i was trying to push, the problem is that i was alone no matter how much i had ping'd my mates
farming jungle is way better for a beastmaster i suppose
also using naga's ulti after we spent our ulti and lockdowns is great aswell
i had those two items early on where we were pushing a bit
but after that i thought my team got cocky and went full retard
I dont understand how you can say you where pushing when u have such little tower dmg and such high hero dmg......
you know there's a stat called TD AKA tower damage and bm did more than you, naga did the same
sampson is being kind.. i am not
hehehehheheheh 16-8 and you are mad
We already stated that beetween (20-30) kills and (0-5) deaths is when you can complain
Is true but sometimes you are getting kills because you NEED to run around the entire map, so you cant push or anything like that, i had a bloodseeker game where we got really far behind but i started to recover, my team ( the 4 newbiess that i play with ) were dying likes flies all around the map and i was just going from one place to another to save someone and stop a splitpush of a fucking NP and a DeathProphet, so its not like you can always take objective from kills.
Is something like: Run bottom kill the np who is trying to take your tower, tp top to kill DP who is taking your tower too and run to the jungle after to save your only team mate who is still alive because the other 3 just died to 2 people. Meanwhile the np respawns and you have to go kill him against, rinse and repeat until you have no base
I could write a lot of bullshit in caps lock too but i guess i am not that dumb, oh well
okeh no problem man next time if i see that i cant get anything out of a kill i will talk to them and let them go thanks you are a really wise man sampson
if you are too stupid to obtain anything from killing players than you are better off asking the other team to throw the match.
sometimes the objective is to prevent the enemy from taking one, in which case the kill itself is of value.
e.g. far behind, strong base defense team but not strong enough to push out - successfully killing the enemies in a good defence will give you some advantage even though it may not necessarily be enough for you to gain towers or roshan out of it.
Explain me how can you obtain anything from killing players when you cant rosh, you cant push a tower and you cant five man
That its what i was talking about, that game i was trying to delay our base getting reckt the best i could and trying to create some space for my underfarmed allies to farm, it didnt work but still ...
No dude you are saying about how kills without objetive are useless and zenoth just sayed otherwise, how killing enemies can delay the game so we might have a chance in the future
well the game was pretty much like this:
me and bm vs axe and cm bot, i killed them like 4 times in the first minutes so i had the potential to snowball, BUT my safelane (which naga was in) was getting pressured and they were getting some kills (i think it was troll and lion), so i had to tp (i couldnt push and help my mates at the same time), created some space for beastmaster to push bottom (he didnt)
after that i think i got my mek and started building aghs cause the game was in our favor so i asked the guys to come over mid lane and push, cause at that point i could have a great impact in fights, basically because axe and troll were fucking braindead i suppose, they just stand there sucking my link, so it was ez +240 dmg for me, plus my ulti and bla bla
BUT they didnt come, naga was too busy missing pretty much all the last hits while free farming (they were all defending mid). it was me, lina and jakiro mid, with BM close to us farming jungle, and naga as said missing like 60% of the last hits while free farming
we took some time and then they forced a fight, naga was getting closer, so jakiro used his yolo wombo combo so I did use my ulti, dmg was so high we were going to kill then soon and then BOOM naga's ulti, our ulti was all gone, they had axe, lion, crystal, SF's ulti all out of cooldown so we lost the fight there, and by there we couldn't push anymore, they took rosh, our mid t2, lina went to kill axe in the jungle, she did but got killed right after that
some other mistakes we all did but naga again mistimed her ulti, gg ez life
how could i push all alone when they were 5 man doto and my team couldnt exploit the space i created (some times)?
so answering I had high dmg cause my team needed me to create some space and stop the enemy's team impeto, i think i did it pretty well but when i saw it was 43 minute in that naga got his diffusal i know the game was gone long ago
the objective was to stop them from taking a objective. Dont blame me you are too slow to understand basic strats. For example chasing around a CM through the jungle for 3mins just to bump up your KDA is useless. While chasing down the enemies carry all over the map for 3mins so that you can take rosh, rax, tower, space to catch up etc. has purpose.
this is going to sound rude but nobody is going to take your interpretation of the match seriously when you said 'all of the tower dmg was done by me', you are too biased to see yourself objectively.
