General Discussion

General Discussionfarming a lane mid game

farming a lane mid game in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    It's past the initial farming stages, let's say all the tier 1s are down on both sides. In general if a creep wave has reached your tier 2 and you are farming it uncontested, is it better to only last hit and thus keep the wave as close to your tower as possible and let it slowly push out, or is it better to auto attack, but still make sure you get last hits of course, thus pushing the wave out faster and then leave the lane to farm something else? You'll get maybe an extra wave or two in a safer position if you go slowly, and it takes time to run elsewhere, so not really sure what's best. It's probably situational but what do you guys do? I usually push the wave out as quickly as possible then tp/run elsewhere but I hate it when you have multiple carries all fighting over jungle and all the waves get pushed and there's no where to farm, yet no one wants to force a team fight yet.


      to achieve more gold, auto attack, go to jungle, get back to lane and just last hit

      but it all comes to the game itself, if they have a lot of pick off heroes such as storm you better be lasthitting near your tower, its more safe
      if they have no coordination nor pick up heroes just auto attack, go to the jungle and get back to lane

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