already had 2 matches with a 4k scrub, did nothing but piss and moan the whole god damn game and did nothing productive.
Srsly volvo needs an option to make the queue times longer and get players closer to your level. at 6k its fucking random as shit.
Well that's a bad assumption, I don't flame people because people get mad and that costs me points which I value.
I am too lazy to do the stats on this but think about it logically. Lets say your chances of getting a flamer is 25% (this number is being extremely generous) the chances of that occuring 2x in a row are even less likely. 3x?4x? So you either should buy a lottery ticket now OR look at yourself objectively.
I notice alot of people who say they 'dont flame' but bitch about matches on the forums are the passive aggressive types that do things like
-telling people you should have done X Y and Z
-start forming alliances with the other team on what X player did wrong
I just had one of the biggest losing streaks in months, losing 7 games in a row. Not that i played fenomenal, but i had really bad luck with people i've played with (friends on big losing streaks and playing like brainless chicken or compendium daily challenge assholes). You just cant help it sometimes, the best you can do is to play on top of your capabilities, push and farm like crazy and just plain out outfarm oponents, like i did last game, breaking lose streak although team fed like crazy for first 25 minutes. First i fought with them, but then it was an obvious choise to rather farm than give oponents even bigger advantage (although i had 5min midas).
Just mute stupid teammates like i did, do your thing or go nuts. It's your choise.
@Sampson, I guess you're just gonna have to trust me when I say I don't flame. And yes, I know the chances are supposed to be low, that's why I'm posting this rant thread. Also, I've met a guy I've played with 3 games ago or something like that(who flames but at least plays well) so there might be some people that reoccur.
Well, just had 1st game of the day where I can say all people in my team were nice but the other team seemed to be the opposite, even had a player I knew from another game so I guess they got unlucky.
DotA is actually very fun with nice people :)
I'm sure someone from this forum, who has him in his friendlist is willing to share that information.
@Sampson Sorry, you're wrong
In this game Invoker flamed Doom for last picking greedy all game but me and Centaur kept calm and tried to save the team from falling apart. We've made a comeback this game just because of us 2, otherwise the team would have given up (Bloodseeker leaving after we defended a few times helped too). Regardless, at the end of the game we all were fed up with Invoker and I was disgusted with his toxic attitude.
"If you've got nothing positive to say - keep silent" That's my motto for dota because everybody starts playing worse after getting yelled at, but some people just can't or don't want to restraint themselves I guess.
yelling /= flaming
even players like wagamama flame except it is the passive aggressive type
@ OP
"Sampson | DotaBuff.com3 hours ago
who is the only constant in all your games?"
This is SO true. You as a player need to focus less on other players. You can not control what they do, so why even bother to care? There are good and bad players in all brackets. Not everyone has a good game every game.
If you want to stop playing with people you think are bad, then stack five.
If you are losing because you are not doing enough, play a higher impact role.
Watch your own replays, and only judge yourself. You make mistakes, you make misplays. We all do. It happens.
You are not made to win every game. Some games you just get out played, or you make crucial or several small mistakes.
On your most played hero you have these stats currently.
2.x is a very low kda to have on any mid hero in any bracket. If you are not making the impact you should as the hero, you need to find out what mistakes you are making, or learn your mechanics/execution better. As one of the currently most powerful mids in the game, you can do far better with invo~.
Either find what you're doing wrong, or just accept that it is you holding you back. There are really... just two things here.
[color=red][size=20]We both suck as Invoker, Steror... But the problem is, you think you're good...[/size][/color]
@Sampson Then it wouldn't be flaming dumbass. Flaming is a termed used to describe the heat of an argument. Its aggressive behavior towards a topic. You can't have passive aggressive flaming. That would just be humorous criticism, passive aggressive critique, or banter.
saying things like
'sigh why would you make deso'
'only 10 cs?'
is flaming your teammates
just like making a smurf does not mean you paint yourself blue and put in a white cap.....
I dont think saying things like " man i dont think deso is that good, you should have gone other item " is flaming but whatever
Passive agresive still better than direct flame, sigh why would you make deso is still better than i am going to rape you and your entire family you piece of shit idiot
You would be surprised at how sensible(correct word?) some people are when their choices are questioned.
Now you are arguing which is worse, that is like saying rape is fine because murder is worse
When the thread title was Dunning Kruger and the OP was whining about how everyone was worse than him, I was expecting much better overall trolling. 1/10
@Melody I don't see how skill in general is relevant here, I never said I have bad players in my team, I said I have flamers (ragers, yellers whatever you call them) on my team. It's pretty unusual for me because I'm used to getting like 1 or 2 of this kind of people in around 5 games but today out of 8 games I had 1 or more in 7 of them.
About your pic: Invoker, much like Storm Spirit and Pudge, is another long story which you can figure out by yourself if you look at my old match history if you care. Too tired so I'll just put it simple, I was noob then and wanted to learn so I played a lot, now I got other heroes to play and I've got no desire to learn them better so I'm still fairly bad on those heroes compared to my others...
P.S.: Now that you reminded me I might get back to my roots though and try to fix my win rate on some of them...
^The thread's name came from people that flame others without recognizing their own mistakes, I don't flame others cause I know I'm bad too so... :D -THis Alchemist... thinks he's shit, goes around ganking at 2.. ends up feeding. Doesn't realize he sucks til game is almost over.
(score is from 16 minute into the game)
Smaug man you dont understand how this works, you know that you were the best in your team, i know that too, and sampson when he is playing he flames his entire team and he knows he is the best in his team too, but the thing is YOU CANT SAY THAT KIND OF SHIT in the forum because people get mad
HAHAHA i was gonna type something about dog but then i see i alreadyt did ! :D
ps you are all awkward and type nothing but nonsence all day everyday
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Anybody else having retards in their team today? Not even talking about how they play but every game there's 1 or more flamer, some muted spamming "well played!"... Is today a special day where all retards get unbanned or I just got unlucky? Had like 7 games today and there's at least 1 in all of them.