General Discussion

General DiscussionNew advice.

New advice. in General Discussion
We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

    I am really confused on what to do. I love Broodmother a lot and I will always play her with and without buffs. But the last game I played, I wasn't sure if I should push hard (that was my mindset when I got necro book) or help my team mates. I went into the game thinking SS would push towers also when I was pushing. To my "surprise" he never destroyed a tower and my 2 hard carries? Were getting shat on. (Medusa was doing well but I guess our supports were to crappy to help Medusa. I also had my whole team muted until the end of the match)

    This is 3.1k mmr, I did blame my ss for the lose but at the end of the game. I always tell myself if I played way better than I have, I could've won but I didn't know what to do. Because there was Timbersaw and Slark that can own my broodlings and NP was pushing the shit out my team which were really slow imo. I decided to go for kills and hope my carries would farm but I don't know if that was the right choice.

    Also if I can get some more advice or guides on how to be a better carry. I don't want to google them because anything can come up. I watch pro players everyday before I sleep (because its boring as hell no joke *puts me to sleep easy*). And I eat ice cream now to ease the pain of never getting out of 3k mmr. Please halp a noob!

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      Ask Bogi


        Try to play without spiderlings before lvl 12, just pure 2,3 spell and ult.i at lvl 10 also +stats . Main thing is not to die before lvl 6, go items poor mans shield first, than treads and casual yasha. At lvl 6 you need to have already at least poor mans shield and boots,and you can just go with ulti and fight them 1v2, sometimes even 1v3 if lane is without great stuns(rare case) , you can just dive and kill carry or support whoever is easier to kill and run back. You are already lvl 7,8 and have full treads you can go that again and again and you actually win with offlane brood a lane 1v2 or 1v3. I have 64.15% win rate with brood 6.81 with 53 games so obviosly its working for me. I m 4300+ mmr atm. After casual yasha you will usually need linkens or instant bkb. Whatever both is good,sometimes linken first than bkb,sometimes just bkb than manta and mkb,anyway you ll see over time. But linkens is very good cus they cant gank you so easily and you create much space also you have mana regen from linkens and you can start more pushing with spiderlings. If lane is ultra hard you died few times at offlane lost lane and you really cant kill em, rotate like with any normal hero and start figthing at your other lanes. Brood 40% passive slow and ultimate is very strong in teamfights when you have bkb/linkens basicly they no that just cant kill you your lifesteal is so sick (100% at lvl 16) So is like instant satanic and better than that every single ulti. Also you can go solo rosh at lvl 11 (its a bit slow but you still can solo him) try smth of this at your 3100 mmr I m sure you ll win at least 65% + games if you do this stuff correctly. Gl

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          Bogi, did you hit 5k already? :D


            ^ No? I said I wont post any new threads before 5k I didnt said I can not comment posts..


              Oh, then I've missread, sorry bogi)

              btw I remember u said you'd reach 4,5k in 2days, happened to take over 2 weeks and now below 4,5k again. How will it be to get 5k? 2 years?

              Sorry, just had to.

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              Flat is Justice!

                The best brood i have seen, always find a way to avoid detection. No matter what the supports do (if they dropped 4 sentry wards at the 15 min mark, and still havent shut u down, u are good to go)
                The rotations i have seen from them are
                1. Stick to a lane
                2. If warded or heavily contested, web out to jungle
                3. They generally have 2 builds - either harasser (going into 3rd skill early) against low dps carries (FV/PA b4 6) or the more effective nuke build, which depending on the opponent can be used to harass / farm the NC

                Disclaimer: I have not played Brood since last patch, and i know there are new changes in the mechanics. So each to his own