and if you think singsing is a good mirana, then i fuking pity you and go kill yourlsef cause hes fucking average at best


                                                                              Dude, is Mirana your sister or what?


                                                                                Dagon works well because she has pretty much the highest damage burst in the game on an average ingame minute. 525 from starstorm, 460 from arrow, and when you add dagon, veil, ethereal blade, enemy heroes simply can't stay alive.
                                                                                Positioning items like Force Staff, Blink, and Mask of Madness are pretty awful on Mirana in my opinion, but work because she needs a nerf to starstorm pretty badly and can get away with a lot of item builds.


                                                                                  (high armor) is a counter to (-armor items), not the other way round. For example, deso's -6 armor is negligible towards a 6-stacked morph with fully morphed agi.

                                                                                  so as Naix, get damage items instead of -armor when fighting against high armor targets.

                                                                                  My dawg

                                                                                    BLINK MIRANAS SOME SHIT FUKIN LOST TO THAT MAN SHOUTOUT TO THAT GUY U REALLY RIPPED ME A NEW ONE WITH UR BLINK MIRANA BRO.

                                                                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                      Armlet+diffu+manta Naix is OP


                                                                                      A while ago I went solo Q on Russia with this troll build, while the whole team were "cyka"-ing me :DD


                                                                                        I did armlet+manta WK recently. That was quite good, actually.

                                                                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                          No diffu, no stronk illu