General Discussion

General DiscussionBracket?(Noob question)

Bracket?(Noob question) in General Discussion

    Hello, with this new Dotabuff update I noticed these "High Skill", "Very High SKill" tags in some matches. What does it mean?


      means u r a very high skilled player. nice one m8!


        But how do dotabuff calculate these brackets? Is it MMR based or something?


          They're based on the dota client's bracket. I think above 3.7k is very high, and below 3k is normal. This is consistent with the percentiles given by Valve when they implemented the Ranked System (2.3k is the average mmr).

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            i don't know how you can say there's consistency between unranked and ranked percentiles when as far as I know, they haven't told us what percentile normal, high and very high represent.


              I was going to ask the same question, confused.


                >They're based on the dota client's bracket. I think above 3.7k is very high, and below 3k is normal. This is consistent with the percentiles given by Valve when they implemented the Ranked System (2.3k is the average mmr).

                I do not think that is the case. I am playing on 4.1k all the time, but some games are marked as "very high skill", others - nothing.

                I think it has something to do with APM, but that is only my guess, based on my experience.


                  Many matches have no level given at all. I have had games in normal, high and very high and I am a 3k player. It seems kinda random to me, depending on who you get matched against

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                  Russell Westbrook

                    only matches where dotabuff is super sure about what bracket its in are shown as the according bracket, otherwise if its unsure about it it wont display it.


                      anyone can tell me normal, high , very high skill mean what ( in term of KDA, last hit, gpm, or something else)?..... confusing about that

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                        Im quite confused too, one of my friends is a 2.7k MMR player and yet some of his games get labelled "high skill" whereas some of my friends who have a higher or equal MMR do not have any labels on their games.

                        kanye went to uni


                          Dev's comment (this is from two years ago but I assume it still holds): "The labels that we use to sort replays are independent of matchmaking and were intended for players who want to find a high level game with a hero they want to learn."


                            if it is calculated with the mmr , then how could i've got "very high skills" in some normal matches?