General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice to play Tinker

Advice to play Tinker in General Discussion

    So I'm looking to start playing Tinker more, I understand that he's a high skill cap hero and that it might take a while. I've watched some of Arteezy and Dendi's streams when they've played it, and all of the time it's a march/rockets build, which is good for mixing up farming capability and damage.

    So far, good things which I've seen to do are: Using Soul Ring after every re-arm to get stupidly high mana

    Farm multiple camps at the stacking time (radiant medium and large camp which are near mid, and dire medium/large camp near mid)

    Farming ancients

    In the 2K bracket, a lot of the time you'll see a standard 2-1-2 lane setup, with a carry and a support on each lane. In this situation, should I go for a more Ganking based tinker, prioritising Q and W, seeing as I wouldn't really want to force any particular tower to sponge farm off my teammates

    What are particularly good times for your BoT's to come online? I've heard that you should get your first point in ultimate once your boots come online, but if they are delayed should I get a point anyway so I can farm jungle camps better?

    Any and all advice would be appreciated


      use soul ring before you rearm, if you use it after then you waste the first soul ring, and if you use it before you rearm, it ensures you'll use the mana. if you use it after rearming but don't cast a spell then you've wasted 150 mana

      fyi you should get rearm before you get travels, and get soul ring also before them, then use the soul ring so you can farm the jungle as well as farm the lane so that your travels won't get delayed in the first place. good time to get them is about 10 minutes including bottle and soul ring. getting them sooner is obviously helpful, but just aim for 10 to begin with.

      if you're in the 2k bracket that's when you don't use the QW build, since you lack the mechanical skill to recognise when you can dive and get kills, as well as the mechanical skill to last hit without march.

      "i don't want to sponge farm off teammates"

      says earlier : "farm ancients" and "farm multiple jungle camps at the same time"

      make use of the entire map, that includes the enemy jungle and the enemy ancients. if your team is farming 3 lanes, and you're farming your jungle, the enemy jungle, enemy ancients and your ancients, while the enemy team is only farming 3 lanes, guess which team has a gold advantage.


        also shift queue blink when you're about to tp somewhere, if you're trying to rearm blink because you're being attacked, you can't shift queue something if it's on cooldown, so you're gonna have to just have spam your blink button.

        if ancients get warded it's not a big deal since you can farm the regular jungle anyways, ancients are just a bonus. also don't mindlessly tank the ancients if you're trying to farm them for travels, you could get an extra march or two if you position yourself where they don't attack you.

        if your teammates are asking you to gank, ignore them. you might want to carry a tp early though and defend them when they're getting dived, but rank 1 laser + rockets don't do much.

        also because tinker's early game is pve most of the time, you can practice him in private games.


          currently practising a few unfair bot games with him, trying to get the best ways to farm with him. I've managed to crack 100 cs in 25 minutes with him which is the first goal i've set myself, and going to improve from there


            I get it now so tinker just focus on PvE early game -.-
            When should tinker enter teamfight? after got blink?


              I'm pretty sure unfair bots would crush you in the middle lane. I mean, they're good at lasthitting/denying, and I doubt you have the skill to outlasthit unfair bots. (By looking at your profile, I might be wrong).

              Better be honest with what you write, not that it rly matters :p

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              Quick maffs

                I am pretty sure you would stomp more with laser rocket build but whatever man

                I mean cmon, laser rocket works really good at 3500 so at 2k it most be wonderful


                  ^^you would be somewhat correct, i was against a dazzle mid because bot AI is fantastic, i managed to catch up in farm and had bottle, soul ring and travels by around 12 minutes. not sure how good or bad that is but practising will improve that

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                  Quick maffs

                    btw if you are going to max laser and rocket get travels first, overall unless you are in a bad spot get travels first


                      travel 12 min is kinda bad if you didn't die... under 11 is decent. under 10 is good. under 9 very good.


                        If you're really good you get Boots of Travel > Soul Ring > Blink > Ethereal Blade > Dagon 5 at 28 minutes.


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                          If I can't farm my travels in 7 minutes I feel like I'm losing. If you get first blood you definitely should get your travels by 7 minutes. I try to get bottle/travels/soul ring within 11/12 minutes.

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                            actually its not hard to outfarm unfair bots mid cause they will try to harass you so much which will end up in missing so many last hits


                              I kill Tinkers a lot, and here is my advice for what you should and shouldn't do as Tinker. If you don't take this advice then you can die like all the other tinkers who don't understand why they end up losing their games.

                              1) Get blink after rushing your boots of travel & soul ring (or bottle), mobility is key, especially for those areas away from the lanes with things to TP to. Whenever I see a Tinker rush BoT, I just grab my team and we go ganking in the river. Take Rosh, gank jungle. It's always a 4v3 fight because the Tinker is TPing back and forth in the lane marching while the enemy carry is desperately trying to farm. This leaves 3 lonely heroes that are trying to find farm and place wards, easy targets for ganks.

                              2) Only push 2 lanes at MOST. Do not push all 3 lanes. You should only push offlane and mid. Remember, this is a team game. If you push all lanes and fail at actually taking the towers, what you are actually doing is A) delivering food to the enemy team B) starving your own carries and supports. This is by far the biggest failure of most Tinker players. They think that march/rearm/TP entitles them to go tunnel vision. Just because you re getting your items because you are taking most of the gold does not mean that your team failed at farming. The jungle can only support 1~1.5 heroes worth of food.

                              3) Do not level up rearm early

                              4) Know your goals! Is it to win? If so, how? Win by pushing the tower before 30 min? Before the enemy can farm up and be invincible or get methods of killing you? Win by giving space for your carry to farm (you better not be pushing all 3 lanes if this is your goal)? Win by doing team fight support with multiple disables? Win before they get blink, stuns, invis to gank you? How much farm do you actually need to be at normal usefulness? Once you get to that level, what's your plan from there?

                              I find that most Tinker players have tunnel vision and think that they've done everything right to win, march march march.... when really, they've screwed over their own team.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                ^ Agree with a lot of the things you mentioned.

                                One of the things Tinker's need to keep in mind of is to not steal farm from the carries. Farm in unsafe places of the map where you can blink away in a matter of seconds, rather than putting your carry in a dangerous position where they will certainly die.

                                Also, tp, rearm, cast march from the fog. If you don't know where the enemies are, tp to the second creep wave (not the creep wave that is currently fighting) this way you are in the fog. Enemies always anticipate where tinker is going to tp and if they see you tping you're just gonna get fucked. Don't let them see where you tp unless you know you are safe.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Thanks for the advice!

                                  Taking farm from the carries is one thing I wanted to make sure to not do, because I don't think I'd be able to play Tinker very well in a 1 position, I haven't played much but from what I know standard item progression is:

                                  (I start with a null talisman and 4 tangoes because no one pools, is this bad?) > bottle > soul ring > BoT's > Blink > Dagon/Hex depending on what is needed


                                    "If I can't farm my travels in 7 minutes I feel like I'm losing." wtf then you're losing everygame, because if you constantly get BoT at 7 I'd expect a 70%+ winrate