General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you solo Weaver against 2 nukers?

How do you solo Weaver against 2 nukers? in General Discussion

    It has been painful to see every time I pick Weaver, I lane against 2 nukers+disablers.
    How do you handle these guys? They buy sentries after I harras the main last hitter. After they buy the sentries, I'm done for. 3+ 150 dmg nukes and a single disable is enough to wipe my ass. Should I change my build? or just rush for ring of regen instead of aquila-other dmg items?
    It's really confusing to play against these guys such as Tinker+Rubick or Death Prophet+Lion.
    I don't know why this happens but seriously, they come to lane instead of going mid, and they wreck my crap out. Most of the time I get no help because of we have a jungler or a hard carry that needs more than 1 support.
    Or should I try to solo the safe lane?


      You don't. dp + lion u are daed

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      Not Bob

        You can't really go weaver against duo nuking lane. you're going ro be nuked over and over until one gets their ultimate and can kill you, if they haven't already. i'd say rush ring of health or just play a more durable offlaner?

        King of Low Prio

          be flexible with your lanes, weaver can go safe, mid or offlane


            Rushing ring of health wasn't really successful either, because I mainly cant even get close to exp range. They also do not need their ultimates to kill me as a Weaver with about ~600 health.
            Playing another hero is not the case though, I just need to know if there is a way that I can gain my early game against nukers.
            Also yes, Death Prophet is probably the worse scenario. Getting nuked every 5 second was quite weird.
            I dont think anything can help me against DP @ early game. Anything at all, except a support.


              I'm not a really good offlaner, but I've made Weavers win their lane by going with them with Lich or some other support with a nuke stun/slow to feed him early kills. So I guess you don't really have to go solo with Weaver, even if he's decent at that, specially if he's facing a lane he won't be able to take advantage of and possibly get killed. Get a strong early game support to go with you and your opponents will have trouble focusing just one hero because the other one will be killing them.

              From what I've seen other Weavers do, don't use shukuchi inmediately to escape and just walk away if possible when they have sentrys, because most times the supports will wait for you to shukuchi to throw their nuke disable. If the lane is too difficult, then just play like a regular offlaner and focus on leeching exp, some gold and not being too aggresive to not die so you can go for some cheap, but efficient early game item.

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              Russell Westbrook

                weaver offlane isnt great anyway, you should be playing him in a 1v1/1v2 safelane, even more so when on the dire offlane


                  The bad thing is that not every single player in this game will allow me to swap lanes.

                  Dire Wolf

                    If you can't swap lanes then just try to hang back and get xp. Weaver can farm up ok later. You can go gank other lanes once you have some levels.



                      Offlane is not supposed to get farm. You are supposed to bind 2 supports permanently on the lane, so ensure their carrys farm. So you ideally creat space for your supports to gank (if your trilane goes better). If you sit back, get some xp and farm without dying, you are allready winning the lane. Itembuilts should be flexible.

                      If you can farmup a ROH, go for it. If not, get tranquilboots. I built a ring of aquilla always, cause the stats are rly needed on weaver. If you need hp, go for a casual bracer. You can built it into drums, if needed for team.

                      If you can't go the standard linken into dps built, go for a medallion of courage for some midgamepresence. Weaver is a very flexible hero, with decent midgamepresence. You can do shitton of carrystuff, with good items, but still be usefull during midgame thx to your chasing potential and low cd nuke.


                      Weaver is not a T1 pick against trilanes. There are better heros to deal with a defensive trilane.

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                        "How do you solo Weaver against 2 nukers?"

                        pretty much: you don't.

                        if they have dust rather than sentries for you, then try to shukuchi out of vision if you're using it to last hit. if you're in vision and they see you shukuchi facing towards creeps, then it's obvious that you're going to use it to cs, making it easy to kill you.

                        if they have sentries in lane then you can't use shukuchi to cs at all. that would be like a dark seer with level 1 surge walking up to the creep wave vs sven + cm for example.

                        if you can't go linkens, alternative stat items are aquila and casual bracer, which will give +9 str and +12 agi, basically the same as what drum gives. you can also upgrade the bracer to a full drum if you can't get anything else, or an ogre club for the eventual BKB which you'll probably need if you're not going linkens.

                        if you need a BKB asap to participate in early fights, rush it and just be more conserative with your mana, since you can't shukuchi every creep wave unlike with linkens.

                        for hp regen an old build used to be hood + vit booster, as opposed to vanguard due to the damage block being nerfed.
                        a medallion of courage can help in ganks as mark said, giving you a decent boost in early game damage, as well as some mana sustain.


                          when they counter should honestly repick.

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