General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW did Meepo Win?

HOW did Meepo Win? in General Discussion

    Been watching any and all games with Meepo in it!
    Just watched this game!
    How did Scythe win this game?
    It looked like the worst ever line up against meepo, how did Scythe win?

    Papi Chulo

      It's Meracle

      Miracles happen


        Ember will start killing meepo if he has battlefury, in that game the ember havent bought one.
        Lich need aghanim as additional rape.
        Gyro is not really counter to meepo.


          Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't strong single target abilities just as powerful of a counter as the big AoE you get from flak cannon, chain frost, and SoF?

          Just pull one out with lasso, focus him, and they all die...

          Maybe it's different for super high skill micro-players, but it sure does work good in my pub-level.

          Flat is Justice!

            cus the moment u lasso, u are gonna have 4 nets on u
            and if u dont burst fast enough, poof happens

            so the general view is that heavy aoe burst works best against meepo. eg es/ember