Sampson im not biased I always ask zenoth to criticize me, same with Havoc, i just want to improve in the game
when i said "all of the tower dmg" i was playing so I took a fast look at the match and confused HH with TD, and infact i was the one healing thats why i said that
Well then i WAS taking a objective ( killing them so they coudnt push ) and you just sayed after everything that i writed there that taking kills without objectives are useless implying that that i was doing that game
Plus that its what OP was doing too, we could say that EVERY kill in dota is an objective beucase the enemy cant team fight with one less or they cant push
In my opinion every kill is a good thing, if you can take a important objetive after that better but if you cant still is a fucking kill
You where obviously not paying much attention to what your teammates where doing in the game because you did not notice them hitting the tower. Hence why your account of the match is skewed.
Ahhhh man but if you kill that cm you could team fight and the enemy team will have one less so they will probably lose, and if you dont team fight they might be scared of fighting because they lack their cm so they start to play with more fear and lose more farm
You get my point
The main objective of the game is to take the ancient. You will take other minor objectives throughout the game but at the end of the day everything comes down to the ancient.
i did not say they didnt hit it at all, i said they were not exploiting the space created, like BM not splitpushing (static farming) or naga missing all the last hits in free farm
simple things that maybe could've won us the game
but the really game changing thing was naga's ulti, if she was playing dunno magina we would've won that fight and possibly won the game by there as we were fucking close to their TI, i had aghs
Ok that its an extreme case, but killing a cm because she is in your way, why not ?
I get your point, people who focus on getting KDA instead of winning, but most of the times the kills just come without you searching for them, i havent seen too much people doing that
'all tower dmg in the team was made by me'
common man you said this less than a hour ago....
Sampson ofc this is not what both me and dorkly are talking
we are saying that if we pick off CM in our path to join a fight or something its indeed a big deal cause they will have to fight 4v5
we are saying that killing is good cause it causes the other team to be in constantly disadvantage (playing fights with 1 hero less), also stoping that particular hero, also it takes out the possibility to that hero put a crucial ward, create space for their mates
its not killing while they are taking down our base its killing to prevent them from doing that, juice got 100% wr from 2k to almost 5k just playing heroes with killing potential, but thats another story
Sampson, i already said that I was playing when i said that and i got HH and TD confused, if you notice i had all the healing in the team and not TD. i have already said it earlier dunno if you read but skip this point
11 minutes ago where i said i got both HH and TD confused and you're still on "CMON MAN YOU SAID THAT"
If most of your kills where in team fights WHY is you tower dmg so low? It is because you took kills without taking objectives hence why you lost.
That doesnt really mean anything sampson, even if you wreck 4 of the enemy team in a teamfight but 4 of your team died you cant really push, so your TD will be low
You can play bad and still rage when your team does stupid shit like bad naga ults. I almost lost a game on spectre cus lich and warlock couldn't press 1 ult button at the right time. Like me and 2 other guys were screaming over mic, ult now! ULT NOW! and they'd do it 30 seconds later, both of them. When the finally started hitting the ult buttons we ended up winning but game was way closer than it needed to be.
hmm maybe cause it wasnt 5v5 fights most of the time, either they killed me after i killed em or i ran out with like 200hp with 1 or 2 enemy heroes alive, and they did manage to kill my team so it was pretty much me vs 2 should i keep pushing?
Well half of the reason Sampson is so worked up is because the hero you're on is one of the BEST tower pushers in the game. Literally. With double ult Razor can do more tower damage in 5 seconds than you did the entire game. Which is probably why he is so skeptical about what you said in the first post.
Without actually watching the game I can't comment further than that.
feel free to criticize, i wanna get better, i wont react like hael
yea thats why i picked him in the first place, i wanted to push it fast cause their late game was better than ours if naga didnt do well
the thing is that i never got the opportunity to double ulti a tower, i think i managed to use aghs just 1 time in a tower, before that fight where we lost the game imo
I will just do bullet points because I am too lazy to organize my thoughts.
-You threw the game by not buying BKB, the other teams supports had a easy time dealing with u.
-You had such a easy lane (safe lane solo CM........) and you did not take advantage of it well enough. (that tier 1 should have been gone decades ago)
-you never held a TP scroll to assist your team when required (there where times when u had to walk all the way to shop THEN get scroll THEN TP into a team fight.
-You lost all of your early game advantage when u got caught standing outside of their tier 3 doing nothing. When u got caught roaming thru their jungle alone with no vision it just made the problem even worse
-Lina contributed alot more to the team than u because he picked off high priority targets (there where times when the other team split up when fleeing and u had a choice between CM and Axe and u picked to kill the CM.....)
Overall I think the lack of a BKB was the biggest mistake that costed the match.
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but this game was too much
naga was very retarded, using ulti in the worst hours possible, fuck :|