General Discussion

General DiscussionThere should be an IQ test before you can play dota

There should be an IQ test before you can play dota in General Discussion

    Really, so much rage when there happens to be just one support in the game and what does he do? "Im going hard carry". How fucking stupid you have to be to go hard carry when there's enough of carries and you are the only support? It happened to me a few times. just fucking look, pugna decides she will go "hard carry" vs a fucking anti mage. Yea, sure, she did a lot of damage but it's not hard to go around and dagon everyone, as you can see she also added to the deaths pulls nicely

    Im just trying to figure how stupid can people be, it was at like 3,4k mmr so rather low but still, COMMON SENSE, just IQ of more than 100 and you are gonna do decent every match, FUCK


      well have you ever thought that he may not trust other carries? there is no guarantee that the other 3 carries are any good so they might end up not carrying the game

      also, ppl just want to play with the heroes they want, you probably do so (but you probably instapick and start bitching the team for not building a strat who suits u), no need to complain


        Decent, is decent enough though?

        This game I played pretty bad, thats the reason why I stopped playing after this game ->tiredness

        However here I kept my team into the game hardly:

        Decent isn't always enough. If my team didnt do well in the first game I listed I'd blame myself for the loss.

        Also you should probably take a taste on supports yourself instead of complaining.


          It's a team game, it's ranked. I didnt instapick, I never do, trust me. Well whats the point of that game if everyone would just pick whatever they want, pick what you feel comfortable with and what's needed in the team.

          Our LC fucked up too, he played that hero first time and picked because someone of these teammates told him to, oh well

          I would support if I had to, I just do it if it's a must, at this point It didnt seem like I have to because the picks seemed fine

          Tento komentář byl upraven
          Ples Mercy

            sorry but you played a horrible bristleback


              Game was shit itself brah. Was my item choice fine at least? Wasn't sure about that halberd

              Ples Mercy

                hero and item choice pretty darn poor.


                  Bristle was actually a fast pick, had to get some offlane. Ok so what would be better, then?


                    Pugna is a horrible support hero. You probably thing necrophos is a support hero too, right?

                    If you want a proper support, I would suggest you play CD instead of AP, people are more apt to play whatever role the hero is picked for.


                      I know she is terrible, but it was the only hero that could be any kind of support, if i knew I have people under 100 IQ in my team i'd just pick some support and let pugna "hard carry"

                      Ples Mercy

                        yeah lets play CD where people are forced to play heroes they don't even know. Got better ideas there?

                        @Boski: you could go for alot of decent heroes. If i were you, i would acually take a leading position and tell tinker to fuck off jungle/anchient, axe solo and pugna + LC could go fuck themselves on top or where the hell they would go off to. Would then have picked OD and usually they just roll with it, even russians.

                        ez win ez life.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          First I tought I will just mid and take Qop, AM pick appears so I decided fuck it I will settle for something else, wanted to pick magnus but then I see tinker so I just decided I will not risk tinker not going for ancients and picked offlane



                              Both Pugna and Lesbian Commander can support. I think it is unfair that you blame only Pugna. Perfect positioning for your team looks like:
                              Bristle - solo hard
                              Tinker - mid
                              Pugna - carry
                              LC - hard support
                              Axe - jungle