General Discussion

General DiscussionBuffs to abilities that aren't skilled

Buffs to abilities that aren't skilled in General Discussion

    So 6.81b had several small buffs to skills.

    But do they really matter? I don't think Qop should max Shadow Strike over Blink or Scream even after the buff. And late game the extra range… doesn't really do anything.

    Same with Drow Ranger's Gust. I don't see it being more useful that levelling the other two skills. Elder Titan's tiny stomp buff also doesn't seem like it's worthy of being taken before the other two skills.

    Basically do these 3 buffs even matter? Like, impact the picks of these heroes at all?


      they make small differences, but not like it'll turn a hero from being picked 10% of the time to 40.

      some stuff still isn't worth justifying levelling over something else, but it's a buff when the heros' level 14 / 16, that's all.

      no dice

        Basically, this is icefrog at work, balancing dota without breaking it in the process. Just because a nerf or a buff is quite small, doenst mean its useless/irrelevant/meaningless.

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