General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR experiment

MMR experiment in General Discussion

    You will most certainly have a higher MMR. I can guarantee it.

    On my old account, I have about 1000 games. My calibration MMR was at 4300. After I got a lot better, I created this account and got calibrated at 5000. I have maintained it since the beginning of rank.


      I just had the worst KotL on a luna game...
      1. He started with 2 ironwood branches, 1 buckler recipe (what?) , 1 headress recipe(what?)
      2. He went safelane with my luna and keeps on nuking the wave into a huskar, ES offlane (I didn't get any farm because I will just die if I don't stick close to my tower)
      3. He didn't understand any english
      4. I had to abandon lane and go jungle on luna because of him. Our warlock was fed up with the game and just abandoned 14 minutes in. Thank god...

      The next game was one of the best ones i've played so far. The supports were really high skilled and roamed all game long and got kills.

      This is the rubik that was in the game. He was an exceptional player.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Mistmare and his friend (the numbers guy) are both over 5k MMR (i believe they're in the low 5k range), I've run into them before in page 2-3 games

        I'm kind of surprised at the MMR ranges enforced in unranked, it seems like ever since the introduction of ranked, most games in unranked can have up to 1000+ mmr ranges even if ur solo queuing at 4000 MMR (which is ur estimate). In ranked, you'd have between 3700-4300 teammates in like 80% of ur games. It might explain why the 4 stacks that I keep getting paired with are beyond awful.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          also i can't really comment on playing support but if u play a good offlane phoenix/centaur/timbersaw u can easily rape many 1v2 lanes, i've won so many games just by picking phoenix post-nerf cuz he dominates in teamfights if ur supernova positioning isn't retarded

          playing a hard carry like spec/pl is actually not a good idea if you're solo queuing since you have to rely on teammates to win the early game for you as they have very little lane control and need at least 2 good items after treads before even thinking of coming near a teamfight. i guess if u massively outskill the opposition u can win regardless, but that's usually not the case

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            It's quite fun smurfing. I'm definitely learning a lot from these really high skilled players and the amount of impact they can enforce onto a game. I have to pull my own weight and give it my 110% every game no matter what position I play. This is a much better learning environment than playing on my main's account.

            ..Of course, this is all with the exception of a few trash players like that KoTL. But overall, better quality games.

            King of Low Prio


              you realize you are ruining games right?

              King of Low Prio

                Smurfing is fun for you because you have higher skilled players holding your hand and carrying you thru games


                  Aren't you generalizing your judgement based off of one SK game?... I had to play solo support and as the initiator. Plus when you look at the Hero damage of the terror blade, it shouldn't be lower than the SK with less farm.


                    Just putting this out there, my main is 3450 MMR. This smurf is ~5.1k and I'm still winning 70% of my games in the past 10 games (all in ~5k)...

                    Not everyone is placed properly to begin with. Myself, I played 90% of my games on my main with my bad friends for fun. You'd think after 70 games it would be dropping me closer to 3.4 not pushing me higher and higher.. right?

                    King of Low Prio

                      So Terrorblade caused you to play like shit?

                      King of Low Prio


                        54.55% win rate

                        you are taking small sections of your abusing smurf and you are pulling numbers out of your ass with. Unranked =/ ranked, you are not a 5k player

                        King of Low Prio

                          So many delusion kids that dont understand how the anti smurf works.....


                            terrorblade's main job is to push towers not to teamfight - if the other team can quickly clear out his images and stunlock him he's going to die in 3 seconds (despite his high armor) due to his vulnerability to magic damage.

                            i have no idea how hollaholla got those numbers if he hasn't even finished 10 placement matches. you have 6 games in ranked and u need 10 to know ur MMR


                              Looks like you're going up against mostly low 4k/high 3k players in ur calibration matches while stacking with a friend (party =/= solo mmr), i have no idea why you think ur 5k lol

                              i don't get why people think they can just get to 5k from 3.5k or whatever their MMR is over the course of a few weeks. unless you're exceptionally talented at this type of game you're going to take years and years of practice before being able to reach 5k, because that's how the game is designed: to have a steep learning curve.

                              i can see how a 3.5k player might think he can perform acceptably at 4k, but 5k? must be fucking delusional or something

                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                That is because you playing NP or Venomancer is no pressure on your team, look at the times you have tried to play core heroes you've simply done nothing. I am not saying you're a terrible player I am just saying that you basically play heroes where with or without you your team stand a chance of winning, putting you on a carry or mid in that bracket is suicide for you and your team so you stick to doing what gets you buy.

                                I mean no insult by saying this I am just stating that with a lot of people who go "I smurfed to 5k and I survive fine" but looking over your games you aren't shining at all. Heroes like venomancer and NP are bound to have impact no matter how bad the player is as one can just split push and the other (if you're unskilled) hits Q and R and voila, impact.

