General Discussion

General DiscussionMaking dota a 6 player map or 7 player map what you guys think?

Making dota a 6 player map or 7 player map what you guys think? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Making dota or a few maps 6 or 7 player, would really even up junglers and side lanes what you guys think?


      I would like to see new maps in DOTA 2.

      But more players?... No.


        7 Players, are you some sort of 420?


          Different maps would completely change the game, I hope it never happens, and more players is dumb, why don't we just add another rook to chess for funzies.


            Global heroes were OP in 6v6 dota1 maps.

            Flat is Justice!

              there was 6v6 maps in dota1, alot of lag and feeders in those games


                200 vs 200 would be a good idea

                Quick maffs

                  Why not, dota mods are usually fun ( i am having a lot of fun with Fight or Flight and Reflex )

                  King of Low Prio

                    why do people continue to ask for non dota things in dota? Diretide? Winterwhateverthefuckitwascalled? It is like asking for CoD as a side game......if you want to play CoD.................go plat CoD.....

                    Quick maffs

                      No but those valve mods were boring as fuck, i played 2 or 3 games and got bored, usually dota mods are more fun because they are created by users.

                      and plus Sampson, Remenber that dota was a mod of a game, so the reason you are playing dota right now is that some people liked more to play mods of a game instead of the game itself :P

                      Personally i think mods makes the game way more fun, torchlight 2 was kind of boring before users modded the shit out of the game

                      Man seriously Fight or Flight is really really fun


                        Make a new game then, i like pretty much how the things are.

                        Quick maffs

                          By that logic we would have no dota nowadays, you know that right ?


                            6 vs 6 mode with 1 person taking the coordinator spot is something I would really like to see in the competitive scene.

                            Quick maffs

                              Some games that started as mods:

                              Day of Defeat
                              Team Fortress
                              Red Orchestra
                              Natural Selection 2
                              Day Z

                              Just imagine someone saying: " oh man i dont like all this bullshit about mods i like Arma II/Half Life how it is right now "


                                ^ add DoTA to that list bro

                                King of Low Prio


                                  people used the wc3 platform because you could create a game without needed millions of dollars. You are comparing apples and oranges

                                  Quick maffs

                                    There is a lot of game that started as a modification of another games and you know that Sampson, the game can always be more fun with one change or other, and if with some time that modification becomes popular they can create a game based on it.

                                    A lot of people has fun with it, plus its not like the game itself is going to get changed because of that, almost every fucking game has mods why dota should be different ? Man i hate when people take dota as a fucking sport that cant be changed instead of just another videogame.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Btw Kawaii that sounds like natural selection for me, it should be fun a team with 5 players in the field and a capitan or coordinator giving them resources or bases like natural selection


                                        GIVE THIS PLEASE! :D

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          6v6 seems legit cuz right now the glimped or unbalanced of trilane tryhards etc... with 6 players one or more players that trilane isn't so bad etc..


                                            4v4v4 maps or 3v3v3

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!