                                Consider that I have 60%+ win rates on both of these heroes and have over 90-150 games as they're just massively game impacting without you even having to do much. Most smurf accounts that are above what they should be aren't thriving, they're surviving and this doesn't mean that you were assigned a dud rating and that you belong in 5k because by that same right so does everyone else.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                El Pollo Diablo

                                  Retarded smurfs (+ compendium) are the most annoying thing these days. I'm at ~4.8k and people with < 100 wins ruin every third game. You can clearly see that they don't just have a bad game.
                                  Initially, you ruin the games of new players that might never play dota again (hurting everyone) and later you'll ruin the games when you get rated too high.

                                  If you want that 4k, play your main and continue having 60% win and stop being part of the dota 2 cancer. Shouldn't take too long to get up, if you belong there.


                                    going through all the effort of playing a bunch of games then calibrating maybe 500 mmr higher by playing op heroes etc (not to mention ruining games at higher level if your not good enough)... wouldn't it just be easier to play op heroes on your main?

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      I don't think a 3k guy can smurf up to 5k and maintain it , 2k is a huge difference and you will eventually get destroyed. Why people just won't try to raise the mmr on their main account.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Everyone believes that they are a special snowflake


                                          He won't get to 5k, for sure. He'll be able to get to 4k.


                                            Sunrise, cause if u know u are in the not correct MMR it's so boring lost your time in awful games when the smurf games are 10 times better than your main acc games.

                                            Sampson is angry with the world cause he thinks all the ppl have the correct MMR the first time.


                                              For example, i was in 2k and dthe ppl was buying boots after the min 15, and they calling me noob cause i pick windruner and pa in mid.
                                              And i had to suffer it every game.

                                              Also, every fucking game i had a pudge that dont want to let me mid and i had to go lane with a stupid retard who try to get lasthits pushing the lane all he can.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Man, must of the time i disagree with Sampson beucase you know, fuck him, but the more i play the more i find AWFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL players thinking they are way better than their team because of x reasons, the worst part is that you can " feel " how bad they are.

                                                Dota is turning more and more into a single player game for me, i am so tired of listening to the bullshit of my team that i just click on mute chat button and done.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Takenforce, the fact the know forum retard X6 is the only person who agrees with you tells you alot about your experiment now doesn't it......


                                                    "Also, every fucking game i had a pudge that dont want to let me mid and i had to go lane with a stupid retard who try to get lasthits pushing the lane all he can."

                                                    because you have to go mid as WR and PA right? cant fit into the team line up. You would rather force the crappy pudge to go offlane or safelane than take it yourself with heroes that can do it better? :D You must have some bad luck because i rarely get people not buying any boots till 15 mins and im sure there are people arguing over lanes at every mmr


                                                      Ty dotabuff for keeping me entertained between games.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        no problem man


                                                          Dorkyl, a week ago, my real mmr was 2k or less, now i feel like a good player, ok im not 4k but of course not 2k and its all thanks to smurf.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            If you play 4 games per day on average, 7 days a week that's 28 games. If you are as good as you say going 65% is about 18-10. At 25 pts a win or loss that's up 400 points a week. So you should easily be able to raise your mmr up to where you assume it should be in a month.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              You know my favorite way of mesuring skill ? A good player watching you play and telling you if you are awful or if you are decent

                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                dont bring ur math and logic in here!


                                                                  Sampson 2k player too
                                                                  All of us can play this game

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    WOW and your puck is... too awesome

                                                           i dont know if my puck is even better than this shit

                                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                                      we can play this game XD

                                                                      2k MM stats

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        49% win rate smurf thinking he is a 5k player, epic stuff


                                                                          Yeah, thats cause i get some very high skill with good results :D


                                                                            54.5% with a smurf who don't even have 100 games. I have no comment about that, just cute you think you're 5k worthy :)


                                                                              rofl the guy managed to get 49% WR on a smurf


                                                                                Can u read sampson?
                                                                                ''Dorkyl, a week ago, my real mmr was 2k or less, now i feel like a good player, ok im not 4k but of course not 2k and its all thanks to smurf.''

                                                                                Where do u get your conclusion about my suposed 5k?


                                                                                  SLEAVE, yeah, but you are playing in normal mode and im playing in high, and sometimes very high

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    Your stats are low for even a 2k NON smurf


                                                                                      Ok, so i'm wining 3-3.7k players

                                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                                        I would have to disagree with Sampson aswell clearly the guy is doing at least OK, obviously everyone will have a bad game once in a while but I think the experiment is a good idea to take a clearer look at yourself and your playstyle. This is a game and since he is enjoying it more playing on a smurf let him smurf. And he IS playing high impact heros AND doing fine at the same time so hes not exactly "getting by".
                                                                                        I doubt you can compare him to the likes of X6 whos just clearly a fucking idiot.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          well no doubt X6 is the most retarded trash tier player to ever post on these but it does not change the fact that this guy's experiment does nothing but ruin games for everyone.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            its like if I joined Cloud 9, I would gain a ton of experience and it would be fun for me BUT I would be fucking up their matches with my lack of skill

                                                                                            Smurfing is selfish and ruins the game for 9 other people


                                                                                              I like ruin your games

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                I play on US so I dont have to deal with inbred scum like you


                                                                                                  US too ez for europeans


                                                                                                    You know what my life, my smurfs, you will not stop my smurfs. And really i just have 1, the other 1 is for have phun with my brother doing the Magnus+Io combo